Topical Cetrizine for Hair Loss instead of Finasteride (Propecia)


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Please remember that Cetirizine is one of the best studied drugs out there. The gyno described in the "case"-study was found in children who used adult-equivalent doses. There are rigorous double blinded studies with literally hundreds of children involved, observed for several months/years. I think only slightest evidence for gyno as a side-effect would've resulted in the immediate ban for the use in children. However CET as of today is readily prescribed for even 1-year olds. Also note that children are the most susceptible to hormonal shifts, there are even reports of Lavender-shampoo causing gyno in children :woot:

Yes, and all those studies were probably financed by pharmaceutical companies.

I was on cet for 6 weeks. testing it only on my templates. grew some vellous hair.. I had some sides, was verry sleppy during day, so i was in search for some kinda of natural replacement for cet. I discovered castor oil. it contains ricinoleic acid which is EP3 prostanoid receptor for prostaglandin E2.. and pretty strong acording to some studies. even stronger than some medications and because of its molecular mass it penetrates deep. For few weeks i've been using castor+coconut oil on my scalp and its great. greatly reduced itch, my hair is much darker and healthier. even some little hairs are darker now.


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i heard Casperz is in prison, tryed to rob pharmacy. he went for some super strong antihistamines and police thought he was cooking crack. sad story really. hope he back soon.


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Yes, and all those studies were probably financed by pharmaceutical companies.

I was on cet for 6 weeks. testing it only on my templates. grew some vellous hair.. I had some sides, was verry sleppy during day, so i was in search for some kinda of natural replacement for cet. I discovered castor oil. it contains ricinoleic acid which is EP3 prostanoid receptor for prostaglandin E2.. and pretty strong acording to some studies. even stronger than some medications and because of its molecular mass it penetrates deep. For few weeks i've been using castor+coconut oil on my scalp and its great. greatly reduced itch, my hair is much darker and healthier. even some little hairs are darker now.

...I feel sleepy more now as well...heavy feeling in my eyes and it's been like this for a long time now....good find with the castor oil/coconut oil...some oils have been absolutely beneficial for hair growth...

good find! ... lets try and find out more on castor oil

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about healing skin graft scars


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...I feel sleepy more now as well...heavy feeling in my eyes and it's been like this for a long time now....good find with the castor oil/coconut oil...some oils have been absolutely beneficial for hair growth...

good find! ... lets try and find out more on castor oil

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about healing skin graft scars

Yeah, i know. this stuff is awesome. Its important that you get cold pressed virgin oil. less qulity oil can clog your pores. castor oil is verry thick so i mix it with coconut which has its own benefits. I use it 3x a week, min. 1-2h on scalp. it depents on your scalp condition. You can even leave it over night but its not practical. It stays in skin even after washing your hair with shampoo, its great if your skin or hair is dry because of agressive shampoos. Some even says it cleans your skin from DHT, because it penetrates so deep. As i said, i've been using it for a month now and hair looks, feels stronger and darker.
I have lots of vellus hair on my templates(started to grow with cet) app. 4-7mm long. never before was so long, but verry thin. if there could only be a way how to turn them terminal...


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It will be dissapointing if it is cet thats causing my gyno after some encouraging signs.
I have only been off finasteride for 3 months so maybe i am having an after spike or something. Im am having my bloods taken tomorrow so i shall update.


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Yeah, i know. this stuff is awesome. Its important that you get cold pressed virgin oil. less qulity oil can clog your pores. castor oil is verry thick so i mix it with coconut which has its own benefits. I use it 3x a week, min. 1-2h on scalp. it depents on your scalp condition. You can even leave it over night but its not practical. It stays in skin even after washing your hair with shampoo, its great if your skin or hair is dry because of agressive shampoos. Some even says it cleans your skin from DHT, because it penetrates so deep. As i said, i've been using it for a month now and hair looks, feels stronger and darker.
I have lots of vellus hair on my templates(started to grow with cet) app. 4-7mm long. never before was so long, but verry thin. if there could only be a way how to turn them terminal...

I use Castor/Emu now for about one year and yes it has thickened existing hair, but regrowth was only possible with CET.


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some have had substantial regrowth, in the temporal area too, with castor and emu...

nograde -- what is your regime??


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My Regimen
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has anyone actually stuck to cet for more than 2 days?! also, do you actually think when/if a GOOD cure/treatment ever gets released, that it wont have side effects?! If you guys are expecting a sides free drug to cure your hair loss... then dream on.....
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I'm sticking with Cet too.
You guys are abandoning ship ridiculously early and not giving yourself a reasonable amount of time to allow Cet to work for you.
Leaving after 4-5 weeks? Why bother to start a program if thats all the patience you have.

There's a reason other products like Rogaine or Propecia say it can take 6 to 8 months to even see evidence that it might work for you.

Guys, did the whole cet thing start because of some long term success stories? No, it started because of the Germans and the original poster of this thread, short term stories. The cet phenomenon has no basis in long term success, it is in fact entirely predicated on short term results.


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Guys, did the whole cet thing start because of some long term success stories? No, it started because of the Germans and the original poster of this thread, short term stories. The cet phenomenon has no basis in long term success, it is in fact entirely predicated on short term results.

uh.., the hell do you get to the long term without seeing something short term??? If there was no short term results, would you continue in to the long term??? Some real rocket scientists on here


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some have had substantial regrowth, in the temporal area too, with castor and emu...

nograde -- what is your regime??

Cet/minoxidil/castor/emu/ket/zinc pyrithione/ciclopirox olamine

Brushing hard every second day

Coconut oil 3xday (oral)

And thousand other things mostly health related but potentially also helpful with hair


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Cet/minoxidil/castor/emu/ket/zinc pyrithione/ciclopirox olamine

Brushing hard every second day

Coconut oil 3xday (oral)

And thousand other things mostly health related but potentially also helpful with hair

How do you manage the cet/minoxidil/castor/emu??/ That is a lot of topical!!


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How do you manage the cet/minoxidil/castor/emu??/ That is a lot of topical!!

Easy, first I use CET and let it dry in, then about 15 mins later minoxidil. Again 15 mins later I very lightly apply a Castor/Emu mixture.
Two times per day.

The rest are shampoos that I cycle on a daily basis.

Diamond Dave

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Guys, did the whole cet thing start because of some long term success stories? No, it started because of the Germans and the original poster of this thread, short term stories. The cet phenomenon has no basis in long term success, it is in fact entirely predicated on short term results.

You are truly a genius


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But some say you should not use minoxidil and cet so close to each other, cause the alcohol in the minoxidil could affect the cet absorption, what do you think one should do?

Well, I think I'm the culprit that triggered fear by posting this several weeks ago:!

Since then this information spread to other forums, has been "summarized" (*cough* exaggerated *cough) and now everyone thinks that mixing Cet with alcohol immediately makes it useless. That's nonsense and is never mentioned in the above post or the related papers/patents. I also had a conversation with a renowned chemist called "pilos" on the German forum and I now think that there's no problem in smaller timeframes. It could be a problem in a timeframe of *weeks* but even then its questionable if the information posted in the above thread applies to liquid mixtures. So don't be afraid, the only thing that will happen is that the alcohol will make your Cet penetrate better. Whether we actually want deep penetration, well that's another question ....


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so are you guys gonna post pics with results or just sit around talking about how awesome cet is and bashing anyone who begs to differ?

the Germans have been on cet since before July, nobody there seems that pumped up anymore about it, and that's where all this cet hype began. I myself started the btt cetirizine thread and it's a ghost town now. this is the only hair loss forum that is still optimistic about this treatment, and I haven't seen a photograph in months, and nothing from any of you guys who are so active on here.

the drunk guy is right, all of the cet hype was predicated on QUICK results, that's why he brought that up.

don't get me wrong, I respect you guys for being brave enough to give this a shot, but there's a lot of hostility directed toward critics of the treatment, and eventually you're gonna have to come up with something better than "it takes time you idiots." my main hope for cet is that it completely stops or at least greatly slows the balding process. I think cosmetic regrowth is out the door at this point. if by this spring you guys haven't lost anymore hair, or have shown some noticeable regrowth even, i will gladly eat my words and start using it again. until then, keep in mind it's already been 3-4 months for a lot of you and the whole point of the cet explosion was that a few guys started getting noticeable regrowth 3-4 weeks in...


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I am aware of the user "Pilos" and he is no more reputable than my left testicle, just another poster on another message board who seems to enjoy the "sound of his own voice" or whatever the messageboard equivalent may be.

I can't say one way or the other as far as the alcohol degrading the Cetirizine, however, regardless of whether or not the effectiveness of Cet is a short term thing, it cannot be denied that a lot of the users who were trying to put together some sort of alcohol-based vehicle were reporting far less impressive results than those on Cet and water...even worse, in some cases they were reporting sheds and no visible improvement at all. Granted, some users on Cet and water also reported no results either, but it seemed that more people on Cet and water noted some level of improvement.

All I know from personal experience was that when I applied Cet and then minoxidil closely thereafter, the minoxidil seemed to dry out the Cet and leave a white powdery look on the scalp, which was completely unacceptable and looked awful. For that reason, I prefer to leave a gap inbetween applications. This isn't an exact science, obviously...the more people we have trying it out in different ways, the better chance we have of putting together a bigger picture and perhaps discovering the most effective methods of application.

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don't get me wrong, I respect you guys for being brave enough to give this a shot, but there's a lot of hostility directed toward critics of the treatment, and eventually you're gonna have to come up with something better than "it takes time you idiots."

Zero hostility from me, bro. I realise this isn't going to work for everyone and if someone posts here saying it doesn't work for them, then we've got to take them at their word that they've seen no improvement, which is unfortunate. Only time it concerns me is when people post that they've tried it for 10 minutes and it clearly doesn't work, insinuating that everyone else should give up and move on to something else. If they'd dropped some serious coin on some other treatment, they'd give it a little bit more of a chance, I think.

I think we can at least agree on the fact that this treatment has SOME level of effect on SOME people...right? I mean, we've seen the pictures. It does SOMETHING. It is at least a part of the jigsaw, we'd have to say. How important a piece is yet to be seen.


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ok guys, i promised you an update. My shedding still almost stopped, i am just losing a few hairs. I took a new picture of my left temple, i hope you can see something on there. (Because its pretty hard to get a good picture of my blond hair). I have really many new small hair, but also a whole bunch of new terminal hairs.

And you're concerned about hairloss, why??? Holy crap dude, you shouldn't even be on this web board...The condition of your scalp is so far removed from advanced male pattern baldness it isn't even funny...
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Can the NW0s go be not bald somewhere else ?
That's actually goddam annoying, the same thing happens on *********talk, guys with absolutely no hair loss with 800+ posts follow some regimen, report "results" and real baldies lose time/money on those regimens.

Create a "early hairloss" section or something if you wanna play with chemicals. Here you are you distorting results