Thom's Story: 1 year big 3 & temple regrowth pg. 7


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

Glad to help IAA! Growing it out has something to do with it of course, I'm afraid to ever cut it lol but it's still a lot thicker in those areas than before. I'm just excited to be able to have my hair long like the old days haha.

Irish- I actually just bought my first supply of liquid last week to save money. I use quite a bit because, as oily as it is and how long my hair is, I can never tell how much I covered. Generally I would say it's about 4 squeezes of the dropper (couldn't think of any good way to word that lol.)

Side note: My head started itching really badly today and it hasn't for a long time. I had about 5 hairs come out when I combed which never happens anymore and it freaked me out that I might be in for another shed. I drank last night so maybe that irritated my scalp?


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

Thom said:
Glad to help IAA! Growing it out has something to do with it of course, I'm afraid to ever cut it lol but it's still a lot thicker in those areas than before. I'm just excited to be able to have my hair long like the old days haha.

Irish- I actually just bought my first supply of liquid last week to save money. I use quite a bit because, as oily as it is and how long my hair is, I can never tell how much I covered. Generally I would say it's about 4 squeezes of the dropper (couldn't think of any good way to word that lol.)

Side note: My head started itching really badly today and it hasn't for a long time. I had about 5 hairs come out when I combed which never happens anymore and it freaked me out that I might be in for another shed. I drank last night so maybe that irritated my scalp?
One stroke of the comb? If so, even that is quite normal. I've got some non-balding friends who shed a lot but they're definately not balding.


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

Well, perhaps not one stroke of the comb. It was from combing my hair on top to the side. It doesn't usually shed that much so it was a bit strange that it coincided with the return of my scalp itch.

I have lost so much density on the top of my head but it does not seem that the hairs themselves are more thin or wispy. I am wondering if that means I'm not balding on was just Telogen Effluvium? The crown is quite wispy though, I'm definitely losing it there.

Maybe the liquid minoxidil upsets my scalp as opposed to the foam?


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

Thom said:
Well, perhaps not one stroke of the comb. It was from combing my hair on top to the side. It doesn't usually shed that much so it was a bit strange that it coincided with the return of my scalp itch.

I have lost so much density on the top of my head but it does not seem that the hairs themselves are more thin or wispy. I am wondering if that means I'm not balding on was just Telogen Effluvium? The crown is quite wispy though, I'm definitely losing it there.

Maybe the liquid minoxidil upsets my scalp as opposed to the foam?
Dude, 5 hairs is very normal, I know many people who get more than that after a comb. In fact my sister gets more hair on her combs when she brushes her hair, so 5 hairs is no worries, plus it's not about the hair that come out, it's about how they come back.

I think it could just be Telogen Effluvium, especially if your hair ain't thin. I think I too have Telogen Effluvium because the left side of my head has very few hair like you, but the right side of my head is normal. (The area above the ears etc the horseshoe).

Any sides on the finasteride to report?


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

Yeah you're right. I still tend to worry about it haha. Do you get the scalp itch too? I've had it for 2 years now and it's awful.

I haven't noticed any finasteride sides as of late. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I already had "those problems" before starting finasteride but I have an appointment with the urologist next month to see what's up. To be honest, I think those problems have actually gotten better since starting finasteride!

I'm going to go back to my dermatologist though and see if I can't get a prescription for Proscar...Propecia is killing me financially.


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

Thom said:
Yeah you're right. I still tend to worry about it haha. Do you get the scalp itch too? I've had it for 2 years now and it's awful.

I haven't noticed any finasteride sides as of late. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I already had "those problems" before starting finasteride but I have an appointment with the urologist next month to see what's up. To be honest, I think those problems have actually gotten better since starting finasteride!

I'm going to go back to my dermatologist though and see if I can't get a prescription for Proscar...Propecia is killing me financially.
Well to be honest i get scalp itch but my whole body itches constantly as well so I don't think I can tell whether or not it's male pattern baldness, lol.

That's good that you haven't noticed sides, and BTW I advise you to not grow your hair, just keep it medium with hairline spiked, you'll look good with that look, judging by your pic.

Lol, definately get on proscar, it'll save you a ton of money.


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

I don't know about the whole body itching man, maybe it's a deficiency of some sort? I know I'm a bit deficient in iron so I take supplements for it.

I appreciate it, and girls like the short hair more as well, but long hair was always my thing and I just like it for some reason. If I lose my hair someday I don't want to regret not having it long while I could.

Here's an old modeling photo I did way back in the day. I looked like one of the Hanson kids haha. I just want my hair to look this healthy again! This is about 5 years old though.


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

Haha! Yeah, it was pretty girly, I won't have my hair like that again.

but then again I'd rather look like a Hanson than the alternative. As you can tell, my face structure probably wouldn't look good bald lol.


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Re: Thom's Story: 4 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 5)

I haven'y posted in a couple months so I thought it was due time for an update. My hair has gotten a lot longer and looks great! I just returned home from New York so I'm posting a couple pics showing the status of my hair.

The first two are from the front and one is from the back where there is no hair loss visible! I can still see my scalp when my hair is wet but if that is the worst so be it.


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Wow man you look good. Keep it up man. :punk: :bravo:


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Thanks! it feels good to not have to worry about it anymore haha


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Haha, that hair pun was totally intended. Check out the hottie in the background of that pic btw, you're lucky she didn't eat your roots before you got there :p

Looks awesome though man, congrats!


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Haha! Surprisingly enough there's very few overweight people in NYC, and if you see one it's almost always a tourist. You have to walk everywhere you go!

Lots of balding guys though....and tons of funny combovers. My itch came back today but I drank the night before. I was seem to get itchy scalp the day after drinking. Correlation?


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Well, it has been 7 months now and I decided not to put up pictures as it looks the same as it has.

Instead I have a question. I have a slight itch that has come back and have been shedding a lot of hairs but the hairs I shed are all the thin, wispy hairs that were dying already.

I know it is common to shed that hair and usually a good thing but I thought that the initial big shed was about 4 months in and I'm on month 7 so it has me worried. I wake up with about 10 wispy hairs on my pillow and lose about 15-20 in the shower.

I visited my Grandfather in Chicago last week and while we were at the Shedd Aquariam he asked, "What happened to your hair? There's less of it." I was upset by it because all my friends tell me they don't even notice my hair loss. Maybe I was just under a bad light.

Anyway, enough of the rambling, just needed some encouragement I suppose!


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Whenever I drink, I shed massive hairs the next morning...


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Good to hear I'm not the only one. It seems to only be vodka, gin, and whiskey that affects me that way. I downed a bottle of white wine last night with little to no itching today.

I wonder why it affects us like that?


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

If I am not wrong then alcohol increases the sebum production on the scalp resulting oily hairs/itchiness etc


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Makes sense to me!


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

Well guys, I wish I could pop up on here a year later with a great success story but I messed up big time and my hair suffered. Last August I moved out and to save money I would eat one small meal a day due to money problems. I also began thinking my success in my crown region was only due to minoxidil so I quit it and stayed only with finasteride. Right around Christmas I began losing a lot of hair in the crown and now it seems that my bad diet is catching up with me because I shed globs of hair in the shower and my bangs have thinned considerably.

The hairs all have small white bulbs so I think it is Telogen Effluvium in the front but the shedding won't stop. I started minoxidil again and not I'm going to spread it on the top to hopefully stop the Telogen Effluvium. The only thing keeping me looking alright it toppik!!

I didn't realize how much the minoxidil worked. Man, I'm self-destructive. Hopefully I can get my gains back??


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Re: Thom's Story: 6 months on big 3...(NEW PICS: PG 6!!)

I realize this update was just a few weeks ago but I'm popping back on to say that my thin spot has cleared up (I'm almost to month 2 of re-starting minoxidil) so I'm pretty much back to where I was when it grew back! The bantgs seem to be thickening up again too and I am no longer shedding like crazy.