This one should start some debate...


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tynanW said:
It's me Mr G, I'm back!!!

with a new layer of fluffy light velus hair a new suit and a step in my walk, ready to tell the truth and deliver some edutainmant (got that one off one of the many hip-hop self-help forums I visit)








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That was a very informative thread (not because of Ty's return) - so
I'm going to BUMP it.

It would be interesting to know *how* minoxidil is supposed to work.
That could shed some light on minoxidil's long term efficiacy and the mysterious minoxidil-dependency. Is it only increased blood flow around
the follicle (don't think so) ? Bryan ?


not me!

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As interesting as this thread and all of the theories involved are. think of it like this:

I know that you all have hear of a bell curve. Basically, it is a curve that goes up, levels off, then goes back down. Simple, right? Eh, maybe.

Now, think of minoxidil efficiancy as that curve. Say, at halfway up the "upslope" your 2% comes into play. That is where it sits, fat dumb and happy.

5% is at nearly the top of the "upslope."

Now, look at where 15% is. Holy sh*t! Its past the plateau and all the way on the other side!

The 15 % is roughly LESS effective than the 2%!!!

Now, is this proven? Nope. However, it also is NOT NOT proven. And if you think that there is no speculation to this theory on minoxidil efficiency with top dermatologists, hair transplant physicians, AND HM researchers, then you're kidding yourself.

Want proof? Then piss off, I don't have any and I don't need any. I have nothing against Dr. Lee or his products. I think he does a fine job, on the contrary. I just hold high regards with those that think that minoxidil shows true "bell curve' performance potential. People MUCH smarter than me have pointed this out.

Bryan, you seem to be pretty astute in all matters chemical. I would be very interested in what you have to say about it.


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Gardener, e-mail this question to Dr. Lee. :)