Tissuse And J. Hewitt: Smart Hair Transplant Trial In 2019!


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Very nice, that study is only a month old! Seems like when one door closes, another one opens.
more like it over a year old. A lot of time passes from first draft of a publication till it is published ;) in the medical field. So maybe by now they know if it really works


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I'd be more concerned about the gene expression that DHT has altered. It's easy to stop DHT, but reversing the changes it's made in gene expression is very difficult. Shouldn't be any more of a problem here than it is with hair transplants since they are working with cells from occipital follicles.

Fair, I'm also banking on the fact that they're occipital cells helps them resist DHT but I'm not sold that there aren't plenty of unaccounted for factors that'll stop HF formation in a real scalp as opposed to a skin-growth medium.


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Kinda puts a damper on things that Hewitt had the trials pushed back right before a pandemic though.


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It will set all medical research back 10 years just like the housing crisis. Lee Buckler talking about a wave of bankruptcies coming to biotech.At Tsuji and Tissuse should be ok.

I don't know about that. Histogen is reportedly going into clinical trials in 2nd qtr 2020. Some research groups may postpone stuff but others may not. Nobody knows what Tsuji is doing.


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It will set all medical research back 10 years just like the housing crisis. Lee Buckler talking about a wave of bankruptcies coming to biotech.At Tsuji and Tissuse should be ok.

Sure, some bankruptcies will result from the Coronavirus mess but that doesn't mean that everything in biotech is grinding to a halt. There are a lot of weak biotech firms out there and a lot of the weak ones won't survive the Coronavirus but there will still be a lot of biotechs on the market when the Coronavirus threat passes.


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Funny you brought this up again. I was just reading this over on longecity.

You do know that if it wasn't for the mortgage crisis we would probably have had Intercytex years ago. I don't know where people get the idea that it's so easy to get funding in biotech. Things are, or were, starting to shift, but it's never been like tech where people will throw money at anything until something sticks. There are a lot more barriers to commercialization in biotech, and patience is a must. If you got rid of lawyers and the FDA we would have all been cured by now. So many very promising treatments for serious diseases get abandoned because of small risks, and people think investors are just going to throw billions at hair loss research. Look at the Curis thread, P&G had a treatment that they knew worked, but they weren't willing to put just $20 million dollars into it to see if it was safe because even if it made it through the FDA, if just one person got cancer that's a billion dollar lawsuit.

The mortgage crisis is not why Intercytex did not come to market. Intercytex and Aderans were both sh*t-canned because they didn't grow enough hair.


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The results of Aderans were amazing. No more hair loss after treatment. What do you call it?

Hey, I'm with you in the sense that I would have been happy to get an injectable treatment that would protect the hair I have and given me even just a little more hair but the investors wanted more than that. This isn't about what you and I would have been happy with. Aderans and Intercytex didn't consult with us before they pulled the plug. They consulted with their investors and their investors decided not to invest any more money into those projects because they were dissatisfied with the results. The investors wanted more regrowth.
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That Guy

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This post is ignorant. Tell the 100,000 USA dead (so far) that it's all a hoax.

Lmao imagine being so much of a CNN-addicted brainlet that you actually believe anyone has died from "Coronavirus"


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Lmao imagine being so much of a CNN-addicted brainlet that you actually believe anyone has died from "Coronavirus"

Hey, That Guy, how are you doing?

How's my favorite conspiracy theorist?

Actually, I check with Trump's CDC for the death count of Coronavirus each day.
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No kidding. After the financial crisis investors shied away. Liquidity evaporated, and for those who were liquid better opportunities opened up.

OK, but I don't care. And I'm done with this convo. Investors dropped those projects because they were dissatisfied with trial results. The research leaders may have tried unsuccessfully to get other funding but mediocre results would have made that a problem as well. If either of those projects regrew full heads of hair they would have gotten funding to proceed.
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Watch it folks we have someone who is triggered by reality.

That Guy's biggest problem is that he's unable to learn anything that he does not want to believe. It's too bad because he's kind of smart and articulate. It's unfortunate that his brain is such fertile breeding grounds for the wildest of conspiracy theories.
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