Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji


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Assuming the price of 200 - $300k is true could someone use an example of when a cosmetic or any type of surgery for that matter has gone from relatively outrageous to somewhat affordable for the average Joe? I see alot of posts putting alot of faith in the price just plummeting after a few years of being out but is this realistic?

I dont think gene sequencing is a good example.

This is something completely different. Essentially it will be up to the individual company to reduce their prices if they wish to take on the market share of the middle class. (This will never be cheap, I can’t see it costing less than $60-80k in my lifetime.)


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Depends on the real costs for this technique. If the real working-costs for the company are like 20k, they will charge you more of course. But if you just need a random guy doing something for 2 hours, the market price will drop of course.


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I’m just hoping for a drop to around $100k, which is think is a reasonable cost for this procedure. Hopefully it drops there, but it is a good point that they don’t have much point in dropping the cost. The CEO of Organ Technologies however did say that the cost would fall.

How much do people believe that clinical trials are already underway and commercialization is very soon? (This is what the random Japanese dude said on YouTube)


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I’m just hoping for a drop to around $100k, which is think is a reasonable cost for this procedure. Hopefully it drops there, but it is a good point that they don’t have much point in dropping the cost. The CEO of Organ Technologies however did say that the cost would fall.

How much do people believe that clinical trials are already underway and commercialization is very soon? (This is what the random Japanese dude said on YouTube)


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Assuming the price of 200 - $300k is true could someone use an example of when a cosmetic or any type of surgery for that matter has gone from relatively outrageous to somewhat affordable for the average Joe? I see alot of posts putting alot of faith in the price just plummeting after a few years of being out but is this realistic?

I dont think gene sequencing is a good example.

If that's the real price, I would expect it to drop fairly rapidly (eg within 5 years of release). Look at lab grown meat - it took approx 300K to make a burger that now goes for like 11 or 15. The other thing is licensing or partnerships. I would expect Riken to try to get approval internationally too, which could be an accelerated process. Maybe they'd partner with a company here. The issue would be either building or locating facilities to replicate the hair.
Other companies are working on similar things within the US and Europe, so maybe once others start offering something similar, price will drop. Who knows, it's speculation and a pipe dream at this point. I'll get excited when they actually start human trials.


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We not gunna make it bruh.

Im lucky and I have beem maintaining Norwood 2 diffuse / regrowing a bit from ZIX, Laser, Derma.. but its tedious as hell. You have to put in mad work day in and day out if you want a side free maintaince package.

Or you can use the Big 3.

Other than that no Norwood 7 Cue Ball is going to be looking like Goku anytime soon. Dead *** just hit the roids and work on perfecting every single thing from the top of your head down. That includes your bank account and general attitude.


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If that's the real price, I would expect it to drop fairly rapidly (eg within 5 years of release). Look at lab grown meat - it took approx 300K to make a burger that now goes for like 11 or 15. The other thing is licensing or partnerships. I would expect Riken to try to get approval internationally too, which could be an accelerated process. Maybe they'd partner with a company here. The issue would be either building or locating facilities to replicate the hair.
Other companies are working on similar things within the US and Europe, so maybe once others start offering something similar, price will drop. Who knows, it's speculation and a pipe dream at this point. I'll get excited when they actually start human trials.
That's what I would want to happen but from what I have gathered it sadly hasnt ever happened in a surgical treatment.


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how long will chinese or indian underground labatories need to copy that technique?

btw to people who say nobody would spend so much money on hair ...


look at the 47%


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Amazing to think we'll be able to buy a head of hair within a decade - even under 5 years if you have that sort of cash lying around. The downside is we'd have to presumably be fully bald to get Tsuji or you'd be chasing your hairline with multiple procedures. Diffusers like me would literally have to just wait till bald.


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Amazing to think we'll be able to buy a head of hair within a decade - even under 5 years if you have that sort of cash lying around. The downside is we'd have to presumably be fully bald to get Tsuji or you'd be chasing your hairline with multiple procedures. Diffusers like me would literally have to just wait till bald.

Diffuse hair cut short to a 1 or 2 guard still looks good if you got a Norwood 1 or 2 hairline.

Lord Tsuji can give you that


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Diffuse hair cut short to a 1 or 2 guard still looks good if you got a Norwood 1 or 2 hairline.

Lord Tsuji can give you that

Yeah that wasn't my point. My point was you cant get tsuji until you are bald. If you are diffusing you have to wait until you are bald before you can get the procedure because unlike recession there isn't a blank space to fill in.


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Yeah that wasn't my point. My point was you cant get tsuji until you are bald. If you are diffusing you have to wait until you are bald before you can get the procedure because unlike recession there isn't a blank space to fill in.

So you can’t get Tsuji until you’re NW6-7? Why’s that?


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You sir, appear to be talking out of your arse.
You can get tsuji, but if your early in your balding course and you decide to get the transplant, if the native hairs then continue to fall out afterwards you would have to get a second procedure.

Rho Gain

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This is utterly absurd and concrete proof they have nothing. If they actually developed a full-blown cure for hair loss, it would make absolutely no economic sense to release it at that price point; they would have so few customers that the margin would be deminimis. If you only have a few hundred takers, how much profit could you possibly realize? Let's say the net margin was 100% - a very high margin for a cosmetic procedure. At 100 takers, the gross would be a paltry $40m; biotechs don't get out of bed for less than 10x that number. IF they had the tech to cure hair loss and the bottle neck was the process, they would have investors lined up around the world begging to partner to fund the research and/or build out the capacity, yet they claim it will take TEN YEARS to reach affordable economies of scale? LOL! This is total bullshit.

You guys need to stop holding out Japan as some sort of paragon of biotechnology. Name a top-ten pharma that is Japanese; Japan's biotech industry is actually quite incipient, and the "cure" will not be coming from Japan. They are actually pretty backwards when it comes to medicine generally due to their national health system and its rationed-care model; they just don't have the capital for serious Pharma investment. I mean, up until recently, this was a country where it was common place for doctors to lie to patients about their prognosis - they'd often tell terminal patients that they were fine and had many years left, and only has it been in the last few years where this practice has come to a stop. It's a weird place, with lots of very weird customs that permeate every aspect of their culture; ever heard of their wide-spread "blood type theory?" Quakery is common place.

The next commercial, effective treatment will come from the West, and it almost certainly will be Follica. A decade from now, Follica will be growing multiple NWs while Tsuji is still babbling on about $400k cures.


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Amazing to think we'll be able to buy a head of hair within a decade - even under 5 years if you have that sort of cash lying around. The downside is we'd have to presumably be fully bald to get Tsuji or you'd be chasing your hairline with multiple procedures. Diffusers like me would literally have to just wait till bald.
Shiseido or Follica should stop and vitalize the diffused hair. If Tsuji ain't affordable they should deliver within 5-10 years