Uncomfortable: do you have any resentment towards the ancestors who gave you this?


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When I was very young and I went for the first time to the doctor for some minoxidil (in the 90s you needed a prescription), the doctor said "oh, I do see you need it. I am sorry and I do know you must be holding some resentment towards your father for giving you this."

I had never thought about it. I then thought about it for a while and I realized I consciously had nothing against him, but the doctor was a good doctor and he must probably know something about what happens in the subconscious of people with inherited diseases.

Has it happened to you? Have you ever thought you more or less knowingly resented your ancestors for the bald gene?


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No.I do have some resentment of my mother for suboptimal raising of me. I'd certainly be better looking, and I suspect I'd be taller and more athletic, if I had been fed differently and given the opportunity to play sports. I would gladly be fully bald if it meant an additional 2 inches of height, stronger hands and forearms, and a broader frame.


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I suspect I'd be taller and more athletic.
Are you referring to nutrition? I wonder what are the factors that allow you to grow taller or shorter if you exclude the obvious lack of food, which does not allow you to fully develop.


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Are you referring to nutrition? I wonder what are the factors that allow you to grow taller or shorter if you exclude the obvious lack of food, which dos not allow you to fully develop.

I've learned a whole lot about nutrition and hormones in the past year or so and I'm nearly fully convinced that even within the western 3,000 calorie/day diet there is margin for change in total growth.

First, you can find various studies online, I'm not sure how many, showing that giving Letrozole to teenage boys causes an increase in total growth as measured by final height. Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor, used for breast cancer. In people, aromatase is an enzyme in fat cells that converts testosterone to estrogen. So for fat teenage men you expect them to grow less tall, and I think these Letrozole studies are a good means of confirming that expectation. Note that estrogen is one of the contributors to ending growth, as it shrinks the growth plates between your bones. When your growth plates are gone, you stop growing. So definitely, pre teens and teenagers should have very low levels of bodyfat without being malnourished.

I wasn't an obese teenager, but I was fat, and I did stop growing at 14 or so when I reached 5'11. Perhaps I would have grown more afterwards with lower body fat, hence lower aromatase, hence lower estrogen and greater testosterone, that's what the Letrozole studies found.

I think when/if I have kids I'll do what I can to keep them well fed but lean. That means less bread, less sugar, a lot of high-fat and high-protein foods, and putting them in a lot of sports early on. I was in no sports unless I went and played basketball or soccer myself.

Separately, constant feeding/snacking is known to inhibit human growth hormone in adults. I don't know if it does so in kids, but it's plausible. In Spain, where the culture is to constantly eat in many meals a day, the average height for men is ~173 cm, very short.

Separately, I was in Sweden recently. The people there are taller and slimmer. You might say "that's genetics !!" but the rankings of tallest countries in the world have changed over time. Americans are actually growing shorter. The Dutch used to be very short. Anyway I'll tell you about the diet there. You know how we have krispy kremes in our petrol stations? In Sweden, they have salad bars. I'm serious, I have a photo if you want. You know how some restaurants here give complementary bread, oil, vinegar, and butter? In Sweden, the salad bar is complementary. Also, the largest meal of the day is lunch. Typical lunch is fish, bread, butter, potatoes, sauce, vegetables. They rotate the fish so that you use from many species of fish over time. The desserts are different from American desserts too, more butter less sugar.


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Separately, constant feeding/snacking is known to inhibit human growth hormone in adults. I don't know if it does so in kids, but it's plausible. In Spain, where the culture is to constantly eat in many meals a day, the average height...

I know about Spain, I live there (here) now and it's constant little meals (tapas).
You are also right about the Dutch: they were the shortest European people in the 1800s. Got rich of MILK (!? So I read!) and became the tallest.


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Not much. The only thing I hate that my father just accepted baldness and didn't make his research about this. As I know he tried eating more walnuts, pomegranates and cursed genetics. It's not serious. I am sure he doesn't know about DHT, minoxidil, finasteride. That sucks. I wish I was prepared better...


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Definitely not. I'm not even ashamed that I have balding genetics... I am ashamed at how society and how most women perceive baldness...which in itself is a normal, masculine, androgen driven characteristic.


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I've learned a whole lot about nutrition and hormones in the past year or so and I'm nearly fully convinced that even within the western 3,000 calorie/day diet there is margin for change in total growth.

First, you can find various studies online, I'm not sure how many, showing that giving Letrozole to teenage boys causes an increase in total growth as measured by final height. Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor, used for breast cancer. In people, aromatase is an enzyme in fat cells that converts testosterone to estrogen. So for fat teenage men you expect them to grow less tall, and I think these Letrozole studies are a good means of confirming that expectation. Note that estrogen is one of the contributors to ending growth, as it shrinks the growth plates between your bones. When your growth plates are gone, you stop growing. So definitely, pre teens and teenagers should have very low levels of bodyfat without being malnourished.

I wasn't an obese teenager, but I was fat, and I did stop growing at 14 or so when I reached 5'11. Perhaps I would have grown more afterwards with lower body fat, hence lower aromatase, hence lower estrogen and greater testosterone, that's what the Letrozole studies found.

I think when/if I have kids I'll do what I can to keep them well fed but lean. That means less bread, less sugar, a lot of high-fat and high-protein foods, and putting them in a lot of sports early on. I was in no sports unless I went and played basketball or soccer myself.

Separately, constant feeding/snacking is known to inhibit human growth hormone in adults. I don't know if it does so in kids, but it's plausible. In Spain, where the culture is to constantly eat in many meals a day, the average height for men is ~173 cm, very short.

Separately, I was in Sweden recently. The people there are taller and slimmer. You might say "that's genetics !!" but the rankings of tallest countries in the world have changed over time. Americans are actually growing shorter. The Dutch used to be very short. Anyway I'll tell you about the diet there. You know how we have krispy kremes in our petrol stations? In Sweden, they have salad bars. I'm serious, I have a photo if you want. You know how some restaurants here give complementary bread, oil, vinegar, and butter? In Sweden, the salad bar is complementary. Also, the largest meal of the day is lunch. Typical lunch is fish, bread, butter, potatoes, sauce, vegetables. They rotate the fish so that you use from many species of fish over time. The desserts are different from American desserts too, more butter less sugar.

your 5-11, try being 5-8. Or a guy I know who is 5-4. Throw thick socks on and be 6'. be serious dude. Americans are probably growing shorter because we have more immigrants coming in from those latin countries and mexico where guys tap out at like 5-2. When it was basically european and african as the demographic it would be much easier to have a taller average.

for me yes. Im pretty annoyed that this was passed down to me. Im pissed my pops saw he was bald, his brothers were bald and his father was bald and he said "fuq it". Im more pissed my brother is a NW0. Men are selfish and as soon as hair loss sets in they think knocking a woman up will lock them down. Maybe that worked in the 30's but from 1960 on, good luck. Youre better off getting her fat than pregnant. You cant pay fat support when she takes off with your NW1 neighbor lol.


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your 5-11, try being 5-8. Or a guy I know who is 5-4. Throw thick socks on and be 6'. be serious dude. Americans are probably growing shorter because we have more immigrants coming in from those latin countries and mexico where guys tap out at like 5-2. When it was basically european and african as the demographic it would be much easier to have a taller average.

for me yes. Im pretty annoyed that this was passed down to me. Im pissed my pops saw he was bald, his brothers were bald and his father was bald and he said "fuq it". Im more pissed my brother is a NW0. Men are selfish and as soon as hair loss sets in they think knocking a woman up will lock them down. Maybe that worked in the 30's but from 1960 on, good luck. Youre better off getting her fat than pregnant. You cant pay fat support when she takes off with your NW1 neighbor lol.

You think being bald is bad? Try being bald and on a wheelchair. There's this Japanese guy who is bald and on a wheelchair.


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There are lots of bald guys in wheelchairs, with missing limbs and other horrible ailments.

I wish I had got better advice from my parents, that I had been more observant, that they had, that I knew about finasteride at a younger age, that I prevented my hair loss. Better late than never.

My parents are kind of defeatist. There's nothing you can do about it, all treatments are scams, just accept it. Glad I didn't listen to them. What I resent is people who don't know anything, that don't do any research, and speak with authority, saying that there's nothing you can do. It's one of the most harmful things you can do...


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nah I don't regret it, and anyone who envies there parents are pieces of **** IMO!

They brought me into this world. I was blessed with good looks. I was skinny as a twig, and have **** hair. That's just a couple pieces of the puzzle. BIG DEAL

Nobody chooses this ****. A lot of our ancestors, and parents went through the same crap through varying degrees.

Looking back, and even in present day it doesn't phase me. Just another hand I have been dealt, and have to work with. Do you think my father did not go through the same bull **** I am going through... How can I hate him? He experienced the same very thing I despise also. A former wig wearer who is now SLY


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If anything I blame social media, and women feeling privileged in disregarding and treating guys who are balding like second class citizens.

I have seen how women act in night clubs, and bars to balding dudes. Who cares how civilized people are in every day encounters, because there true colors show under dim lights, and loud music.

Same Fred. I have a hair transplant that despite having **** hair characteristics doesn't put me in the balding catagory which is redemption. Granted it will never be aesthetic hair with flowing locks... I m not scrutinized and held at value thats determined by my follicles.


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I dont, my father has nw2,5 at 60, lucky bastard.) But im really concerned about becoming father one day (if I dont kill myself earlier and some whale will agree to have one with me) and spreading the plaque further. Whats the point of having kid if you know his life will be over at 15yo if his hairloss kicks in as mine did?


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FWIW. I Agree.

As much as I want kids, and know it is a gamble It would absoluitely tear me apart to have a boy that experiences male pattern baldness at sixteen like I did. Instead of worrying about picking up chicks, doing extreme sports & absorbing everything he can to be the best version of himself he will be burdened by a crutch & insecurity like I was.

Absolutely no comparison to these clowns talking about male pattern baldness in their twenties and thirties compared to experiencing it as a teenager. This is a crucial stage for development, and your child hood-early teenage years can largely influence your later years.

It took me a lot to get out of this put, and be normal again. still an on going battle.


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Resentment is putting it mildly. I genuinely feel it's taken a huge toll on my relationship with my family. It's just way too ofen that I find myself disgusted and furious with them. Because not only have they passed this deformity onto me, they're even treating it as if it's not a real issue. And that, to me, is beyond insulting.

Maybe things would be different if they at least acknowledged it and felt bad about it.

uncomfortable man

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Was the question directed at me? Regardless, I dont think my parents had any inkling their children would all go bald in their early twenties. I dont/cant blame them... although I was resentful towards my father for keeping a full head his whole life and not even trying to understand my pain. I am resentful towards society for actively shunning me for a superficial feature I have no control or solution for.... as if we all choose what genetics to be born with. They act like baldness is a social fopau, which makes everyday a struggle for me to get up and go out into that cruel fuching world.


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Was the question directed at me? Regardless, I dont think my parents had any inkling their children would all go bald in their early twenties. I dont/cant blame them... although I was resentful towards my father for keeping a full head his whole life and not even trying to understand my pain. I am resentful towards society for actively shunning me for a superficial feature I have no control or solution for.... as if we all choose what genetics to be born with. They act like baldness is a social fopau, which makes everyday a struggle for me to get up and go out into that cruel fuching world.

Yes, I could not figure out how to express it for long time, this is it.


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Was the question directed at me? Regardless, I dont think my parents had any inkling their children would all go bald in their early twenties. I dont/cant blame them... although I was resentful towards my father for keeping a full head his whole life and not even trying to understand my pain. I am resentful towards society for actively shunning me for a superficial feature I have no control or solution for.... as if we all choose what genetics to be born with. They act like baldness is a social fopau, which makes everyday a struggle for me to get up and go out into that cruel fuching world.
Ha ha this was funny!
Apart from that, I love the idea that some consider baldness a social faux pas. Genial. It's like they are actually saying "how could this klutz lose his hair?"


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Ha ha this was funny!
Apart from that, I love the idea that some consider baldness a social faux pas. Genial. It's like they are actually saying "how could this klutz lose his hair?"
There is a lot of truth in this.
I discovered this when my hair loss first became noticeable.
The response I got from people in my social circle, who I would otherwise consider intelligent, was basically;
"How do you walk around like that? Don't you know how bad that looks!
We're very disappointed in you."

Yep, that pretty much some it up.

Never put too much faith in the intelligence of your average citizen.