Funny you brought this up again. I was just reading
this over on longecity.
You do know that if it wasn't for the mortgage crisis we would probably have had Intercytex years ago. I don't know where people get the idea that it's so easy to get funding in biotech. Things are, or were, starting to shift, but it's never been like tech where people will throw money at anything until something sticks. There are a lot more barriers to commercialization in biotech, and patience is a must. If you got rid of lawyers and the FDA we would have all been cured by now. So many very promising treatments for serious diseases get abandoned because of small risks, and people think investors are just going to throw billions at hair loss research. Look at the Curis thread, P&G had a treatment that they knew worked, but they weren't willing to put just $20 million dollars into it to see if it was safe because even if it made it through the FDA, if just one person got cancer that's a billion dollar lawsuit.