There aren't millions in a situation like this. How many guys have life destroying hair loss (NW5 or beyond) at age 25 or younger, and did not have a wife when the baldness hit? I estimate that those numbers are in the hundreds in each country. And these guys are the ones that you don't hear about because they've shut themselves off or sought therapy. In this case I agree with
@blackg . If you're already married when you start losing your hair, you're not in the same situation. If you're over 25 and below NW5, you're not in the same situation. If you're below NW5 at all, you're not in the same situation. Reduce that "literally millions" by the people that I removed in the last few sentences and you'll see that there aren't literally millions.
The question still remains. How can a bald guy get married these days? He can't. So how can a bald guy find meaning in his life without having a family? That's difficult but I agree that it's not necessarily impossible.