I don't think there are any updates other than the updates we got months ago.
I think that it was always a big scam. I think the hair website called "Follicle Thought" invented that bullshit. I think the guy who owns/runs "Follicle Thought" maybe knows someone in charge at J. Hewitt and together they cooked up the phony idea of the 2019 clinical trial to get the "Follicle Thought" website on the map. Keep in mind that J. Hewitt is not a giant drug company. It's literally a tiny company.
After Follicle Thought publicized that phony TissUse trial bullshit all of a sudden "Follicle Thought" became a major hair loss website out of the clear blue. At that time, Follicle Thought was a small site that could not compete against the big-boy hair websites but after the "Follicle Thought" bs "news" about the TissUse smart hair transplant "Follicle Thought" became a big player in the hair loss website competition.
Then the guy at J. Hewitt informs "Follicle Thought" posters that the cellular company that was supposed to do the hair treatment trial was demanding the right to "steal" the technology as part of the deal with J. Hewitt to test the technology. Next, J. Hewitt came up with the contrived story that cellular companies in all of Asia are refusing to do the cultured cell hair loss experiment for J. Hewitt because Shiseido doesn't want them to.
You can't make this stuff up. It all sounds like bullshit to me. It looks to me like the entire story was set-up to make "Follicle Thought" seem important and get them on the map of important hair loss websites.