Unconventional Dating Anecdote From This Evening


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He's an very smart man. If he says that I'm overanalyzing something irrelevant, and that I should ignore it, then there's a >50% chance he's right and a 99% chance that I should consider it. That's fine and maybe I shouldn't have considered whether my friend's philosophy is undermining his life, and I should ignore it. Most of you see garbage everyday and you don't start threads on it, so there's that.

The issue that did bother me is that he thinks he's qualified to make a psychiatric diagnosis, leaving aside that Wolf Pack has written that this is against the rules of the forum. He reiterates that in post #61. The issue is that no, he isn't qualified. He doesn't have the education nor the tools for it.

I've actually been in for a psychiatric evaluation, which was volountary. Professionals don't just make a guess and call it a verdict. They run standardized tests. The process takes several hours of undivided attention. They also evaluate body language and speech patterns. They ask about family histories, medical history, whether you're born vaginally or by c section, etc. It's actually very difficult, even for a professional, to make a diagnosis. The process takes education, experience, and time, none of which Zircon has.

One of the comments on my evaluation from February is "his gate appears normal." Do you know why they would write that? Does it matter? What does my normal gate rule out? Do you know about the gate of anybody on this forum?

Fwiw I have made the mistake of evaluating people on this forum. I wrote something particularly nasty a month ago which I regretted and I apologized for. I realized that these internet diagnoses are a problem when I noticed Zircon's constant diagnoses of myself and others bothering me.

I am curious to know from @zircon if he is going by some of your own past postings or past discussions on the subject.
I had impression you had autism/asbergers to some degree from 'you'..i don't know the lingo, the subject this is why I don't talk about it.
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nothing calms down a group of agitated men like a pair of agitated boobies

They were indeed agitated right?

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I don't get anyone being freaked out by the dislikes but a lot of posters are. Doctor house had a kind of melt down (for him) when i gave him one months ago.

I have 200--I think 100 just from Nameless alone yesterday.

Won't understand that. I revel in dislikes! Appreciation is kryptonite too me. If I don't go to bed knowing I annoyed at least one person a day then I don't sleep!!!


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David, are you sure this is a worthwhile issue for you to spend your processor cycles on?

99% of the sh*t we post of this forum is not, "worth while".


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i don't know why i did this, but i did, and now you have to see it. And now that you have seen it, you can't unsee it. I present to you, Donalda Trump. She's one hell of a patriot
View attachment 57633

f*** man... I used to love big breasts before I saw this.


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I don't get anyone being freaked out by the dislikes but a lot of posters are. Doctor house had a kind of melt down (for him) when i gave him one months ago.

I have 200--I think 100 just from Nameless alone yesterday.
HB, I would not consider my reaction a meltdown as I can tell you I was not angry at all. I just was surprised because you made a comment in a thread one time how you rarely use the dislike button but then that day you were using it alot. And it even surprised me more when you threw one my way. I still think the "dislikes" and "likes" are sometimes used as a "teaming up" tactic in certain circumstances. I have never used the dislike button once other than that day as I tend to just ignore posts that just don't move me. I don't have anyone on ignore either as I can just ignore posts without having to do that. I am really here to try to give positive mental support. Also I get numerous PM's for hair treatment advice so I enjoy giving those people support.

If this was my forum, I would remove that option only because I think its better just for someone to express in their own words if they liked what someone posted or if they disagree about a post and support it with a reason. Maybe because the "dislike and like" buttons are just too vague for me. But that is just my opinion. If someone dislikes something I said, I would rather them confront me then just push a button without explanation. If I see a post that really wows me, I will definitely express it to the person.


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HB, I would not consider my reaction a meltdown as I can tell you I was not angry at all. I just was surprised because you made a comment in a thread one time how you rarely use the dislike button but then that day you were using it alot. And it even surprised me more when you threw one my way. I still think the "dislikes" and "likes" are sometimes used as a "teaming up" tactic in certain circumstances. I have never used the dislike button once other than that day as I tend to just ignore posts that just don't move me. I don't have anyone on ignore either as I can just ignore posts without having to do that. I am really here to try to give positive mental support. Also I get numerous PM's for hair treatment advice so I enjoy giving those people support.

If this was my forum, I would remove that option only because I think its better just for someone to express in their own words if they liked what someone posted or if they disagree about a post and support it with a reason. Maybe because the "dislike and like" buttons are just too vague for me. But that is just my opinion. If someone dislikes something I said, I would rather them confront me then just push a button without explanation. If I see a post that really wows me, I will definitely express it to the person.

First off I dont ever recall saying i use it rarely--I am not sure where you saw this or when it was. I am not saying you made it up or I did not say it but I do not recall it.

that day i was debating with Fred so i probably did use it a lot as he did too i am sure this is just often the case with the two of us and I dont think either of us care that much.

I like the dislike button because I actually have to have less on going debates if I see something I disagree with and i can use it.
I have even defending people using it when it was said (something disparaging cant remember) people use it...

That day you were definitely angry so I am not sure why you are pretending you were not..if you were not angry--you conveyed anger for sure.

and i said melt down 'for you' meaning not a real melt down nameless style but for you it was the angriest or most upset or reactive I ever saw you on the forum and I think you are not being genuine or you really dont remember how upset you were.

I understand YOUR perspective for being on the forum and posting--i personally (no disrespect) don't agree with it.

I think you are a very nice man and you want to be encouraging but I think sometimes if we are going to be honest you just throw praise at very odd times.

that day me and Fred were in a heated debate NOT a fight but a debate about something (i cant remember now) to do with USA politics..somethign that had happened (@WhitePolarBear do you even remember?) and he and I disagreed but at least we were both taking a stand and had a passionate outlook about it--to me this is 90% of our debates we just see sh*t different but we both care and will fight our position....you chose that moment to post and you praised him in this flowery post...which okay 'sweet' nice complimentary--but at that moment it just hit me like 'THATS what you got from this debate?"..As an American I was like 'what do you actually think or feel about what we are discussing?" and I did not want to write all that I hit dislike.

It sometimes does seem odd to me that you don't get your skin in the game so to speak

A lot of us are definitely combative and we go at it on various debates and points.

I really DONT understand reading a forum and posting 'praise' to people randomly instead of voicing your opinion on subjects that are being heatedly debated about.

But that is okay we are different people with different ways of using the forum.


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First off I dont ever recall saying i use it rarely--I am not sure where you saw this or when it was. I am not saying you made it up or I did not say it but I do not recall it.

that day i was debating with Fred so i probably did use it a lot as he did too i am sure this is just often the case with the two of us and I dont think either of us care that much.

I like the dislike button because I actually have to have less on going debates if I see something I disagree with and i can use it.
I have even defending people using it when it was said (something disparaging cant remember) people use it...

That day you were definitely angry so I am not sure why you are pretending you were not..if you were not angry--you conveyed anger for sure.

and i said melt down 'for you' meaning not a real melt down nameless style but for you it was the angriest or most upset or reactive I ever saw you on the forum and I think you are not being genuine or you really dont remember how upset you were.

I understand YOUR perspective for being on the forum and posting--i personally (no disrespect) don't agree with it.

I think you are a very nice man and you want to be encouraging but I think sometimes if we are going to be honest you just throw praise at very odd times.

that day me and Fred were in a heated debate NOT a fight but a debate about something (i cant remember now) to do with USA politics..somethign that had happened (@WhitePolarBear do you even remember?) and he and I disagreed but at least we were both taking a stand and had a passionate outlook about it--to me this is 90% of our debates we just see sh*t different but we both care and will fight our position....you chose that moment to post and you praised him in this flowery post...which okay 'sweet' nice complimentary--but at that moment it just hit me like 'THATS what you got from this debate?"..As an American I was like 'what do you actually think or feel about what we are discussing?" and I did not want to write all that I hit dislike.

It sometimes does seem odd to me that you don't get your skin in the game so to speak

A lot of us are definitely combative and we go at it on various debates and points.

I really DONT understand reading a forum and posting 'praise' to people randomly instead of voicing your opinion on subjects that are being heatedly debated about.

But that is okay we are different people with different ways of using the forum.
Yes, I would say we are different people. As far as political debates, never really cared to debate about it with people who are on an anonymous forum. I guess you use this forum differently than I do. Like you said, we are different people and debates on politics is not my thing but if its yours that is great. Like I said before, I really am trying to break away from this place but sometimes its hard. I don't think asking Wolf to ban me would make it any easier.


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He's an very smart man. If he says that I'm overanalyzing something irrelevant, and that I should ignore it, then there's a >50% chance he's right and a 99% chance that I should consider it. That's fine and maybe I shouldn't have considered whether my friend's philosophy is undermining his life, and I should ignore it. Most of you see garbage everyday and you don't start threads on it, so there's that.

The issue that did bother me is that he thinks he's qualified to make a psychiatric diagnosis, leaving aside that Wolf Pack has written that this is against the rules of the forum. He reiterates that in post #61. The issue is that no, he isn't qualified. He doesn't have the education nor the tools for it.

I've actually been in for a psychiatric evaluation, which was volountary. Professionals don't just make a guess and call it a verdict. They run standardized tests. The process takes several hours of undivided attention. They also evaluate body language and speech patterns. They ask about family histories, medical history, whether you're born vaginally or by c section, etc. It's actually very difficult, even for a professional, to make a diagnosis. The process takes education, experience, and time, none of which Zircon has.

One of the comments on my evaluation from February is "his gate appears normal." Do you know why they would write that? Does it matter? What does my normal gate rule out? Do you know about the gate of anybody on this forum?

Fwiw I have made the mistake of evaluating people on this forum. I wrote something particularly nasty a month ago which I regretted and I apologized for. I realized that these internet diagnoses are a problem when I noticed Zircon's constant diagnoses of myself and others bothering me.

Zircon was right and his first comment was a 10/10 banger. The 2nd was a bit of a beatdown and probably unnecessary. You're quite open about your autism, as you are with most things, so when I see these posts of yours I let them slide. It shouldn't be used as a stick to beat you with.

However - and please take this as constructive criticism - you are clearly an intelligent and insightful man but if you talk/act like the way you do in certain posts, in social settings - it will be a problem. It will turn people cold on you. You will often splurge these over-analytical thoughts, which signals to me that your mind is focusing too hard on sh*t that doesn't matter. And you not only indulge these thoughts but you often elucidate them in 200+ word posts. Sometimes they are interesting - because you are an eloquent and intelligent writer. But I also hope you never do this sh*t in real life. People will not understand it. You also have a way of talking down to people which is arguably one of the biggest f*** ups you can make socially.

I admire the way you've been very frank with everyone here about your life, your shortcomings, your successes. But you communicate with people that is not, for want of a better word, "NT", as @CopeForLife and @Xander94 would put it.

Lastly, its gait, not gate.

But f*** that, more importantly:


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Yes, I would say we are different people. As far as political debates, never really cared to debate about it with people who are on an anonymous forum. I guess you use this forum differently than I do. Like you said, we are different people and debates on politics is not my thing but if its yours that is great. Like I said before, I really am trying to break away from this place but sometimes its hard. I don't think asking Wolf to ban me would make it any easier.

I do sense you are genuinely unhappy with the tone of the place.
I do often sense your disapproval at me and that is okay too..it does not bother me at all.
I like you House I just wish you would expose yourself more..(not literally)
I feel like you are afraid (not sure that is right word) of being messy.


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I do sense you are genuinely unhappy with the tone of the place.
I do often sense your disapproval at me and that is okay too..it does not bother me at all.
I like you House I just wish you would expose yourself more..(not literally)
I feel like you are afraid (not sure that is right word) of being messy.
I wouldn't say I was afraid. I don't really feel a true connection with people I don't know in person. This virtual world is not a place I can function "normal" as I need to see people's expressions, listen to their tone of voice, and feel their sense of presence before I can become who I really am.

You know that its almost impossible to really know a person's tone with just reading words. Maybe their might be clues in the context but you really don't know exactly what they are feeling. I have been pretty vulnerable here sometimes but I don't feel enough connection with forum to be less reserved.

I don't actually dislike anyone here simply because I don't have any reason too. I don't understand why you think I would disapprove of you. I have alot in common with you but we have our differences. That is great because life would be very dull without them. I can understand why you need to be here just like any one else. Hair loss of any magnitude is one change nobody wants to experience. This is a great place to express yourself. If you want to use this place to discuss politics, food, television, movies, fashion, dating, etc then use it for that too. I usually will pick and chose a topic(threads) I am interested in and ignore topics(threads) I don't care for. Never been a big fan of confrontation but if I am put into that position, I can handle myself well. Usually, I don't find myself in that situation since I tend to find compatibility and am very open willing to listen to any opinions or thoughts.
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My Regimen
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I wouldn't say I was afraid. I don't really feel a true connection with people I don't know in person. This virtual world is not a place I can function "normal" as I need to see people's expressions, listen to their tone of voice, and feel their sense of presence before I can become who I really am.

You know that its almost impossible to really know a person's tone with just reading words. Maybe their might be clues in the context but you really don't know exactly what they are feeling. I have been pretty vulnerable here sometimes but I don't feel enough connection with forum to be less reserved.

I don't actually dislike anyone here simply because I don't have any reason too. I don't understand why you think I would disapprove of you. I have alot in common with you but we have our differences. That is great because life would be very dull without them. I can understand why you need to be here just like any one else. Hair loss of any magnitude is one change nobody wants to experience. This is a great place to express yourself. If you want to use this place to discuss politics, food, television, movies, fashion, dating, etc then use it for that too. I usually will pick and chose a topic(threads) I am interested in and ignore topics(threads) I don't care for. Never been a big fan of confrontation but if I am put into that position, I can handle myself well. Usually, I don't find myself in that situation since I tend to find compatibly and am very open willing to listen to any opinions or thoughts.

I am actually really surprised to read you don't feel a true connection to people here.
I thought you felt very connected to them.

Maybe I have read so many scripts in my life and plays that are usually missing inflections, that I can get a sense of someones emotions behind the words..I can be wrong though.


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Though you might be starting to forget, when I started on this forum I was in a long-running and heated argument with you, Cope, and Fred. I think that was partly because I was a trainee in the blue pill missionary force.

Your views have changed that much in 18 months?


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I am actually really surprised to read you don't feel a true connection to people here.
I thought you felt very connected to them.

Maybe I have read so many scripts in my life and plays that are usually missing inflections, that I can get a sense of someones emotions behind the words..I can be wrong though.
There are different levels of connection. And a true connection in my opinion has to go beyond the keyboard. I have to actually spend time with a person "in person" to make a true connection. Its true I can relate to some of the posters but I don't feel a real life connection so to speak. I guess I am a very visual and auditory person and reading words is not enough for me.

The only really thing I get from this place on occasion is gratitude(maybe I am a people pleaser in sense) and a way to express myself on certain levels. Unfortunately, I am using it in way to filled some of my social voids in real life which I am starting to realize is unhealthy for me. However, I do interact with total strangers everyday for 8 to 9 hours per day so I guess this place might be some type of less judgmental social interaction. But lately, I don't feel its serving me to the point I need to be here. Yet, when I read a post that triggers a past memory it gets me hungry to post again. If that is some level of connection, then I guess in a sense you can call it that. In PM, I tend to feel a slightly higher level of connection when the person and I have a closed conversation.


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There are different levels of connection. And a true connection in my opinion has to go beyond the keyboard. I have to actually spend time with a person "in person" to make a true connection. Its true I can relate to some of the posters but I don't feel a real life connection so to speak. I guess I am a very visual and auditory person and reading words is not enough for me.

The only really thing I get from this place on occasion is gratitude(maybe I am a people pleaser in sense) and a way to express myself on certain levels. Unfortunately, I am using it in way to filled some of my social voids in real life which I am starting to realize is unhealthy for me. However, I do interact with total strangers everyday for 8 to 9 hours per day so I guess this place might be some type of less judgmental social interaction. But lately, I don't feel its serving me to the point I need to be here. Yet, when I read a post that triggers a past memory it gets me hungry to post again. If that is some level of connection, then I guess in a sense you can call it that. In PM, I tend to feel a slightly higher level of connection when the person and I have a closed conversation.

I agree about PMs.

I had assumed from some of your postings you were emotionally invested in some of he guys...thats why I was surprised.