Tissuse Interview, Ask Your Questions Here!


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Sehr geehrter Herr ,

Wir gehen wie geplant davon aus, dass wir das Interview diese Woche fertigstellen.

Beste Grüße,

Das TissUse Team

Dear Mr ,

As planned, we expect the interview to be completed this week.

Best regards,

The TissUse team

PS: For every f*****g idiot before it starts again: I didn't translate it, nor will I do it in the future. Thank Google for errors.


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Sehr geehrter Herr ,

Wir gehen wie geplant davon aus, dass wir das Interview diese Woche fertigstellen.

Beste Grüße,

Das TissUse Team

Dear Mr ,

As planned, we expect the interview to be completed this week.

Best regards,

The TissUse team

PS: For every f*****g idiot before it starts again: I didn't translate it, nor will I do it in the future. Thank Google for errors.

Christian Miller

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First of, it was not me you were correcting! Second, correcting people on things that are not pertinent is what is mediocre ! What's the point? Other than showing you are superior ? Something that you tend to do very often. It is very annoying and brings nothing to the forum !!!
I am not showing off my superiority.
I just am superior to most of you.
You do understand that "safe" means something completely different than what "sure" does, don't you?
I just corrected the translation of "sicher" so that the right meaning would be attested.
Yet, you got a problem with that. Guess what? C' est ton problème.


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Son of a b**ch this whole morning every time I see something new was posted on this thread i think oh boy its this interview and then it's this......woopie. Every other thread is fucked I just want this one can we pretty please move this argument to the Colliseum? I hear the weather is exquisite there today and the smithy is already in to make whatever weapons you desire.

Christian Miller

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It was no essential info and you keep correcting every people on here and saying they are not intelligent enough (like Hellouser supposedly not good enough to attend the hair loss congress!)
How is that contributing to anything other than complementing your ego?
You f*****g piss me of every time I have to read one if your f*****g post !
Hellouser ain't intelligent. He's just another average Joe, which is NOT sth to be ashamed of.
The one who is sent there should be qualified for the job.
And Hellouser ain't.
That doesn't mean I ain't grateful for all he did last time.
It was great for the sake of all the effort he made but nothing came out of it.
True Story.


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Sehr geehrter Herr,

Wir haben soeben ein Interview an einen der Moderatoren des Forums „hairlosstalk“ versandt. Wenn wir es richtig verstanden haben, ist es das gleich Forum in dem Sie auch aktiv sind.

Das Interview sollte zeitnah im Forum verfügbar sein und alle ihre Fragen beantworten. Wir hoffen der Community damit einen spannenden Einblick in unsere Entwicklung und unsere Technologie geben zu können.

Beste Grüße,

Das TissUse Team

Dear Mr ,

We have just sent an interview to one of the moderators of the forum "hairlosstalk". If we have understood it correctly, it is the same forum in which you are also active.

The interview should be available promptly in the forum and answer all your questions. We hope to give the community an exciting insight into our development and our technology.

Best regards,

The TissUse team

So...who's got the interview? Not me...


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It seems there are some errors with the servor. I want to post some informations but I can't (like creating a thread and posting some pics : "error servor" )
@Admin @Roberto_72 @Wolf Pack


Established Member
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yes, seeing the forum off for 2 days and still with unresolved problems is interesting. i believe Nameless hacked the forum as a counterattack because he was banned =)


And yet, it's sad to see that some members were banned even if there is a little war between some of us (funny replies, etc..)
This forum is a great place in enhancing freedom of expression. It's an important thing for us, not like on BTT forum where some members like me were censored by Winston :D


Established Member
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they censored you because you were bringing too much useful biotech news and hope for baldies into the forum.
they like too keep the infos on new technology low, because it harms their advertising business if a cure comes up.
this got very clear to me when winston started to sabotage all our attempts to fund hellouser's congress trip. and i believe that was exactly the time when hellouser left the forum and came here, and 90% of the users followed.
people like spencer kobren make me sick. they should be beaten up and thrown in a river.
You are absolutely right... The BTT situation is sad...so sad...