Wtf.... Chen, not only your results are awesome, but you also provide some valuable clues that answer some of the biggest questions that still remain regarding microneesling: optimal frequency.
We still can make bold conclusions based upon a single individual, but I think we can argue that the "don't needle to often" and "you gotta let your scalp recover" might actually be just speculation without empirical evidence. With Chen, and also partially with Somebody (Alex), we could begin to suspect that needling everyday at least DOES NOT hinder regrowth, as many dudes here have claimed.
Also, Chen's case also provides support to the idea that unlike minoxidil, microneedling gains are not lost with time, and moreover, regrowth can keep happening even after years. This last thing had somewhat been documented before when PrettyFly claimed he was still gaining ground after 2 years, but was somewhat doubted again when 2young2retire came here a couple of months ago and was avoiding questions regarding his current hair status.
Again, as with science, and as a golden rule in statistics, solid conclusions must not be made with single cases, but at least we should take Chen's insifhtful case as a starting point to try high frequency needling.
I will personally keep needling only once a week for a year. If I see no progress, I will follow a more aggressive approach like Chen does.
This might be the start of a paradigm shift guys. At first we didn't have data coz studies didn't test this aspect, now we are starting to get some.