What argument are you arguing against here? Just to be clear, what do you think I've said that is so false?
Do you think I said "steroids don't cause you to gain muscle"? Because I never said that. Do you think I said "Matthew McConaughey MUST be using steroids to get his physique?" Because I never said that.
I said people have genetically different responses to exercise. Steroids can amplify your genetic potential. But many people who use steroids use them very casually with very mediocre training and genetics and do not look remarkable because of it.
Yes, I used test-e for 4 months. Yes, I had blood tests proving it was in my system. The 5-10 pounds I gained over this time period made me look no different than when I have gained 5-10 pounds naturally. No, I did not look particularly special or different because of it. You can believe me or not. It doesn't matter. I had to stop due to increased hair loss and will not be using them again, though I still have vials in my basement.
You seem to be trying to argue just for the sake of arguing.
I have proven a 10 week steroid cycle of 600 mg test/week with weight training can make you on average gain about 6 kg of muscle, eg. going from 130 lb 15% body fat to 143 lb 14% body fat. This type of muscle gain would not make anyone obviously look at a guy and say "THAT'S A STEROID USER". That would be impossible. As I have said, this is typically how steroids are used in Hollywood, in short cycles to help guys get in shape faster for roles when they are coming up quickly or need to go from "skinny" to "built" quickly.
I have proven that some people are comparatively very unresponsive to weight training, while others respond very easily, and this is due to genetic differences in how their muscles respond to resistance training. The same is true of endurance training and there are plenty of studies showing that as well.
Those were the only points I have made regarding anything to do with muscles or steroids, and I don't think any of it should be controversial. I have made my point. The science has made my point. I have nothing further to say. If you want to keep pretending I have said something different or posting rambling insults, be my guest.
Please at least try to read what I've said and make sure what you're replying is not just a reflex need to insult someone because they have challenged your "expertise" or ego. It's a waste of everyone's time.
Good luck.