Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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For the D2, do I want to give three passes on each section with each direction (so 3 passes horizontal, vertical, diagonal)?

Edit: could someone actually link to the page in this thread that has that full write up tutorial? I forgot the posters name
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so i live in tunisia and i found out that there is a clinic here using a microneedling to fight hairloss. it was advertised in my facebook several time so i took a look at some of the before and after photo and it looks not bad at all.

when somebody in the comment section ask for the technique they use it, they respond by 'it's called tricoscar' and it grow back your hair without chirurgical intervention and that's all the info they said.
but i saw a video in their page where they use a derma pen in the scalps of a patient, so i don't know if it's only microneedling or they add something else to it ?

here's some picture from the facebook :

- results after 3 months :

- 3 after and before picture of different patients : (they said that the results in the pictures are uder 3 months)

- patient with Androgenetic Alopecia and areata , after 2 months result:

- result one month :

i'll try to ask them in private and see what they along from micronnedling.
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From here on out I'll be making updates only on 1st of every month because my hair is growing way to quickly thanks to microneedling. I read the studies posted here in their entirety and found out that in certain subjects hair grew faster than normal rate thanks to microneedling. Mine have grown 7mm in 10 days from my last touch up with taper guard no 2 which is 6mm. I used a taper guard 4 today after 10 days and it still cut a tiny bit all over the scalp. Normal hair grows about 12.5mm per month. It makes sense to stop updating like every other day on whats going on.

Next update on 1st July.
I've just chimed in on this thread now. I'm pleased for you with your great results. Do you use finasteride/dutasteride in addition to the microneedling and minoxidil?


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From here on out I'll be making updates only on 1st of every month because my hair is growing way to quickly thanks to microneedling. I read the studies posted here in their entirety and found out that in certain subjects hair grew faster than normal rate thanks to microneedling. Mine have grown 7mm in 10 days from my last touch up with taper guard no 2 which is 6mm. I used a taper guard 4 today after 10 days and it still cut a tiny bit all over the scalp. Normal hair grows about 12.5mm per month. It makes sense to stop updating like every other day on whats going on.

Next update on 1st July.

Great to hear you're getting good results. Do you mean giving a quick rundown of your routine and settings?

Also, I have another question for everyone else: Have you noticed some areas of your scalp feel a little hard? I'm kind of worried i'm causing some fibrosis or something.


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I'm not having good result overall. I'm having great results in the front but a shed in the back. The hair is growing really fast in length.
Routine is finasteride + Min + Nizoral + Microneedling(medium speed settings and 1.75m length)

My back is harder than my front and the cheap pen frequency rate suffers back there. I have to be careful now and last session being careful meant using my roller and use if on my entire scalp 5 times horizontally and vertically to make sure that the scalp was properly needled. It's like a stone back there. I don't know anything about the fibrosis idea but yes the place where I've had zero results or very possibly a shed is harder than the front. The hardness can be felt easily.

Awesome man, I appreciate the input. My back is actually harder than the front too. I think it's because I have more thinning there so there's more scap being felt. Also, there's the possibility that there is simply more dense connective tissue relative to loose connective tissue back there.

You use 1.75 on medium? How often?

Edit: oh woops, I see you said weekly


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Another tressless user.

I know that it could be finasteride or minoxidil itself all that amount of hairgrow...but In almost every succes story we have Dermaroller 1.5 1x7 involved.


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Weekly 1.75 medium
1 mm right in the middle of the week on the crown only for absorption. I still think it's not clear what mechanism is helping with the hair growth.

healthline(dot)com says the micro needling may help absorb minoxidil. If it turns out in the future that it was enhanced absorption all along then I want to cover that base too. And the experiment of doing a small session midweek may give us more on an idea where we stand on frequency. If somehow the crown catches up to the front part then it's ON!

The amount of smallish hair on in my front means I'm already on my way to 70-80% density back with 30-40% already done. After these hair appeared for maybe a couple of weeks they did not grow at all and I thought that was gonna be it but after that they started growing longer. My mate got almost immediate regrowth from NW7(previously I said that he was NW5 but I was wrong) to NW1 and we both have been doing min, finasteride, nizoral for a long time now. He was like me a year ago taking one dutasteride a week on top of everyday finasteride. But as soon as he started microneedling so many tiny hairs appeared and then they started getting longer and longer. Now he has hit a plateau but there is no doubt he is easily going back to NW1. He's going back to Zayn Malik level density. Now the issue here is that he goes in hard. Mentally hair loss affected him more than it affected me because I managed to stop it at Norwood 3 Vertex so he goes in hard with his needling. He uses a roller and will roll 10-15 times in horizontal, vertical, and both diagonals with a 192 needle roller and applies 2-3 ml minoxidil immediately after. Again we haven't figured out in this thread if going in hard is beneficial or not because some of the people who got great results said that they just did 5 passes over an area. And then there are people who bleed every single session and the results have been slow. We haven't tested frequency and we haven't tested the level of wounding we should be doing.

How frequent does your friend microneedle with roller and what’s the depth?

I’ve been doing alex’s method and it did nothing for me, maybe I’m even worse of then before.


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I'm 3 months in, my overall take is this: overall I do think It has made my hair better, i do think a few hairs became terminal in the right temple (nothing Big) and the hair definetly is less oily, also I think It has help a bit with shedding but that reilly depends on the day. So my take on dermarrolling is that is no miracle but It can help if you do It with other staff. By the way from last month I reduce my Finasteride intake to 0'33 daily because some days my erections are worse. I know It wont reduce much effectiveness/sides but still


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I've been at this game and reading the forums for a long time and I don't ever remember anyone getting that much (or really any) regrowth from finasteride or minoxidil.
I've seen tons of people who have gotten insane results from minoxidil and finasteride both by themselves and combined. Granted most people just seem to get maintenance but their are definitively people who get almost all their hair back (vast majority being diffuse thinners though)


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I've seen tons of people who have gotten insane results from minoxidil and finasteride both by themselves and combined. Granted most people just seem to get maintenance but their are definitively people who get almost all their hair back (vast majority being diffuse thinners though)

So in other words NOT the above.

I’ve been here for over a decade and never seen finasteride fill in a Mohawk like that before.

It seems to me like a mixture of Min + needling because the regrowth is so contained to a specific area?
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So in other words NOT the above.

I’ve been here for over a decade and never seen finasteride fill in a Mohawk like that before.

It seems to me like a mixture of Min + needling because the regrowth is so contained to a specific area?

Yep, I agree. In most people minoxidil only leads to thin wispy and light coloured vellus hair growth. Very few people do get insane results but then they are really very few. I guess all the results posted on this thread clearly indicate that if you start dermarolling alongside finasteride/minoxidil you'll get insane results in a short period of time.


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Yep, I agree. In most people minoxidil only leads to thin wispy and light coloured vellus hair growth. Very few people do get insane results but then they are really very few. I guess all the results posted on this thread clearly indicate that if you start dermarolling alongside finasteride/minoxidil you'll get insane results in a short period of time.
Do you guys think it would be possible to switch to something that is not an AA, in place of minoxidil? Something like PGE2? Alongside with needling, do u think this could have a similar effect?


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Has anybody thought about wounding two days in a row?

You do a "for absorption only" session on say thursday with 1mm(I'm thinking in my case it's obviously the crown) and then on friday a nice proper session with 1.5-2.0mm for the regenerative effects of wounding.

This way we can still allow ourselves to heal a lot in the weekdays and force in two session?

It could be even better if we go with wounding every two weeks.

Thursday and Friday you go 1 mm for absorption and on Saturday you go hard. You get 11 days to recover but squeeze in 3 sessions in 14 days.


I will start 2mm dermapen once/week with 0.75mm everyday except the day after the wounding session. Follica is doing 0.8mm for absorption and there are some studies done on rats where they dermarolled them with 0.5mm, 1mm and 1.5mm needles five days/week and the best regrowth was seen on 1mm group. I know, rats, but that’s the best we have + follica depth is near the same.

1.5mm everyday was too much, my skin and scalp was dry as hell and my hairline is worse then ever. But I was rolling pretty hard though.


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^ Are you going to use new needles each day or just clean them?

For everyday needling I use dermaroller and at the end of every session I just use antiseptic. I buy new one every 3 months or so like toothbrush.

For wounding @2mm I will use dermapen and new needles everytime.


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Hey guys, I took about a month or two off needling as I've been busy with my girlfriend. Obviously the thread has grown a lot in that period and I'm wondering what the new updates have been. I believe the last major thing I saw was Chen's results. Since then had there been any major change in recommend procedure?