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He's an very smart man. If he says that I'm overanalyzing something irrelevant, and that I should ignore it, then there's a >50% chance he's right and a 99% chance that I should consider it. That's fine and maybe I shouldn't have considered whether my friend's philosophy is undermining his life, and I should ignore it. Most of you see garbage everyday and you don't start threads on it, so there's that.
The issue that did bother me is that he thinks he's qualified to make a psychiatric diagnosis, leaving aside that Wolf Pack has written that this is against the rules of the forum. He reiterates that in post #61. The issue is that no, he isn't qualified. He doesn't have the education nor the tools for it.
I've actually been in for a psychiatric evaluation, which was volountary. Professionals don't just make a guess and call it a verdict. They run standardized tests. The process takes several hours of undivided attention. They also evaluate body language and speech patterns. They ask about family histories, medical history, whether you're born vaginally or by c section, etc. It's actually very difficult, even for a professional, to make a diagnosis. The process takes education, experience, and time, none of which Zircon has.
One of the comments on my evaluation from February is "his gate appears normal." Do you know why they would write that? Does it matter? What does my normal gate rule out? Do you know about the gate of anybody on this forum?
Fwiw I have made the mistake of evaluating people on this forum. I wrote something particularly nasty a month ago which I regretted and I apologized for. I realized that these internet diagnoses are a problem when I noticed Zircon's constant diagnoses of myself and others bothering me.
I am curious to know from @zircon if he is going by some of your own past postings or past discussions on the subject.
I had impression you had autism/asbergers to some degree from 'you'..i don't know the lingo, the subject this is why I don't talk about it.
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