
Upgrading My Regimen; A More Comprehensive Approach


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My Regimen
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What do you mean not happy?
Really low libido. But it goes in cycles and hasn't been a problem in a while. Also, I discovered that a cycle of Clomid here and there works wonders for libido (Thanks Hemingway!!)


New Member
My Regimen
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Regarding the high doses of estradiol you mentioned: ~300 pg/mL or higher.
In 2019 I purposely brought my levels into this range (275 pg/mL) with transdermal application of E2 and it was not good:

On a positive note, hair quality did improve at 275 pg/mL. Also, no gyno (until later, when I combined estro with an oral AA).

Hi, I realize I'm really necroing this thread, but.. what estrogel dosage brought you to 275pg/ml? And do you have more anecdotes as to how many mgs brought you to how much pg/ml and how long after application?

Asking, cause considering to experiment with something similar :)


Senior Member
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Well at least you dont have sides from everything. Tried propecia - plenty of sides. Tried topical minoxidil/finasteride - side effects. What is left? male pattern baldness