I'm pretty sure there's a HUGE gap in the ratio between men and women who considered to be hot... there a saying here: "10% of all men f**k 90% of all women" even tho plenty of women will argue against it, i believe that every women experienced at least once in her life-time, A one night stand! and trust me - she wasn't looking for brains/skill/talent/(or even) money, thus forcing her into the "90% statistic"....after she "checked", she can get on her high horse and look for a meaningful relationship, and most women are smart enough to pick the less attractive men who will value them much more and will provide with some sort of security (either emotional, economical or some other crap women need) so the guys who were pushed to the end of the line during their 20s are now being bend over in their 30s for girls who didnt give them the time of the day, just before their looks fades away (therefore the birth of the "biological tick").
so in today's society, if you value sex, and enjoy the attention and company of astonishing Felines at your feet, im afraid that brains alone is not enough to get you those perks, we (most of us - unlike GeminiX {and im not being cynical... just in case!}) havent evolved yet to choose our mates strictly on mental attraction/emotional connection, tho we sure like to think so, and as primitive as it is, my brain will lead me to the arms of a good looking fem with and an iq of a potato over an unattractive girl who i can have a good conversation with... sorry :dunno:
i know i may come across bitter, but im far from it, im just being realistic based on what i've seen and experienced over the years, and im not sad about it either, its just what it is, maybe decades from now things will change, but since we're not there yet, id rather be Tyler Durden then Jack the cancer patient ...:hump: