Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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Longtime lurker/reader, thought I'd contribute. I've had a Derminator for some time, like, 2 years. I got it when I was researhing dermarolling for hair growth and the evidence in my mind that it works is strong, but requires commitment. I lacked the latter part of the equation. I just thought it was a hassle to use. So it sat in a drawer. A few months ago, I bought a dermapen as I thought it would be more convenient and have been using it on average once a week at 1.5mm. It hurts enough that every week I feel like putting it off, but do a half-assed job just to get it over with cause, well, it hurts. Today I thought, why not try the Derminator to compare the two as far as pain goes? I did. I finished up about an hour ago, and found the pain with the Derminator was significantly reduced. I mean to the point where I could stand it to the point where everything part of my head that is thin was red. I even went up to 2.5mm and it was still less painful than the pen. I've been sporadic in my approach so haven't seen results, but I'm committed to doing this plus minoxidil once a day and see if I can get this grass growing. I'm AA and wear my hair in a small fro, but use filler as there is significant loss in the crown and the hairline. I've grown certain areas long to cover these thinning areas and it's been pretty effective, but getting harder and harder to maintain. Goal is to see a marked improvement in 6 months using this regimen religiously.
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Update after 1 year. minoxidil + dermaroller.
Started with: once a week dermaroller, minoxidil right after (1.5 max pressure)
So started dermarolling + needling (was on fina before) around november 2018. Got great results within 5 months (diffuse tinner). The results where so good, that i became lazy and started dermarolling once a 2 weeks. Results kept on coming. After 7 months i stopped dermarolling (still on minoxidil) and, i got a crazy shed (mayby a minoxidil shed?) Lost a lot of my gains and buzzed my hair (3 cm). I immediately started dermarolling this time, with the daily approach (1.5 medium/ligth pressure, a lot of strokes, will pass every part 50 times or more.). Been doing around 3 ,4. Months got a little bit of progress. But i guess i am more maintaining with it this time.
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If people are wanting to follow what Follica are doing then im not sure why people are doing daily rolls still,

It seems folica have a long period in between each wounding session and they even show with images the regrowth cycle and how it takes months for this to happen.

Personally I have had a lot of success by leaving mine a while in between rolls I haven't rolled in a few months now and am still getting results who knows when this was even initiated it could have been far longer then months ago and its only now growing through. I just think people should study the science a little more and look at how the wounding triggers cycles for the hair. You wouldn't want to do this every day and some how interfere with that.

Hope that can help somehow


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"The study involved a less than five-minute in-office experimental scalp procedure using the proprietary Follica HFN device designed to stimulate hair follicle growth and evaluated the optimal frequency and number of treatments across three arms. Follica’s approach is based on generating an “embryonic window” in adults via a series of skin disruptions, stimulating stem cells and causing new hair follicles to grow. This process of hair follicle neogenesis involves minimal daily interruption and is enhanced through the application of a topical compound as part of the treatment regimen following HFN."


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If people are wanting to follow what Follica are doing then im not sure why people are doing daily rolls still,

It seems folica have a long period in between each wounding session and they even show with images the regrowth cycle and how it takes months for this to happen.

Personally I have had a lot of success by leaving mine a while in between rolls I haven't rolled in a few months now and am still getting results who knows when this was even initiated it could have been far longer then months ago and its only now growing through. I just think people should study the science a little more and look at how the wounding triggers cycles for the hair. You wouldn't want to do this every day and some how interfere with that.

Hope that can help somehow

"The study involved a less than five-minute in-office experimental scalp procedure using the proprietary Follica HFN device designed to stimulate hair follicle growth and evaluated the optimal frequency and number of treatments across three arms. Follica’s approach is based on generating an “embryonic window” in adults via a series of skin disruptions, stimulating stem cells and causing new hair follicles to grow. This process of hair follicle neogenesis involves minimal daily interruption and is enhanced through the application of a topical compound as part of the treatment regimen following HFN."

short answer don't know my opinion maybe


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No at-home Follica device = you have to get rolled in a clinic.

A clinic visit is required every day = not a commercially viable treatment.

Follica is going commercial = they cannot be relying on daily rolling.

Perhaps the 'interruption' they refer to is the daily use of minoxidil.


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Started minoxidil + Vit B complex on 23th october and Added needling 3 weeks later. It is efficient, and it improved my hairline + vertex area drastically, i had a lot of miniaturisation and im a diffuse thinner, if i keep on this track i might regrow every hair that i lost because it seems to create new hair also and not only help the miniaturised ones. I never had agressive hairloss, it was slow and started 2 years ago and my shedding was not really agressive, noticeable but lower than 80/ day i think. i did not really notice any shedding phase with minoxidil, but after 1,5 months i felt like the hairloss was stopped and at the 11 weeks mark i noticed mild regrowth.

At the very beginning i wanted to try how i would react to minoxidil (i used foam version 2x day, i Don't think there is any Reason to use liquid form and the foam is just so much more convenient apparently) so i started with recommanded dosage and when i understood i had a good tolerance of the product i started to use x2-3 recommanded dose twice a day. Then and since i still had no sides, i started to needle, i had a bit of dandruffs and a bit of itching (my scalp never itched before) the first Week then and it went away like a layer of my scalp was gone.

I used a derma pen A6 set at 1,25mm on front and 2mm on vertex, trying to get mild erythma every 3 days, there was a bit of blood but usually everything was back to normal 2 hours later, even the redness. But It was a pain in the *** to use this tool, and it is too slow and doesn't cover enough area fast enough so i switched to dermaroller 1mm every 3 days pushing hard and Rolling softly with the same one 1mm every day (except the one where i wound). I do it in the evening and i apply minoxidil right after it even the wounding day. On the Morning no needling and only minoxidil i have no time. Since 1mm since to no create any invasive wounds, im going to try 1,5mm next Week. Maybe i will try the dermapen again because the regrowth i see now come from the protocol i had in the beginning so i know it works and i Don't really know if the roller work just as nice.

I ll report here my progress.


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One more thing : i Don't think you can interrupt the Healing process and creation of a new follicle by wounding too shortly after a first session. You wound on not healed-wound so your skin takes more time to heal but it doesn't stop the hair to grow. That's my point of view.


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Update after 1 year. minoxidil + dermaroller.
Started with: once a week dermaroller, minoxidil right after (1.5 max pressure)
So started dermarolling + needling (was on fina before) around november 2018. Got great results within 5 months (diffuse tinner). The results where so good, that i became lazy and started dermarolling once a 2 weeks. Results kept on coming. After 7 months i stopped dermarolling (still on minoxidil) and, i got a crazy shed (mayby a minoxidil shed?) Lost a lot of my gains and buzzed my hair (3 cm). I immediately started dermarolling this time, with the daily approach (1.5 medium/ligth pressure, a lot of strokes, will pass every part 50 times or more.). Been doing around 3 ,4. Months got a little bit of progress. But i guess i am more maintaining with it this time.
So you were seeing best results needling at 1.5mm once a week? Along with minoxidil every day? Had you been on minoxidil previously before you started needling?


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I was just thinking if applying minoxidil right before punching our scalps will make sense. I mean, by doing this, can we ensure that minoxidil really penatrates our scalp?


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I was just thinking if applying minoxidil right before punching our scalps will make sense. I mean, by doing this, can we ensure that minoxidil really penatrates our scalp?

Yes, but it might be too much for you to not feel the sides. Idk i thought about this but since doing the opposite worked i didnt change the routine


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So you were seeing best results needling at 1.5mm once a week? Along with minoxidil every day? Had you been on minoxidil previously before you started needling?

Yes, and no i wasn't on minoxidil before i started dermarolling. So it could be that i was a good responder to minoxidil.


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we are 618 pages in and still no one has a f*****g clue about what works or not. f*** this gay earth

Don't know about follica but these guys are using 1.5 - 2.5mm depth every 2 weeks with 4 to 5 passes per region and did it for 12 months. The needling group did pretty decent but nothing compared to needling+minoxidil group.


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