Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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People have used min, finasteride and nizoral for 12 months and it didn't do anything for them. Does that mean they too are rubbish?

Needling has science behind it and some are seeing good results with it. It's another treatment people can try which seems pretty genuine on all fronts. Research and feedback.

Ignore him

@petersonKj is a whiny b**ch - everybody that replies just gives her an excuse to whimper some more negativity into these forums.

Honestly have no idea why she hangs around, if anybody needs to get a life right!!!???!??!

jared garnith

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how long did for people who this worked for did you find that it stopped miniaturization, I'm not talking about regrowth but just maintenance


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If this was true i'd still take the risk. Rather have hair and shorten my life than live a long life without any hair.

That is easier said than done. Generally speaking, if you are twenty you hardly care if your life expectancy gets reduced by eg 5 years. If you are 50 you may see it differently.
Another example: everybody knows that steroids are not necessarily good for your health. At young age you dont care about it if it negatively impacts your health at a more advanced age. Trouble is, if you dont die early in life you may regret your past desicions.
I guess the more relevant thinking I accept negative side effects from my treatment or do I want to be depressed my whole life what surely has negative health impacts as well. One have to weigh it up...a very personal decision.


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Ignore him

@petersonKj is a whiny b**ch - everybody that replies just gives her an excuse to whimper some more negativity into these forums.

Honestly have no idea why she hangs around, if anybody needs to get a life right!!!???!??!

I did not know she is female. Then it's even more reason for her post to not be taken seriously as mens hair loss if different to women's hair loss .


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14th March
26th March
19th April

When I do these close up pictures I can see an obvious improvement but in the mirror it’s not super obvious. Still happy with the improvement but just gotta keep grinding away.

Excuse the flaking

Edit: I began needling and min on 8th Feb


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14th March
View attachment 117344
26th March
View attachment 117345
19th April
View attachment 117346

When I do these close up pictures I can see an obvious improvement but in the mirror it’s not super obvious. Still happy with the improvement but just gotta keep grinding away.

Excuse the flaking

Edit: I began needling and min on 8th Feb
nice results ,pls keep us updated , im also planning to do 4 days sessions since i did notice my scalp recover fast and the itching is way less for the 3 first days and it goes back after 6 day .i will post my results once i get some clear after pics


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I don't understand the whole 6 month thing. Does a person's scalp / body get like, adjusted to the drug? I know with some other medications that people take regularly, they have to keep upping dosages to get the same effects but I guess I don't understand how Minoxidil would work that way.

Could it be that those people did not respond to the finasteride well and so the hair follicles that re-grew are now being assaulted by DHT just like their predecessors?

Additionally, if you stop minoxidil for some time, will you ever "reset" to be able to have another 6-month stint?

I am midway through month 10 and I am still gaining, but I have my fears.
In the case of minoxidil, it's not really the body becoming adjusted to the topical. Minoxidil's mechanism of action is poorly understood, but what it is known is that once you start using it, it synchronizes all of the follicles so they get all in the growing phase at the same time. If you have everyone of your follicles growing in synchrony, the outcome is that your previously thin zones will look fuller. However, DHT will keep damaging follicles and making them shrink, and that ongoing process, along with the eventual de-synchronization of follicle growth several months after initiating minoxidil, leads to an eventual progress of hair loss. This has been thoroughly documented in scientific papers, and I think one of them establish that the average time when people actually start falling below baseline after using minoxidil is 2 years. In my case, I think I have never felt below baseline, but I definitely lost my initial regrowth before reaching a year (I also take finasteride so that is keeping my hairloss from progressing below baseline). Of course, those who also start needling might not lose that regrowth as the mechanism of action of microneedling seems to be different from minoxidil's,but we need more long term accounts to know for sure that needling gains are not lost for most of people.


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Anyone know if these are valid concerns? Could scar tissue build up over time?

My first reaction when i read about dermarolling is that it cant be healthy on a long term basis. I mean creating a wound thats aprox. 50 cm2 every 1-2 weeks on the same skin seems like a bad idea.

I tried to read about about side affects and this was the article i also found. The reasoning behind the article sounds legit, but i cant tell since im not educated in medicine, and i was too lazy to check the references.

What i do now though is that the same company/webpage sells cosmetic products for skin. Bases on their product it seems they sell products aimed to combat wrinkles. That means they are in direct competition with any company that advocates and sell dermarollers.

It would be interesting to read the references in the article and a bit more about the company.

Did you find any other negative articles about dermarolling?


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I did not know she is female. Then it's even more reason for her post to not be taken seriously as mens hair loss if different to women's hair loss .

I think they is actually a guy BUT suuuuuch a b**ch I’m calling they a her.

No offence to females. Everybody should be a feminist.


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Does anybody own this dermapen? What speed do you use it at? It has multiple speed modes


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