I will tell you exactly why this is - because men are f*cking balding. This is the factor that changes the whole equation. This is the main and most common factor to kill men's appearance.
Think about it, besides hair, what is really the difference between men and women? why women are considered more attractive? there are not more women with good face than men with good face, only makeup cause it to look like this of course. Also men have naturally lower body fat, which add some points, and beard which is nice addition too.
Im sure in the future, when the ultimate cure will be there and available to everyone, and all men will be fullheads with dense hair, the whole dating market gonna change completely, the average man can get girls more easily.
I think it will also effect the family idea as we know it - since men wont be ready to settle so soon, and also will have the ability to cheat more and break the marriage.
If you think about this, maybe this is the whole point of baldness - to force the man to settle fast, have family, and be locked to his wife since he dont have the ability to cheat, since baldness makes him look like pure sh*t.
So the cure of baldness going to change the path of human evolution.
Wow, that was very deep, damn ...