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I've been using the Tricomin for about a month now. I have no idea if it is doing anything, but I think my shedding has slowed down. I also have some new hairs, but some of them started before I even tried the Tricomin so I don't want to say that it had any effect. I'm also using the Folligen cream in the front of my hair, but that causes some burning and itching so I don't use it every day. I've also been using Nizoral. I gave up Rogaine because of side effects.


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Cricket said:
I'm also using the Folligen cream in the front of my hair, but that causes some burning and itching so I don't use it every day.
You might be allergic to the Propecia glycol.


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Finally!!! Seeing results w/ Tricomin

I wanted to let everyone know that I finally have had some positive results from using Tricomin. In my earlier posts, I have been using Tricomin daily (shampoo, condiition, and follicle therapy spray), and Nizoral about 2 times a week to help w/ seborrheic dermatitis. Even when I use Nizoral, I still shampoo w/ the tricomin afterwards. Something I also do about once a week is shampoo my hair in the sink so that I can leave the Tricomin shampoo and conditioner on for about 15-20 minutes each. I also try to correct some of the damage to my hair w/ 2 other products. I highlight my hair because it adds body and fullness to my hair and didn't make it look as thin. Another trick many women do, even though it damages the hair more, it gives the appearance of thicker hair because of the chemicals in the dyes. So, to help maintain healthy hair, I then follow w/ Redken CAT Protein Reccontructing Treatment, this is only available from a salon but is pretty much straight protein, then use Aussie 3 minute Miracle (for $3.50 at your local Walmart, I've found this to be the best moisturizer, even more so than the expensive stuff out of the salons), I put them on together and leave them on for 15-30 minutes, depending on how much time I have. I try to do this at least ever week-week and half. That part is just for the conditioning of my hair, not for the hair loss. I think it does help because I notice my hair doesn't break hardly at all due to brittleness. Sounds time consuming, and at times, yes it is. But its been worth it. I used rogaine off and on, but once u stop, it falls out, and can do some terrible damage to your heart w/ continued use, I have stopped using it altogether because of the effects it was having on mine. I've dealt with hair loss now for 8-9 years or so, maybe a little longer, started happening about 2 years after I had my oldest son, who is now 11. I went to every dermatoligist I could, even ha d acalp biopsy, and nothing they could do seemed to help. I've tried everything, topical corticosteroids, herbal, Hair Advantage (what arip off at $150!! It doesn't work!), tar shampoos, rogaine, etc... Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know I have quite a bit of regrowth. Quite a bit at the front where I was thinning terribly. My hairstylist even noticed it all over when she cut my hair. She said I have 1/2 -1 inch pieces all over that are regrowing, she can really tell in the front because the hair is still kind of baby fine and not trained so to speak yet. It wants to kind of do it's own thing. Have to leave the curling iron on it longer to set it. I'm ectastic to say the least. I hope this may help someone else not to give up. I've been using it for a little over 2 months. I had been using crinagen off and on, but I don't like it much because it causes me to itch on the back of my neck, plus it's sticky and I used it at night, and would wake up with some wild hair! I use it if I notice a little more hairloss, but not regularly. Hope this helps and gives some hope to other people. I'm very pleased! Don't give up, look how long it took me! :D


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Thanks so much for your update. I'm glad to hear about your positive results so far.

I have been using Tricomin for almost two months. When I first started, it made my scalp itch a lot but that resolved over time. I use it a few times a week (I also use Nioxin, T-GEL, Nizoral, & Revivogen shampoo.) Ever since I implemented Tricomin to my regimen, the number of hairs have been cut in half. I used to lose 35-40 hairs in the shower and now I lose 10-15 in the shower. My hair is shiner and never felt as good.

When do you put on the follicle spray? After getting out of the shower? Or do you put it on before bed & wash it out in the morning?

I think the copper peptides are working so I also bought some Folligen lotion that I put along my hairline at night before I go to bed. (It is a lot less expensive than Tricomin. Tricomin is probably more expensive since they had those FDA partial trial testing.) I wonder how effective the shampoo line from Folligen is compared to the Tricomin? I know that Folligen does not use blue dyes and has more copper peptides per ounce than Tricomin.

But I like the results I have had so far with Tricomin, so I will probably keep up with it for the meantime. Let's stay in touch and keep one another updated!


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I'm glad to hear your hair loss has reduced since using the Tricomin. I personally experienced no itching from the Tricomin, I only experienced itching when I used the Crinagen spray, and mainly on the back of my neck. I don't use it very often, mainly if I notice I start shedding again, our body goes through these shedding phases naturally, but I try to slow it down.

I use the follicle spray right after I get out of the shower. One thing I'm careful to do is make sure I massage the shampoo and conditioner into my scalp for at least 30 seconds. That way I know it gets where I need it to, plus I was told by doctors massage helps stimulate growth. I've heard so much different stuff, who knows what to believe, but it's something I do. :lol:

I haven't tried the Folligen, I've been tempted since I seen the one post that said Folligen contains more copper peptides than Tricomin, but I do know that Tricomin does contain blue dyes from the bottle. I may just purchase some of the Folligen just to find out if I get even better results. I hate to mess up a good thing though! :D But I still am doing some research on the Folligen. And yes, I'm sure it's more expensive because of the FDA trials it had to go through, but I wonder if too much copper could be bad too, and the combination of ingredients in the Tricomin is what makes it work, not just the copper peptides. But of course, I can only speculate. I've tried alot of stuff, proven and unproven, guaranteed to no guarantees, and FDA approved to non FDA approved. And so far, this has been the most results I've seen w/ no side effects. Only benefits. I believe you said you also use nizoral, which I do also. I even use tricomin on those days. I use the nizoral first, then wash again and condition with tricomin, I've found that if anything is going to work, it has to be used every day consistently.

I also have noticed like you about the condition of my hair. I've also noticed that, it seems softer and shinier than it ever has. And has a lot of body to it that it never had before. I suffer from seborrheic which is not only itchy at times, but can also increase hair loss because it weakens the follicle. I've noticed since the tricomin, the flare ups are alot less.

I'm going to continue as I have been and see where it takes me. It seems every few days I'm noticing a few more hairs that wasn't there before (I can see the one's because their very blonde and soft, and of course short). At this point, I can't complain, in the 8-10 years, this is the first time I've had something work like this and I hate to ruin a good thing! lol

I hope you find my posts educational and I hope helpful in your search for something to stop your hair loss. I know how frustrating it is, and the dermatologists I've went to tell me I've overreacting and tell me there is not much they can do for it. I don't believe that. I do believe that women didn't suffer w/ this as much years and years ago, and that our environment and the foods we eat now have much to do with it. Not to mention lifestyles. Much is available that they didn't have before and we now do things we didn't used to do. I'm sure it existed, I just think it's gotten increasingly higher percentage of women that suffer from it now a days. But I refuse to accept that I just have to deal with it. My hair is close to the thickness it used to be, and where I used to have to clean the hair out of the drain after a shower every time (the water wouldn't go down there was so much hair), now I'm barely pulling out 4 or 5 strands, give or take a few of course. If I had to guess, what I used to lose in a day, I may lose in 2 or 3 weeks, maybe a little more. Because I would lose even more when I brushed through it after the shower. I don't have to clean my brush after just one brushing. Just an FYI, it is a good idea to shampoo your brushes and combes to remove bacteria and debris from styling aids, that I noticed helped the way my hair looked too. It doesn't look dull.

Sorry I just kind of rambled on, but as many years and as much research as I have done, I'm very excited about my new hair. :D

One thing I wish that the makers or suppliers of Tricomin would do is setup a different way to purchase other than by credit card. I hate to put it on my credit card and rather pay be like automatic check payment or something like that. I just consider it a monthly expense rather than something I like to put on plastic. Other than that, I'm pretty satisfied.

Good luck to you!!!! Keep in touch and let me know how things are going.


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Hi Patrips,

Thanks for your helpful post. You had a lot of good information. I really appreciate it (as I'm sure others do too!)

Were you diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia or Telogen Effluvium? (I was diagnosed at 23 yrs old with Androgenetic Alopecia) Does anyone have it in your family? I'm 25 and have been dealing with this for the last two years and no one in my family has this. (It is hard for them to understand.)

You mentioned that you have been dealing with this for 8-9 years and that you have done a lot of research. How have you coped? What advice would you tell someone losing their hair from what you learned? Has their been any other treatments (besides Tricomin) that were somewhat beneficial? What stands out in your mind as the most helpful info you learned in your research?

Are there any other treatments that you use beside Tricomin, Nizoral, and Crinagen (like vitamin supplements, flax seed oil, lasercomb, topical solutions, hormone supplements, or iron)?

Let's stay in touch... :D


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Hi Nay,

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, it's been a rough few weeks. Anyway, I have yet to be given a true 'diagnosis' from any dermatologist, which I found to be very odd. I was just told it was a form of alopecia, and pretty much to deal with it. I did have one dermatologist that tried an experimental treatment, but the only thing it did was make my body go crazy. The female thing we all love once a month lasted sometimes 3 weeks. I couldn't take it anymore, so I gave that up. The Doctor had warned me it would be a possible side effect. The one dermatologist that actually took a scalp biopsy said it was just a form of shedding, and confirmed the seborrheic dermatitis, which contributes to hair loss because of inflammation and irritation. It weakens the hair follicle. I really hate to say it, but what I've found out, I found out on my own, more websites than I can count, and many hours of research, too many to count. Maybe I just was unlucky and didn't find a doctor who took it as serious as I did, or didn't find one who specialized in it. I'm not sure, but I gave up going to the docs, they only took my money and I left more frustrated. I'm amazed at how many women deal with this now, it seems it has become an increasing problem for women. I think much has to to w/ out environment and the stuff they put in our foods, but what can u do, not breathe or eat? Not likely. lol :roll:

As far as anyone in my family dealing with, none to my knowledge. My mother has thinning hair, but I think that has to deal w/ her age, past hysterectomy, and medication she's on too. Before that, she didn't have this problem.

As far as another treatment that works, I did try Rogaine, and yes, it does work to regrow hair. Unfortunately, I did have to discontinue due to the side effects, particularly chest pain and irregular heart beat. I also tried Nioxin, which seemed to slow down the shedding, but didn't help with any regrowth. I tried the Hair Advantage stuff, that didn't seem to work at all. It made my hair dry, brittle, and it just looked terrible, and didn't seem to help reduce the loss, nor any regrowth, which is supposedly guaranteed. There guarantee is only for 30 days, and if you try to get refunded, of course they tell you it could take 3 to 4 months to see results. Well, by that time, you are ineligible for a refund, and it wasn't cheap, $150 for about a month including vitamins and a DHT blocker. I wasn't impressed.

So far, Tricomin is about the only thing I found that's actually worked, and I was very surprised it worked so quickly. But, I used it very religously, and leave it on even longer than they recommend. Time consuming, but has been worth it for me. :D I also make sure I massage the shampoo and conditioner, and therapy spray in very well too. Massage stimulates the hair follicle, so I try to keep that in mind too.

As far as coping, just keep trying... It took me this long to find something that worked. I don't know how many times my husband has walked into the room after I've gotten in the shower, only to find me in tears because of the hair I'm holding in my hand. I had to clean the drain every time, and then lost more when I brushed it. I didn't have bald patches, it just thinned all over. And started becoming more noticeable in the front. I processed it to add body and fullness, which I'm sure wasn't good, but what else could I do? At least it gave the appearance of it being fuller, even though it wasn't. I miss my long hair I used to have. I had hair that went down to the bottom of my back, and I cut it just above my shoulders. It did help it to look fuller because it wasn't so heavy, plus you have more styling options. It was so thin, it wasn't looking very good long anyway. I'm now in the process of growing it back out, at least to the middle part of my back, or close to it. It's now below my shoulders 2 or 3 inches. I try to make sure I get my hair trimmed at least every 6 weeks, sometimes more. If you process, cutting off the dead ends helps your hair because it tries to rejuvenate something that is already damaged or dead. I do highlight my hair, because it also makes the hair shaft swell from the processing, but of course causes damage. Main reason I get the protein and heavy conditioner and put it on about once a week. It helps replenish moisture and repair at least some of the damage.

I'm finally at the point of being content w/ the thickness of my hair. I will continue the tricomin because I don't dare stop for fear of it falling out in clumps again. If I had to guess, I probably have what you would consider normal hair loss. I can run my fingers through my hair now and not pull out hair everytime. I can actually let my daughter brush my hair again without fear of it all ending up in the brush! That's a good feeling. :D

I am thinking about adding folligen to my regimen, in hopes to even accelerate even more regrowth. I understand some people have had problems w/ burning and irritation, but each person is different. I figure it's worth a try, just haven't done it yet. Guess I'm kind of afraid to mess up a good thing. lol Afraid if I add something or change anything, I might lose the progess I've made so far and not get back to where I am now. Terrible fear to go bald or so thin that it looks terrible. All I can say is keep trying to find something that works for you. Give each thing you try a few months to work, it does take time. I got lucky and started seeing results sooner than I would have ever expected, and not going to complain of course. Within a few weeks, my shedding was down to a minimum, and then a few weeks later noticed small hairs starting to grow. The reduction in shedding was what made me believe it just might work though. So I had a good sign from the beginning.

Oh, there was one other shampoo that I tried out of the salon, I believe it's made my Paul Mitchell, but not sure, but it was a tea tree shampoo, any salon should be to tell you which one it is. It had kind of a minty smell, and it helped alot for the seborrheic, it kind of tingled, and worked better than any tar shampoo or something like that. I hear tea tree and saw palmetto can be very good natural 'cure alls'. Just what I've heard. But it did also help reduce the shedding, but I didn't just want to reduce shedding, I wanted my old hair back! So I used this stuff until I could find something better.

Please hang in there and feel free to contact me anytime with questions or just to talk. Take care and good luck.

Nay said:
Hi Patrips,

Thanks for your helpful post. You had a lot of good information. I really appreciate it (as I'm sure others do too!)

Were you diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia or Telogen Effluvium? (I was diagnosed at 23 yrs old with Androgenetic Alopecia) Does anyone have it in your family? I'm 25 and have been dealing with this for the last two years and no one in my family has this. (It is hard for them to understand.)

You mentioned that you have been dealing with this for 8-9 years and that you have done a lot of research. How have you coped? What advice would you tell someone losing their hair from what you learned? Has their been any other treatments (besides Tricomin) that were somewhat beneficial? What stands out in your mind as the most helpful info you learned in your research?

Are there any other treatments that you use beside Tricomin, Nizoral, and Crinagen (like vitamin supplements, flax seed oil, lasercomb, topical solutions, hormone supplements, or iron)?

Let's stay in touch... :D


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I just had a question on many times a day should you use the therapy spray? In some places I've read one time, in some places, two times....Is it better to use it two times a day? Thanks in advance for your help. :D


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Hi Patrips,

Thanks again for your last post. A couple of questions...

How quickly do you go thru a set (shampoo/conditioner/spray) of Tricomin? Do you wash your hair & use the spray once a day? Or do you use it once in the am and use the spray a second time in the evening?

Where is your thinning? Is it on the sides, down the vertex, in the bang area, or all over? Has it been slowly progressing or did it come out in clumps? What areas are you noticing regrowth? Approx how many hairs do you think you are losing a day? Is the number lower than usual since Tricomin?

My loss is all over with a receding hairline. Since using Tricomin my hair count has cut down to 25-40 a day (compared to double those numbers a few months ago).

My hair is naturally straight and I find these spirally, kinky type hairs on my head (which are hairs that DHT is working on). Do you ever find these?

If you decide to try Folligen, (I have been using it a short time) make sure that you don't spray too much. For me, it slightly stings/irrates my scalp if I put on too much. Keep it a fine mist.

Let me know how things are going.



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I use the therapy spray usually once a day after I shower, then just blow dry as usual. When I notice a little more loss, I also use it at night once or twice a week. I can only speculate whether it's better twice a day, but probably is. I notice if I have a little more loss than I want, it seems to help using it a night. Might help because it sets overnight. Good luck. :)

alana said:
I just had a question on many times a day should you use the therapy spray? In some places I've read one time, in some places, two times....Is it better to use it two times a day?
Thanks in advance for your help. :D


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A set usually last me about a month and half, give or take a few days of course. I have medium length hair, so I'm sure it would vary depending on your hair length. On days I have extra time, I let the each one set longer than the recommended 3-5 minutes. I figure it can't hurt! That might have something to do w/ my quick success. Whatever did it, I'm not going to complain or question it! :)

I have regrowth everywhere, I was experiencing hair loss everywhere, and more promiinently in the front. But my stylist and husband have seen the regrowth everywhere! I love it! It's about time after everything I tried! :) As far as how many hairs a day I lose, I'd guess and say abuot 20 now, versus at least 3 times that before. I figure that's pretty normal, it's normal to lose about a 100 a day from what I hear, but for people like me where the hair wasn't replenshing and regrowing, that's a BIG problem. As I had in a recent post, I used to have to clean the drain after EVERY shower because of all the hair, it was awful. Now, there is very few hairs. I seem to lose more when my hair is wet. I know it's normal to shed some dead hair. Compared to the way it was before, I won't complain now, and with the regrowth, my hair is now much thicker than it has been in years!

I also notice some spiral type hair, not very many. I'm not sure those are new or dead hair. It may be new and it's not trained or long enough to take on the texture of the rest of the hair. The new hair I see in the front is usually baby fine at first, really light blonde (I have a light brown color naturally), then they darken as they grow and take on the texture of the rest of my hair.

Thanks for the tip on Folligen, I did try order it and try and it doesn't initially irritate my skin, but the next day or two I have dry spots, and itch. So I'm going to try and use it once or twice a week and a very fine mist and see how that works. Maybe that's why the Tricomin was watered down from the original strength used in the FDA, it may be too strong for many people full strength. I'll let you know how it goes.

Keep me posted and good luck!!! I hope I answered all your questions.

Nay said:
Hi Patrips,

Thanks again for your last post. A couple of questions...

How quickly do you go thru a set (shampoo/conditioner/spray) of Tricomin? Do you wash your hair & use the spray once a day? Or do you use it once in the am and use the spray a second time in the evening?

Where is your thinning? Is it on the sides, down the vertex, in the bang area, or all over? Has it been slowly progressing or did it come out in clumps? What areas are you noticing regrowth? Approx how many hairs do you think you are losing a day? Is the number lower than usual since Tricomin?

My loss is all over with a receding hairline. Since using Tricomin my hair count has cut down to 25-40 a day (compared to double those numbers a few months ago).

My hair is naturally straight and I find these spirally, kinky type hairs on my head (which are hairs that DHT is working on). Do you ever find these?

If you decide to try Folligen, (I have been using it a short time) make sure that you don't spray too much. For me, it slightly stings/irrates my scalp if I put on too much. Keep it a fine mist.

Let me know how things are going.



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I'm happy for both of us!

Hi Patrips,

Thank you for your post. Very educational and helpful! I am so glad to hear of your continued success with Tricomin. I am having much success too.

I keep asking my husband to look at my hair to see if he is seeing what I'm seeing...which is lots of baby, fine blonde hairs popping up (where they weren't before). I too have light blondish/brown hair. My stylist also commented about all my new regrowth. She had pictures of my hair taken a few years ago (when my problem started) and what a difference! I have new growth in my temples which was the first place that I noticed I was losing it.

I never thought I would get to this point...but I feel like Tricomin has been the product that has made the difference. I would totally recommend it to anyone going thru Androgenetic Alopecia. I am still using the Folligen (spraying a mist in the evening before bedtime) but I still like the Tricomin the best.

Take care,


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Love hearing wonderful news


I'm so glad to hear Tricomin is working well for you too. It's so frustrating to try product after product and have no sucess at all. I wonder how many other people out there are having the same problems and just not aware of options out there, ie Tricomin.

I'm also still having wonderful sucess using it. I am still experiencing itching because of the seborrheic dermatitis (which strongly contributed to my hair loss too because it irritates and inflames the hair follicles), I'm thinking of going back to the salon and getting some more of the tea tree shampoo. I've been using the Nizoral, but it's more for dandruff and not seborrheic. It does help, but not enough I don't think. Tea Tree oil and Saw Palmetto have been said to be very good natural healers. I know when I used the Tea Tree shampoo before it kind of tingled and my scalp felt better, so trying this again may help with it again. I notice on the days it's bothering me that I tend to lose a little more, maybe 20 hairs or so, but on days it's not bothering, I barely lose 5 or 6. Coincendence maybe, but I doubt it. But it's no way near what it used to be, plus the regrowth now can compensate for that. I'm a 100% satisfied customer, that's for sure. Only regret I have is not finding Tricomin sooner!!!!

I did check out the Folligen posts, and a lady on there had mentioned some topical prescriptions that her doctor gave her for itching and burning, I believe it was Lidex and Elidel, I'm thinking of asking the doctor about it for the seborrheic and that may help to keep it under control. Plus she mentioned it stops the irritation of the Folligen. It's worth a shot.

Take care and keep me posted, it's so great to know that other women are having the same sucess. Good luck...



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Trying new product

Just wanted to let you know one of the ladies on the post had mentioned a product called Shen-Min. Just ordered a bottle of tablets and going to add this to the Tricomin and Folligen that I'm currently using. I will let you know of, if any, progress or changes. Wish me luck!

Take care all. :D


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Re: seborrheic dermatitis

patrips said:
The one dermatologist that actually took a scalp biopsy said it was just a form of shedding, and confirmed the seborrheic dermatitis, which contributes to hair loss because of inflammation and irritation. It weakens the hair follicle.

I'm amazed at how many women deal with this now, it seems it has become an increasing problem for women. I think much has to to w/ out environment and the stuff they put in our foods, but what can u do, not breathe or eat? Not likely.

I was reading through this discussion and wondered if your main symptom was seborrheic dermatitis, which reappears from time to time. Mine is only in two major spots, the top front and the upper left side...and that is where I now have much thinner hair.
Do you keep getting seborrheic dermatitis outbursts?? Like, today, your scalp didn't like your shampoo, or something? I'm wondering if seborrheic dermatitis is the main cause or the main symptom of certain hair loss?
My thinning has pretty much stopped, thanks to Folligen. It's almost 3 months, but no regrowth yet. I think that damn seborrheic dermatitis is to blame. It comes and it goes, sometimes for weeks it's gone and then it crops up again. So, I keep using 2% Nizoral, 1% Nizoral and Lidex and Elidel when I need it. And tree tea oil shampoo, but I'm not sure my scalp likes it.

I never got a name for my hair loss, either. Dermatologists/gyns are not much help and how many can you go to before you get crazy?
I don't know if more women have hair loss problems or whether women are becoming more aware of other women and their situations re: hair loss.
I also think it is the environment, what we eat, etc...and yeah, LOL :roll: :roll:
P.S. Did the Shen-Min work yet?


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Re: seborrheic dermatitis

Hello there. I can understand the frustration of seborrheic, and yes, it comes and goes. Sometimes doesn't bother me for weeks, then comes back for weeks, grrrrr! Talk about a pain! I have loss all over the scalp, but not to the point where I have bald spots or spots I can't yet cover with styling, thank God. But I wonder when I will get to that point. :cry: I've been pretty satisfied w/ the Tricomin for the most part, and did try Folligen also. The Folligen was just too strong for me, even using it only once a week or so, and very lightly. It caused dry spots and itching, which seemed to flare up the irritation on my scalp, so I stopped using it.

In regards to the Shen-Min, I have noticed my hair seems healthier, and does seem thicker, but not quite sure yet how well it's working. I'm also taking MSM (available in herbal stores or online), I'm desperate to find the root (no pun intended lol) of what's causing it.

I did recently go to the Hair Club for a free consultation. I'm seriously debating on dropping the $995 to try, why not, I spend that eventually anyway. And if they can't stop the loss, they sure have great cosmetic ways of covering your loss and no one can tell!!! That part I was amazed about. If I do eventually lose too much of my own hair, at least I know there is better alternatives than some terrible looking wig!!! They offer the free upgrade if they don't regrow your own hair, so looking at the financial side for them, it would be in their best interest to regrow my own natural hair, because the alternative would be more expensive for them. I'm still sitting on the idea, but leaning towards it more and more each day. The environment was pleasant and confidential, and they track your loss/growth monthly. I would recommend to anyone going through this to at least check it out. Like I said, I spend that amount in 6 months, and I seen my scalp close up and see why my hair is so thin. I have a good follicle count still, but the hair growing out of it is just so very thin!!! I seen some polaroids of actual customers, if they can do that for me too, it will be worth every penny and then some. If not, I'm not losing no more than I am now, just hair and money. :evil:

Hope this helps, keep in touch!


I was reading through this discussion and wondered if your main symptom was seborrheic dermatitis, which reappears from time to time. Mine is only in two major spots, the top front and the upper left side...and that is where I now have much thinner hair.
Do you keep getting seborrheic dermatitis outbursts?? Like, today, your scalp didn't like your shampoo, or something? I'm wondering if seborrheic dermatitis is the main cause or the main symptom of certain hair loss?
My thinning has pretty much stopped, thanks to Folligen. It's almost 3 months, but no regrowth yet. I think that damn seborrheic dermatitis is to blame. It comes and it goes, sometimes for weeks it's gone and then it crops up again. So, I keep using 2% Nizoral, 1% Nizoral and Lidex and Elidel when I need it. And tree tea oil shampoo, but I'm not sure my scalp likes it.

I never got a name for my hair loss, either. Dermatologists/gyns are not much help and how many can you go to before you get crazy?
I don't know if more women have hair loss problems or whether women are becoming more aware of other women and their situations re: hair loss.
I also think it is the environment, what we eat, etc...and yeah, LOL :roll: :roll:
P.S. Did the Shen-Min work yet?[/quote]


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Sorry for the delay. I just hadn't checked in to lately, and I saw the e-mail notice of your posting.
I looked up Shen Min and I saw the active ingredient standardized He Shou Wu® (Fo Ti) . So I bought Puritan's Pride brand Fo-ti. It's much cheaper than ShenMin Oriiginal, but who knows if it will help, but I don't think it'll hurt.
I see no mention of hair loss here.
How did it go with the Hair Club?
I still have no regrowth (3-1/2 months of Folligen), at least not much. But since the loss seems to slowed to almost none, I am always looking for hair styling products to "hide" the thin spots. My new favoties are Aussie Real Volume shampoo (nice smell, too) and LA LOOKS Sport Look Styling Gel (real cheap). I get good results with using both, like my hair isn't flat and lifeless at the end of the day. The Sport Gel claims to have sunscreen, too, which is nice. :)
As far as the root of the problem, my derm. told me losing estrogen is my major problem. Dry skin, hair loss, etc. One of the "wonderful" side effects of menopause.


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Glad you found something cheaper, I pay a little more cause I get it directly from an herbal store, tired of putting all this stuff on my credit card, that gets old real quick!

Went well at the hair club, I like the atmosphere, and the options they have available to me and many others. I would strongly recommend anyone going through hairloss to at least look into and decide for yourself. I'd rather not go in debt for the program, so I'm working on saving up the money and going to try it here in the next few months. I just liked the way it was presented to me and it just made sense. I'm looking for something that works 150%. I liked the fact I seen my scalp at a microscopic level, which was real interesting, it was clear why my hair was so thin, you could see that at the follicle, like something was closing it off. Plus you could see some fatty buildup, in my case, there wasn't much, but some.

I hope the other product works for you, keep me posted how it's going. Once I dive into the hairclub, I'll let everyone know how it goes.

Sorry it took me so long too, been hectic latey.

Take care,


mariejoe said:
Sorry for the delay. I just hadn't checked in to lately, and I saw the e-mail notice of your posting.
I looked up Shen Min and I saw the active ingredient standardized He Shou Wu® (Fo Ti) . So I bought Puritan's Pride brand Fo-ti. It's much cheaper than ShenMin Oriiginal, but who knows if it will help, but I don't think it'll hurt.
I see no mention of hair loss here.
How did it go with the Hair Club?
I still have no regrowth (3-1/2 months of Folligen), at least not much. But since the loss seems to slowed to almost none, I am always looking for hair styling products to "hide" the thin spots. My new favoties are Aussie Real Volume shampoo (nice smell, too) and LA LOOKS Sport Look Styling Gel (real cheap). I get good results with using both, like my hair isn't flat and lifeless at the end of the day. The Sport Gel claims to have sunscreen, too, which is nice. :)
As far as the root of the problem, my derm. told me losing estrogen is my major problem. Dry skin, hair loss, etc. One of the "wonderful" side effects of menopause.


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Hair loss after discontinuing

Is this product like Rogaine, where once you stop using it all of your regrown hair falls out? My hair has been lightly shedding for the last three years but I only have visible bald spots along the sides of my head. I'm scarred that if I use this product my hair loss will become worse in the areas that are okay right now.