Topical Cetrizine for Hair Loss instead of Finasteride (Propecia)


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Yup, I'm with Chromeo. Still coming along at a slow but constant pace. I'm in it for the long haul as long as things continue like this.

First time responder - I also started cet treatment about 6 weeks ago. So far - so good. Like Fan Halen and Chromeo, I have seen a definite improvement. Using it twice a day - morning and night with min in the middle of the day.


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First time responder - I also started cet treatment about 6 weeks ago. So far - so good. Like Fan Halen and Chromeo, I have seen a definite improvement. Using it twice a day - morning and night with min in the middle of the day.

Is minoxidil new or has it always been part of your regimen?


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Is minoxidil new or has it always been part of your regimen?

Have used Min for years with limited success. This maybe sound stupid but at my last annual physical, my blood work came back low for vitamin D. Doctor told me to take a supplement - he said he sees it a lot in his patients (Northeast - lack of sun in winter). I've read where vitamin D has an effect on hair growth - so I break open a few capsules and add it to my Cet and water. May not be doing anything since it seems oily, but I can't complain about the results I'm getting with the Cet.


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its all BS, the people claiming results arent posting pics, dont waste your time

Thanks for your input, Mike. xD

- - - Updated - - -

First time responder - I also started cet treatment about 6 weeks ago. So far - so good. Like Fan Halen and Chromeo, I have seen a definite improvement. Using it twice a day - morning and night with min in the middle of the day.

Good stuff, great to hear from someone else with positive results. Keep us updated on how things go.

I'm seeing a good increase in those thicker black hairs now, especially on the crown which is great news. I'm almost reluctant to buzz it off, hahah.

Diamond Dave

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its all BS, the people claiming results arent posting pics, dont waste your time

I have no reason to lie. I have nothing to sell you or to prove to you so if you're looking for a reason not to try Cet then just believe what you read from others like yourself who have never given it a chance. Then move on.


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The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated! Mark Twain.

Not in prison either... lol.

Sorry guys I've been swamped at the office with lots of 12 hour days. I'm taking new pictures this weekend and I will post them here for all to see. You can draw your own conclusions from the pics. Feb 1st completes 5 months on Cet and that's the bare minimum to see any results for any regime.

I don't know if there is a cosmetic difference yet or not because I have not taken any normal pics in 2 months but I have two major things to report:

1. The small hairs vellus hairs that were in bald areas continue to grow and lengthen and turn terminal. Some are now 1/2" long and getting thicker. This is a SLOW process, not a magic overnight cure. These are hairs in a previously 20 year plus bald area.

2. Many of the existing thick terminal hairs are sprouting 2 and 3 hairs from each follicle. Prior to starting Cet it was rare to see more than one hair coming from a follicle on the top of my scalp. See the last picture, there are a large number that have sprouted new hairs from the same follicle. I count 17 in that one sq/cm picture. That's a HUGE change because the hairs are thickening up much faster!!!!

Everyone needs to understand this one point: You cannot see the changes without magnification but they are happening. Compare these pics with the first ones I took. It's obvious the vellus hairs are getting stronger and longer and more in number. And it's obvious it's having an effect on the healthy hair as well. Look back at pages 4 and 6 and compare them to the new pics.

I'm taking new normal pics this weekend and will post them so we can tell if there is any change that can be seen.


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The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated! Mark Twain.

Not in prison either... lol.

Sorry guys I've been swamped at the office with lots of 12 hour days. I'm taking new pictures this weekend and I will post them here for all to see. You can draw your own conclusions from the pics. Feb 1st completes 5 months on Cet and that's the bare minimum to see any results for any regime.

I don't know if there is a cosmetic difference yet or not because I have not taken any overall pics in 2 months but I have two major things to report:

1. The small hairs vellus hairs that were in bald areas continue to grow and lengthen and turn terminal. Some are now 1/2" long and getting thicker. This is a SLOW process, not a magic overnight cure. These are hairs in a previously 20 year plus bald area.

2. Many of the existing thick terminal hairs are sprouting 2 and 3 hairs from each follicle. Prior to starting Cet it was rare to see more than one hair coming from a follicle on the top of my scalp. See the last pic, there are a large number that have sprouted new hairs from the same shaft.

Everyone needs to understand this one point: You cannot see the changes without magnification but they are happening. Compare these pics with the first ones I took. It's obvious the vellus hairs are getting stronger and longer and more in number. And it's obvious it's having an effect on the healthy hair as well.

That'a boy casperz! Glad you're back buddy..

Well....I have empty temples and you can't see anything there at all...but when I took tweezers and tried to grab on to something, a bunch of very blonde, short hairs were pulled out...not sure what that means...i would be at about 3 months at 1/day application...

...Gonna stick with 1/day ....added my laser helmet to help boost the matter...gonna go back to mixing in a bit of Tricomin as well....

...I have also took more care to get the filler out, so now things aren't as crusty..


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Good news Sparx4444! the people who stick with Cet are going to see results but it's going to take some time.


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Many of the existing thick terminal hairs are sprouting 2 and 3 hairs from each follicle. Prior to starting Cet it was rare to see more than one hair coming from a follicle on the top of my scalp. See the last picture, there are a large number that have sprouted new hairs from the same follicle. I count 17 in that one sq/cm picture. That's a HUGE change because the hairs are thickening up much faster!!!!

Welcome back, Casperz. This is exactly what I have been noticing too, many hairs beginning to sprout from the same place! This is obviously what we want to see. Excellent stuff. It just goes to show that if you are patient, results will come.

Be interesting to see what the experts like Michael "BS" Douglas18 have to say about this.


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The kid is only 17 cut him some slack. It can't be easy for him at his age and how rapid it's happening.


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New poster here -- I'm going on six weeks applying first azalaic acid (to boost penetration) cet & water then followed by minoxidil. I'm thinning only in the fontal region at hairline -- I've been working at keeping my hair line for well over 20 years at 49 years now. There is definite growth occurring as I've observed miniaturized hairs lengthening to a degree they hadn't previously -- and I'm acutely observant of my frontal scalp region having paid such close attention on a daily basis for many, many years. I'm too old to waste my time with nonsense. It would be ideal to find a chemist/professional who could optimize a cetirizine formula with the best possible vehicle/solution, whatever that may be. It probably is true that no pharmaceuticals would be interested in pursuing cet as there are many generics available worldwide so there wouldn't be great profit in it. My belief is that if results are being produced at this very low tech approach, there is potential to greatly improve the effectiveness.


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New poster here -- I'm going on six weeks applying first azalaic acid (to boost penetration) cet & water then followed by minoxidil. I'm thinning only in the fontal region at hairline -- I've been working at keeping my hair line for well over 20 years at 49 years now. There is definite growth occurring as I've observed miniaturized hairs lengthening to a degree they hadn't previously -- and I'm acutely observant of my frontal scalp region having paid such close attention on a daily basis for many, many years. I'm too old to waste my time with nonsense. It would be ideal to find a chemist/professional who could optimize a cetirizine formula with the best possible vehicle/solution, whatever that may be. It probably is true that no pharmaceuticals would be interested in pursuing cet as there are many generics available worldwide so there wouldn't be great profit in it. My belief is that if results are being produced at this very low tech approach, there is potential to greatly improve the effectiveness.

Great to hear more voices chiming in with positive reactions now. I totally agree that, if we are already seeing improvements with our crudely fashioned lo-fi solution, surely an optimized Cet mix has a chance of being even more effective. We know for sure now that this does have a definite effect in some cases. Exciting times ahead.


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I'm not sure I have the right mix, it does not stay properly on the scalp, it sort of... runs down to my temples. This can't be good.


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It probably is true that no pharmaceuticals would be interested in pursuing cet as there are many generics available worldwide so there wouldn't be great profit in it. My belief is that if results are being produced at this very low tech approach, there is potential to greatly improve the effectiveness.

This hits the nail on the head:

1. no one will want to manufacture this because there is no money in it.

2. No one knows at this point what the most effective mixture, strength or application schedule is.

It's going to be up to us to determine the most effective routine. It may be that half as much works better or maybe twice as much does. All we can do is muddle through and compare notes as we go.

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I'm not sure I have the right mix, it does not stay properly on the scalp, it sort of... runs down to my temples. This can't be good.

I use a finger to spread it around.

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One more thing I want to point out. In the pictures I posted yesterday the hairs may look sparse but you are looking
at one sq centimeter. Even the area's where I have full coverage look sparse at that 1cm magnification. The only difference is the thickness of each hair. So if all those small hairs continue to mature as I think they will I will have complete coverage in those once previously slick bald areas.


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Welcome back, Casperz. This is exactly what I have been noticing too, many hairs beginning to sprout from the same place! .

This whole > 1 hair / follicle thing is ... remarkable. :)

Do you guys experience any cognitive sides from cet? I ran the numbers on *possible* systemic absorption through the skin from cet based on the rabbit pfizer study and concluded we would be getting minimal doses in our blood - like 3% of an oral dose. but at the same time I can't help but feel that I get a bit of mental cloudiness from cet. I can still work fine, etc, just something that is that right on the edge of a real effect and psychosomatic nonsense.

And please, if anyone is going to claim that cet through the skin "bypasses the liver" you need to explain that. It's not like the stomach empties into the liver. Stomach -> intestines -> blood -> liver -> blood