I will just write this:
You were banned because you wrote sentences suggesting this forum is rigged. You wrote: "so now even here the scam is given a protected platform. shameful and disgusting."
You cannot handle civil discussions without insulting those who disagree with you.
The fact you are back here after a few hours with a duplicate account and threaten to create account after account (with different IPs) despite the rules of the forum shows you are not a person who respects the rules of the communities you want to join.
well, i'm glad you responded.
i have to admit, my wording was definitely a bit provocative, although i didn't expect it to be received as a dramatic attack against the forum.
first of all, i'm just pissed seeing another scammer pop up every new month, selling snake oil and getting rich with it. exposed scammers deserve jail-time and public exposure, but we all know such thing will never happen and scammers get away all the time.
also, it came very surprising to me to see you building up a defense wall and censoring/deleting posts, even it was only for the purpose to keep the dialog with the company alive, considering they were already caught cheating with their pics and finding lame excuses for it.
and we also know that the italian forum admins started to censor their forum as well in favor of the apple juice company.
so after seeing a similar censorship behaviour happening in this forum i just felt the need to express my thoughts even if it came across provocative.
but again, banning people or deleting posts in such cases will never be a solution. it just creates an image of censorship in favor of a potential scam.
if you are interested in providing the apple juice company (or any other future new company with a potential new treatment) a way to safely introduce and explain their products without being attacked, you or another trusted member needs to do the communication with them, and invite them to a moderated/restricted thread where nobody is able to attack them.
on the other side, let's say in another thread, you should let members express their thoughts censor-free, even if those comments are negative towards that company. if they want to sell something and can't deal with critical comments and concerns expressed by forum members, it's a write-off anyway. but if the product turns out to be the real deal, the news will spread quickly and the negative comments will become totally irrelevant. we all know the chance for this happening is like 0.1% at best. so the burden is still on them, like it should be.
being cautios and sceptical is the better strategy than just giving every new potential scammer company a free pass to spread their snake oil, considering the hundrets of scams we have seen in the last 10 years alone.
after all, i hope you understand my behavior and accept my explanation and revoke the ban, so that also the disappeared threads come back again.