how come Michel F. II got banned but nameless is not? Michel F. II was 100x less of a pain to the forum compared to nameless.
these admins these days... unbelievable.
@Pithikas too.
inb4 I'm mad because I have a different opinion than them.
It is because they act like
I come to this forum because in general, people here are open-minded and compassionate. We are all going through this together and helping each other learn about the topic. There is nothing kind or productive about constantly berating and provoking others. It doesn't matter if you think you are right. It doesn't matter if you ARE right. You should still be empathetic. If you really want to change others' views, you should be patient and try to understand how they feel, listen to what it is they believe, understand why, and help teach them. If you don't give a sh*t about changing their views, then you're just being a prick by constantly causing headache and frustration for others and you shouldn't hang around the forums - isn't that very unfair to everyone else?
Try not to be purposefully rude - it demonstrates poor character and only makes people resent you and not want to listen to you anyway. And when people don't listen, those who want to strong-arm their opinions scream even louder, because people are not listening. They start calling their audience delusional, or assume that their audience is not intelligent, or is in some way, shape, or form, incompetent/incapable.
Try to be aware of the fact that there are people, just like you, on the other side of the screen. Why is that so difficult to understand?
This place, to me, is so much better than reddit's tressless. Over there, you get dismissed and trolled if you say anything negative about finasteride, whereas over here, we can agree that finasteride side effects exist and they suck, and we show each other sympathy. The main difference between the two forums is that at least people here give a sh*t and it's not always about people plugging their ears and screaming out the points of view that they want to believe in. Yet this forum still has a ways to go.