i dont even know whether a topical with reduced sytsemic absorption but high local activity is actually possible even if soneone invested in it. it might not be possible physically after all. for me personally i think an equivalent dose of topicak finasteride causes jist as much side effects, i thibk a big reason for this is that 40% of finasteride gets metabolized in the liver into a weaker metabolity, in the skin this barely happens so the finasteride that hits the blood is extra potent. i have not noticed a difference, i did not expect to be side free but i did expect a 100 fold!! reducrion in serum finasteride levels to have some effect. i am using so little but my libido is completely destroyed and my dick feels like sh*t. i dont know what to do at this point. however i cannot wfford to go bald and i am not gojng to order the sh*t RU either or some bs fomppund from china. so i will have to take it and live with the sides. to me losing my hair and knowing what i would look like without finasteride at mid 20 is just barely less worse than having these side effects which i really really hate too but its picking your poison basically. i will get my blood results next week, they may be a bit sh*t bc i sid not sleep well the night before snd that affects testosterone levels of course but i never sleep well so thats just like last time. if my estrogen is still twice of what it shoukd be then i dont know what the f*** im doing here anymore, i nees to shave and live with looking absolutely disgusting and having an awful day everytime i get up and look in the mirror. what a sad existence this is. i did mock ups to see what id look like buzzed or bald and its so mindblowingly disgusting, its better to have ED than to lose your sense of identitiy and yourwelf tbh, both are sh*t but one gives me more depression snd for now that is not taking finasteride tbh..