Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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Hey man, nice early progress.

Do you wait 24 hours after microneedling to apply minoxidil or do you apply it right after microneedling?


I'm waiting 12-24h before applying minoxidil, but I think that was stupid to not waiting for the full 24h. I had some secondary effects (dizziness, and more hairs on my face and ears). I'll wait 24h next time.


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Just ponied up and bought a Dr Pen Ultima N W-2 wireless pen, anyone have experience with this model? It was only $32 shipped from a US seller on ebay which is why I bought it. The A6 was considerably more expensive and I don't mind if this one takes a little while longer to use if that's the only difference

Couldn't keep up with normal rollers, I psych myself out and don't press consistently and end up avoid using it because of anxiety about wounding incorrectly. Hoping this helps so I can push my hairline forward & fill in a few thin spots in my vertex
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Wonder what happened to all the good responders who posted their results a few months back
I'm still here. Still growing. Going through a bit of a shed from the smaller hairs right now but the long ones have not fallen out at all. I think this is a good thing. Hope those little dudes come back terminal.

My actual hair length is longer than I could ever have thought was possible. I am diffused a bit on the front and crown but not in the middle.

The interesting thing to me is: When I started balding, I never diffused but my hair itself was noticeably growing slower and maxed out shorter on the front and crown than on the sides and top-middle. Now that I am growing it back, it is the same thing but in reverse. The top-middle is growing out longer and faster than the front and crown. (Sides obviously never had any trouble growing).

male pattern baldness is progressive and apparently regressive in the same pattern. If this keeps up I think eventually my front and crown will start growing at a normal rate. Not sure about the diffusing though. Hoping this shed comes back denser in a few months.

I will update again at the 18 month mark. Am only a few days removed from my true 1 year mark even though I posted 1 year pics like 3 weeks ago.


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great stuff NarWahl7.Would have called u a liar a year ago but seeing serious gains myself now. Been taking minoxidil for 2.5 months now. now rolling gently 1mm everyday an hour before minoxidil. previously rolled hard weekly. not sure if i stuck at it long enough to see results. the last couple of weeks on the new regime and it all seems to be filling in. gonna take some pics in a few weeks. dont let this thread die. Could be premature but this could be the answer i (am maybe everyone) is looking for


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7 month update:

Started November 2018
Derminator 2
1.5mm weekly; past month been doing 2mm weekly when I can handle the pain.
Kirkland minoxidil 5% twice daily (been using off and on 15+ years)
.5mg-1mg Finasteride daily (been using off and on 15+ years)

Hairline and temple area has little vellous hairs sprouting everywhere. I believe it is due to the increased absorption of minoxidil because I've also noticed an increase in body hair.

I have also noticed that I feel comfortable going out without dermmatch. I still prefer applying it before heading out of the house but it actually looks pretty good without it. I only have temple recession and very, very slightly diffuse.

My assessment is that although I feel the positive effects I've seen thus far are due to the increased absorption of minoxidil, I believe this is positive and we should start looking at other treatments that had some scientific credibility but limited forum user results (thinking Raspberry ketones, PSO, etc. etc.).

Also, I keep reading "give it a year". My thinking is that the method in which needling works will take longer than a year. To repair skin and hair follicles could take a couple of years and is a slow process but I plan on doing this until there is a cure that doesn't require the use of this. Even after a cure comes I plan on using it on my face, which I've been doing for about 5 years with a standard dermaroller. I wish I would've thought about using it on my hairline back then!

And before people start chiming in with "well those that had results saw them immediately", I can't comment on their results other than to say "good for them but that wasn't me".

I'll try to answer any questions but honestly don't check this very often.


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I have bought and used in the past, the inexpensive titanium needle derma rollers but I got tired of using them so I recently purchased a Dr pen A6 wireless electric pen and I like it way more, it is more money than the rollers but I think much more efficient and effective.

I started using the Dr Pen at 1mm my first week and now worked up to 2mm on my 4th week. For me it has gotten better and less painful and less scalp redness at this point. Only microneedling 1x/week

Good luck!
Can you tell me something about the pressure to put on the scalp? Never did it before
Thank you


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7 month update:

Started November 2018
Derminator 2
1.5mm weekly; past month been doing 2mm weekly when I can handle the pain.
Kirkland minoxidil 5% twice daily (been using off and on 15+ years)
.5mg-1mg Finasteride daily (been using off and on 15+ years)

Hairline and temple area has little vellous hairs sprouting everywhere. I believe it is due to the increased absorption of minoxidil because I've also noticed an increase in body hair.

I have also noticed that I feel comfortable going out without dermmatch. I still prefer applying it before heading out of the house but it actually looks pretty good without it. I only have temple recession and very, very slightly diffuse.

My assessment is that although I feel the positive effects I've seen thus far are due to the increased absorption of minoxidil, I believe this is positive and we should start looking at other treatments that had some scientific credibility but limited forum user results (thinking Raspberry ketones, PSO, etc. etc.).

Also, I keep reading "give it a year". My thinking is that the method in which needling works will take longer than a year. To repair skin and hair follicles could take a couple of years and is a slow process but I plan on doing this until there is a cure that doesn't require the use of this. Even after a cure comes I plan on using it on my face, which I've been doing for about 5 years with a standard dermaroller. I wish I would've thought about using it on my hairline back then!

And before people start chiming in with "well those that had results saw them immediately", I can't comment on their results other than to say "good for them but that wasn't me".

I'll try to answer any questions but honestly don't check this very often.
Raspberry Ketones as a topical? We need more vasodilators that don’t affect collagen production.

Paul Gibson

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I got my A6 pen, used it for the first time the other night, I'm not taking any Finasteride or minoxidil, So I am hoping I'll see some results in the next few months.

Anyone had any results from just dermarolling on its own?


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Can you tell me something about the pressure to put on the scalp? Never did it before
Thank you

I place mild pressure just enough to feel the needles on the scalp and to create some scalp redness and I try not leaving the pen in one spot for more than a few seconds as not to draw blood, I try and cover my whole scalp as I want more density in areas I have some hair already.


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Left image was taken 10 minutes ago. The picture at right was taken after 1 week from the beginning.
I was gonna say, normally people do Before / After as in Left Before Right After. But to me it seemed obvious that the left had more hair sprouting up in your photos.

Stick with it, if finasteride doesnt give you any sides, maybe consider bumping to 1mg or at least doing minoxidil twice a day.

How hard are you rolling? How much blood draw if any?

Btw, when I started I was similar to you. Attached photo of 1 month into treatment "grown out" and a photo from a few days ago, 1 year into treatment. There were many long months in the beginning where I saw some progress but when you are living it every day it just seems like it doesn't change or gets worse. Photos help. Luck helps. But it looks like you are responding even with 0.5mg finasteride and 1x / day minoxidil, so keep it up!! Good luck to you. Reversing norwoods is possible even at the worst norwood.

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 9.15.15 PM.png Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 9.14.47 PM.png


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I was gonna say, normally people do Before / After as in Left Before Right After. But to me it seemed obvious that the left had more hair sprouting up in your photos.

Stick with it, if finasteride doesnt give you any sides, maybe consider bumping to 1mg or at least doing minoxidil twice a day.

How hard are you rolling? How much blood draw if any?

Btw, when I started I was similar to you. Attached photo of 1 month into treatment "grown out" and a photo from a few days ago, 1 year into treatment. There were many long months in the beginning where I saw some progress but when you are living it every day it just seems like it doesn't change or gets worse. Photos help. Luck helps. But it looks like you are responding even with 0.5mg finasteride and 1x / day minoxidil, so keep it up!! Good luck to you. Reversing norwoods is possible even at the worst norwood.

View attachment 121224 View attachment 121223
Damn, what’s ur resume


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Damn, what’s ur resume
Regimen can be seen under my name if you hover or click "my regimen". Not sure if its there on mobile.

My regimen is a pretty standard Big 4. (1mg finasteride daily, 5% minoxidil twice daily, nizoral shampoo, 1.5 mm weekly dermaroll). Had biotin from the beginning, Added collagen and vitamin D about 6 months in just to boost and cover all my bases.

I started out 1.5mm dermaroll weekly (did this from month 3 to month 9) and then to 2mm Dr Pen A6 weekly when I got the pen.

But then I recently went to 1mm daily/twice daily on the Dr Pen. That's what i've been doing lately. Just wanted to try it out as it is less painful.

Every month my gains have been better than previous month so I don't know if switching the needling strategy around has had much cause of effect. Going to 1mm daily sessions has not slowed progress at all, however.


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lol nothing you could say could possibly hurt me :p

I think you’re a melon head with a sh*t attitude and that truth is more real than anything you can dream up about me.
It does not matter, the truth is likely even worse than anything I can think up. Poor sod.


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7 month update:

Started November 2018
Derminator 2
1.5mm weekly; past month been doing 2mm weekly when I can handle the pain.
Kirkland minoxidil 5% twice daily (been using off and on 15+ years)
.5mg-1mg Finasteride daily (been using off and on 15+ years)

Hairline and temple area has little vellous hairs sprouting everywhere. I believe it is due to the increased absorption of minoxidil because I've also noticed an increase in body hair.

I have also noticed that I feel comfortable going out without dermmatch. I still prefer applying it before heading out of the house but it actually looks pretty good without it. I only have temple recession and very, very slightly diffuse.

My assessment is that although I feel the positive effects I've seen thus far are due to the increased absorption of minoxidil, I believe this is positive and we should start looking at other treatments that had some scientific credibility but limited forum user results (thinking Raspberry ketones, PSO, etc. etc.).

Also, I keep reading "give it a year". My thinking is that the method in which needling works will take longer than a year. To repair skin and hair follicles could take a couple of years and is a slow process but I plan on doing this until there is a cure that doesn't require the use of this. Even after a cure comes I plan on using it on my face, which I've been doing for about 5 years with a standard dermaroller. I wish I would've thought about using it on my hairline back then!

And before people start chiming in with "well those that had results saw them immediately", I can't comment on their results other than to say "good for them but that wasn't me".

I'll try to answer any questions but honestly don't check this very often.

Pretty much the same as me as far as results, we even started at the same time.
Only difference is im doing about 14 months total before stopping to get a hair transplant, as that is the only real cure.