Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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I would not fast before the date because fasting can make you feel out of sorts, tired, impatient etc.

That is just me personally.
Yeah, David try not to fast before an important date. You may get hangry!

Good luck.

I'm pleased to see you getting out there!


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The only thing you should fast at is masturbating.

Don't masturbate tonight and all day tomorrow.
Save it for the date.

Worst advice ever

Don't go out there with a loaded gun David, you'll take someone's eye out


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Ask her how many sexual partners she's had in the past. Girls love that!

Tell them your tired of head games, and you want them to give you head!

Then say you like to pop virgin cherries. Tell them that your tired of relieving
your middle leg in the bathroom!

If they don't give you head, you're heading out the door!
Last edited:


The amount of times when women have asked me how many men they have slept with and then I tell them and they don't tell me how many they've slept with!

I always really want to know but its a taboo to ask in the uk


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Amazing, how certain months are better then the other

A few months back you were getting zero, now you're starting to show numbers.

let's hope these dates actually take place, and as I mentioned earlier dont forget to f*****g call.

Calling does wonders for demonstrating you are the real deal, and that you are interested. Not just another texting chump. Tends to make women feel more confident in there decision to meet up.

It's important to put a voice to a photo.

shook delivers insane formulations from time to time

I curious what kind of girls do David slays if they are hot my looks theory is debunked since David is 5\10 aspie with incel hobbies at best... Albeit very intelligent but it doesn't help

if they are fat or lower than 6/10 I do not what we are discussing tbh

"I had sex/date with a girl" is not the same if she is 4/10 or 7/10


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shook i had comparable numbers in March/April/May, I quit because I had an upcoming move, and I was too lazy to replace an upcoming cell phone.

I've also so far gotten zero dates off the apps I was using previously: okcupid, plentyoffish, and tinder. I think OkCupid is dead though, I'll send a few more messages but by the end of next week that will be the end.

I did get a sprinkling of dates from eHarmony last year, but it was a lot of work and they're annoying, so I probably won't set it up again.


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I can confirm for Okcupid and POF being mostly dead since Tinder came along.

About 90% of my lays this year came from Tinder.

Two (low-quality) bangs from Okcupid and POF though, helped me get over my ex faster at the time.

Are you still seeing the Argentinean girl?


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I broke up with her (and three other girls) 6 months ago to be exclusive with my current girlfriend.

For the anecdote: I checked her Facebook recently, apparently she found herself a perfect NW1 twink.

I bet muscular ripped shaved badasses didn't give her a chance so she settled with a pathetic nw1 twink


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I broke up with her (and three other girls) 6 months ago to be exclusive with my current girlfriend.

For the anecdote: I checked her Facebook recently, apparently she found herself a perfect NW1 twink.

Half of all women have a fall-back partner on call should their current relationship turn sour, it emerged today.

A substantial percentage have kept another man in mind in case they end up single.

And married women are more likely have a Plan B in the background than those who are just in a relationship.

It also emerged the back-up is likely to be an old friend who has always had feelings for the woman in question.

But other candidates are an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband, a colleague - or someone who they have met at the gym.

One in five said they were confident he would 'drop everything' for her, if she asked him to

The survey of 1,000 women also found Plan B is also likely to be someone whom she has known for around seven years, who will be 'ready and waiting' because of 'unfinished business'.




Half of all women have a fall-back partner on call should their current relationship turn sour, it emerged today.

A substantial percentage have kept another man in mind in case they end up single.

And married women are more likely have a Plan B in the background than those who are just in a relationship.

It also emerged the back-up is likely to be an old friend who has always had feelings for the woman in question.

But other candidates are an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband, a colleague - or someone who they have met at the gym.

One in five said they were confident he would 'drop everything' for her, if she asked him to

The survey of 1,000 women also found Plan B is also likely to be someone whom she has known for around seven years, who will be 'ready and waiting' because of 'unfinished business'.

Makes sense.

We've all got old f*** buddies etc


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I'd be honestly surprised if she didn't. Girls can find replacements very, very quickly.



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The guy pretty much looks like a young Petyr Baelish from Game of Thrones.


Regarding what @shookwun posted, it's spot on, I think it's actually the guy she was dating before me.

She told me he was bipolar, that sometimes he would leave her on the spot because he sensed he was going to have a manic episode.

The power of a NW1, cancels all your flaws and other mental disorders.

That guy was also the mayor of Baltimore in The Wire and he worked for the CIA in The Dark Knight Rises.

You're amazing for competing with that Fred, congratulations.


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he'll always be Tommy Carcetti to me


follicles of the gods
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