Thom's Story: 1 year big 3 & temple regrowth pg. 7


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

Thanks Thom, I greatly appreciate it. Do you know about minoxidil (Rogaine) and do you in face have to like a solid bald spot to apply it too or you just like douse it in a bunch of thin areas? Honestly I think what you are doing and taking Propecia is the best out of them all & awesome comment about having great hair in year with definitely the difference that you are already seeing. Have you noticed anything of your hairline in the front or has that always been good?


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

Well I go through a can of foam minoxidil in about a week and a half and I just really lather my crown and the whole top of my head even though the main thin spots are my crown and right above my crown.

As far as my hairline, it's a bit higher than it was about 3 years ago but it hasn't got too bad so I'm not sure if my forehead just matured as some do in their early 20's or I receded. I put the foam around the temples anyway just to be safe!

Here's a photo with my sister showing my hairline. It's from around Christmastime and the most recent photo I have. My hair is about 2 inches longer now though.


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

I have to say my scalp itch is gone completely, it's a wonderful feeling!

I bought a shower filter that gets rid of city water chemicals so that could be a factor but I only use Nizoral twice a week if that.


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

Awesome to hear about the loss of the scalp itch, definitely a great feeling and more than likely a good sign associated with finasteride. I got into one of my OCD moments one time and my numerously brushing, I actually made my head hurt and feel like it was like on fire, but that flame-on situation was utterly stupid on my part. My head itches on occasion but not too much....that's like one of the huge signs of male pattern baldness, right? And do you know is it usually a small consistent itch or something that is sort of painful? Thanks man.


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

I have heard it is a sign but then again I've talked to people who've never got it! I don't know the reason for it though.

I'm not sure your itch is an male pattern baldness itch though because mine wasn't like fire so much as it was just a constant nagging itch that wouldn't go away. It would last throughout the day. A really frustrating thing to go through!

I think my itch going away is due to the filtered shower hear, Nizoral, and I use a Bed Head moisturizing shampoo so it doesn't dry out. Not sure if the finasteride or iron pills have made it go away or the three I just mentioned.

Not complaining though! Just had a date with a beautiful girl who didn't seem to mind the thin spot!


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

Awesome about the date! You know, lots of people say that probably others don't really look or care about outward appearances and more value the inward values but I know as me as individual, when you like dwell over something, it just gives you this false assumption that my "oh my gosh they are looking at my hair" but in all honesty, they probably 100% don't care. I hope that you continue to get great results!


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

You're probably right. She said she didn't even notice it because she's short haha but I think it's getting covered up quite nice anyway.

It is all about confidence but it's hard to be confident when you're constantly worried about losing your hair lol. Apparently she's been trying to get to know me all semester, yet this whole time I've been thinking my thin spot stands out so I haven't been as confident with girls as in the past. Doing the big 3 is bringing it back though!


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

Just noticed the dark circles under my eyes today. I'm guessing it's a minoxidil side.

I may look like a junkie now...but at least I will look like a junkie with hair.


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)

Here are my month 3 pics and I am very surprised by them! I didn't think that my results would be this good but I am not sure I can attribute this to growing my hair out or not. Any input appreciated!


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)...( UPDATE: Page 4)

Thom, I think it's looking awesome and congratulations on great results! I didn't think your hair loss before wasn't too bad but I am definitely seeing a difference from prior photos!! I think growing it out definitely helps but again, I think it's working good. Any really bad sheds recently at all?


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)...( UPDATE: Page 4)

Thanks man! I haven't noticed hardly any sheds but I haven't been looking really. I figured now that I am doing all I can do I can stop worrying and all. I will say my hair is growing extremely fast. Most people's grow about half an inch a month but I think mine's been growing an inch a month. It might be because of the biotin I've been taking.


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)...( UPDATE: Page 4)

Wow, I'm on biotin also. I'm taking 1,000mcgs daily & I could swear that my left side of my head on top was thinning or shedding a bit but maybe not. You probably didn't notice anything like that right? Also how many mcgs are you taking?


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)...( UPDATE: Page 4)

Yeah I sure haven't noticed any shedding and it's crazy how fast my hair is growing. No one even knows I'm thinning now it looks so good. I'm taking about the same amount you are. I'm so happy to be growing my hair out long again! It was always my thing in the past and I don't feel right with my hair short.


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)...( UPDATE: Page 4)

Well at this point everyone tells me they can't notice the thinning and it just looks like a growth spot so I don't know if I want to spend the extra money and all.


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)...( UPDATE: Page 4)

Hey all, here's my 4 month update. Pictures don't look all that much different but I'm still pretty happy with everything.

I have to admit when I use a fine tooth comb to comb my hair forward when it's wet it looks really bad and you can see the whole top of my head on top. However, I have read that is a symptom of Telogen Effluvium and, of course, I had the terrible 3 month long crash diet last year which ended late November. Apparently if you suffer from Telogen Effluvium it takes up to 6 months to start seeing density again,

Besides that, no more shedding and no finasteride symptoms I'm aware of (that I didn't already have before starting finasteride).


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Re: Thom's Story (with pics)...( UPDATE: Page 4)

Oh, here is more evidence that I had Telogen Effluvium. This is a picture from Christmas day, as you can see I have strips along the side of my head where you can see skin. I have seen many pictures of Telogen Effluvium that looked just like this.


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

On foam or liquid and how much you use? And where all do you apply.



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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

I was using a lot of foam...going through a can in about a week and a half. I recently started using liquid at night and foam in the morning. I still use a lot though because I'm afraid I miss a spot.

I generally use it over the whole top of my head.


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

Awesome, man. I too am getting a crown patch so this just might inspire me! :woot:

Congratz on your new hair, man and use it wisely. :bravo:


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

how recent have you started the liquid, and how much do you use ?