Thinking of throwing in the towel with fighting this sh*t


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Re: Thinking of throwing in the towel with fighting this sh*t

sandovalusa said:
People never really noticed when I was balding, but when I started shaving my head, I got stares, comments, jokes, and all sorts of crap!

uh oh....In before Uncomfortable Man comes in with "see, this post PROVES that bald men are shunned, persecuted, mocked and eventually beheaded...the world hates us"

seriously though...I can relate to feeling down about it at such a young age. But at the end of the day you gotta realize that nobody comes close to caring about it nearly as much as you. And when you feel discomfort with having a bald head, you're gonna be more likely to interpret jokes and comments in a more negative way than they really were meant. That is a fact. You go to university/college, right? Same gotta realize that having a completely shaved/bald head is a very uncommon thing (doesn't mean its bad though, just means it isn't the "norm") so obviously its going to attract thing is that you've gotta be positive about it...don't shy away from it, just understand that the MAJORITY of the time, the source of it isn't malicious, its just how people are. Do you know any really tall guys (like 6-5 and up)? Ask them how many times they get stared at or how many people make comments like "omg you're so tall! Hows the weather up there?" These comments aren't (most of the time) meant to hurt of ridicule the person, its just that many people don't understand that the person they are making the comments to may feel bad about their condition (be it tall, short, bald) and therefore don't think they're being mean. From personal experience though, I know that when you feel sensitive about it, then ANY comment...even a completely innocent and lighthearted one will feel like an insult. You've just gotta understand that by virtue of it it standing out...having a fully bald head will draw attention to all depends on how you view yourself though and how you're able to interpret and deal with that attention.

uncomfortable man

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Re: Thinking of throwing in the towel with fighting this sh*t

I just talk about my own experiences from my perspective...not projecting them on every bald man, like you think I am. I never said every bald man goes through what I do, but it is obvious that I am not the only one experiencing this...again, like you think I am. I can't account for why some people get the treatment and others (like yourself) don't. I'm sure it's complicated and there are many factors like how well you suit the bald look, your age, what kind of company you keep, how sensitive you are, etc. But anyway, I understand what Sandoval is going through and just wanted him to know that he has my full support.