You said you were expecting flames on how you're not losing your hair- so THAT was your reason for posting here, not to have people agree with you on how you're going bald.
Anyhow, it's definitely evident that in your original pics, you are combing your hair in a certain way to cover your thinning- in your temples and at your crown. Instead of showing what your reall hairloss situation is, you're covering it up in the hopes that we all say you're not going bald!
You should show us pics where you are not covering up your hairloss so we can better assess your present state of thinning. And it looks like you did that with your latest pics.
Like I said in your other thread, you definitely have recession in your hairline and temples, but it isn't to the point where it could definitely be called male pattern baldness. How long have you been receding? If it's been a long time, you're probably ok. If this has happened quickly, then keep an eye on it.
Just don't take pictures of your hair all done up with spray, gel, wet, etc etc etc because it serves no purpose other than to boost your ego with everyone saying you're not losing your hair (when you really MIGHT be losing it!!) By doing this, you're wasting precious time that could be used to get you started on a hairloss treatment.