Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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People are ok with taking hormone altering drugs for the rest of their life to have a chance to save their hair but needling is more dangerous to some of these people? Lol
Also while keeping a mobile phone and multiple wifi hotspots in close proximity 24/7 while eating a drinking food sprayed or fed with god knows what , but yea but its biweekly grazes we should fear.


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Also while keeping a mobile phone and multiple wifi hotspots in close proximity 24/7 while eating a drinking food sprayed or fed with god knows what , but yea but its biweekly grazes we should fear.

Just done a 1mm / 0.75mm session attempting to hit 1600 strikes per 1cm2 all i can say is dam im exhausted i will happily pay follica to do this for me concentrating in like the 20th minute while you heads burning like crazy is tough. Hair gets in the way like crazy ironically i see me shaving my head to be able to do this more accurately


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Just done a 1mm / 0.75mm session attempting to hit 1600 strikes per 1cm2 all i can say is dam im exhausted i will happily pay follica to do this for me concentrating in like the 20th minute while you heads burning like crazy is tough. Hair gets in the way like crazy ironically i see me shaving my head to be able to do this more accurately
how long did it take ?


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how long did it take ?
at least 30mins was trying to do the 2cm/ps 10 pass but that went to sh*t pretty quick when i hit hair and lost my place so opted for like a 20 to 30 pass.
Need a better plan this next time defo something that would be easier with a second person who knows what their doing


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We should stop applying any cosmetic product that contain ingredients that increase cell turnover which is much much worse than a scalp recovering form a dermarolling session.

And she is using a well known copywriting technique that uses fear to make people by her sh*t. But no sane f*****g person will buy her sh*t or stop using retin - a, AHAs, BHAs, laser resurfacing, high concentration chemical peels, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, and the list goes on.

If you still believe that this unscrupulous women is telling the truth then you should stop using dermarolling completely for your own safety.

I don't believe or disbelieve her, I want to know what the truth is as best as science can tell us. Saying that she's using a well known copywriting technique does not refute her claims. I can use that same copywriting technique to scare you out of smoking and into buying nicotine gum, would that invalidate the claim that smoking causes cancer?

Give me some scientific evidence.

People are ok with taking hormone altering drugs for the rest of their life to have a chance to save their hair but needling is more dangerous to some of these people? Lol
Also while keeping a mobile phone and multiple wifi hotspots in close proximity 24/7 while eating a drinking food sprayed or fed with god knows what , but yea but its biweekly grazes we should fear.

So you two know for a fact that her claims are bullshit? You've read through her references and you can cite something that refutes them?


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I don't believe or disbelieve her, I want to know what the truth is as best as science can tell us. Saying that she's using a well known copywriting technique does not refute her claims. I can use that same copywriting technique to scare you out of smoking and into buying nicotine gum, would that invalidate the claim that smoking causes cancer?

Give me some scientific evidence.

So you two know for a fact that her claims are bullshit? You've read through her references and you can cite something that refutes them?
nicotine gum is a poor example as reduces number of possible carcinogens from 1000s to a few. steel/titanium is not a carcinogen i have never heard of any wound without chemicals/radiation being carcinogenic and we all ready apply minoxidil twice a day any way.

Tho there's that widely known saying mothers say "Don't scrape your knees or your get cancer "


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The fact that she's selling something is relevant, but doesn't debunk her claims. A study or lack of studies supporting her claims would debunk them. The existence of the nicotine gum industry doesn't debunk the claim that smoking causes cancer. She gives a list of references at the bottom.

Per Oumere's article:

"We hear from a lot of customers that dermarolling caused severe damage to their skin, even after one use. The damage includes redness, scarring, inflammation, swollen skin, bumpy/rough skin, acne, extreme oil production, thinning skin and wrinkles. We have advised the following routine and have had excellent feedback from those who have followed it:

If you have used a dermaroller, the first step to healing your skin is to stop using it.

Give your skin a one week break and then follow this anti-inflammatory skin care regimen.

I suggest just using the UV-R serum for a couple days because its high concentration of anti-inflammatory extracts will calm you skin down and reverse the inflammatory damage caused by the vitamin C serums. After your skin looks like it has improved, follow the following routine:"

That is BS!! First of all, who are her customers that are complaining that after ONE use, their skin is damaged??? A lot of us who have been dermarolling, i haven't read one of us complain that after one use our skin is dying. Second, look how she conveniently pushes her product line as a way to heal you! use the UV-R serum. Her article is BS and used as a vehicle to sell her product.

Per her reference from Dvorak:
"Much remains to be learned, however, and it is certain that future studies of tumor stroma generation will increase our understanding of wound healing, just as, conversely, studies of wound healing will enhance our knowledge of tumor biology. Studies of both are important because there are large gaps in our knowledge that could, if filled, lead to new therapeutic approaches that prevent tumor stroma generation and so interfere with tumor growth"

So, Oumere based her article on references that say they don't even know as well. yet she made her own claims with absolute certainty... YES, you get cancer, OH, and use my product!!


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I would never trust that article for the simple fact that something is being sold.

Regarding needling, what's the consensus after that follica process reveal? Is it still worth doing this with home stuff? I haven't seen any result other than what I believe is the minoxidil doing its thing to maybe thicken up the mid to crown area. I was mostly receded in the corners and saw nothing after a year


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I would never trust that article for the simple fact that something is being sold.

Regarding needling, what's the consensus after that follica process reveal? Is it still worth doing this with home stuff? I haven't seen any result other than what I believe is the minoxidil doing its thing to maybe thicken up the mid to crown area. I was mostly receded in the corners and saw nothing after a year
basically were were too deep and not enough volume of wounds and we are not sure yet we can hit the magic 1600 strikes per cm with the pens available to us but i had a go with a d2


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I would never trust that article for the simple fact that something is being sold.

Regarding needling, what's the consensus after that follica process reveal? Is it still worth doing this with home stuff? I haven't seen any result other than what I believe is the minoxidil doing its thing to maybe thicken up the mid to crown area. I was mostly receded in the corners and saw nothing after a year

You need to look around more then. I have seen so many results from people with microneedling that are superior to any results I saw before dermarolling for hair became a thing. Before that you never saw people gaining more than a Norwood. Now you have cases of near full reversal from NW5-7. This is just not possible with minoxidil alone.


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Im still continuing to roll even though i dropped topical, im hoping there will be a good synergy between light wounding daily and oral minoxidil.


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basically were were too deep and not enough volume of wounds and we are not sure yet we can hit the magic 1600 strikes per cm with the pens available to us but i had a go with a d2

You need to look around more then. I have seen so many results from people with microneedling that are superior to any results I saw before dermarolling for hair became a thing. Before that you never saw people gaining more than a Norwood. Now you have cases of near full reversal from NW5-7. This is just not possible with minoxidil alone.

Sorry, by result I meant my own. I guess I'll keep at it just for the hell of it. If depth isn't as much, that will be a lot more tolerable. That amount of hits is crazy, though, so might be even worse lol


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Sorry, by result I meant my own. I guess I'll keep at it just for the hell of it. If depth isn't as much, that will be a lot more tolerable. That amount of hits is crazy, though, so might be even worse lol

Its much much easier at first then becomes much much worse in my opinion, i cant see many sticking to it long term


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at least 30mins was trying to do the 2cm/ps 10 pass but that went to sh*t pretty quick when i hit hair and lost my place so opted for like a 20 to 30 pass.
Need a better plan this next time defo something that would be easier with a second person who knows what their doing
How does the treated area look after & can you update on how long it takes to get looking “normal” after needling?

Going to give this method a shot as well, at least on the hairline area.

I’m also wondering if the follica device/protocol would work on the face. The Ourmere article gives me a little concern.


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How does the treated area look after & can you update on how long it takes to get looking “normal” after needling?

Going to give this method a shot as well, at least on the hairline area.

I’m also wondering if the follica device/protocol would work on the face. The Ourmere article gives me a little concern.

Every ones skins is different but with 1.5 to 2.5 my skin looked like pink to white with or with out blood spots with this routine my scalp looks like have sunburn feels like it too still have a glow today but i have hair to my eyebrows so wont be getting any "what happened to you "comments . its not as painful this morning as i was expecting


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Doesn’t seem like the appearance is different compared to how you were previously needling though, so that is good.

Guessing a new cartridge would be recommended for each session based on your description of how they look after.


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Doesn’t seem like the appearance is different compared to how you were previously needling though, so that is good.

Guessing a new cartridge would be recommended for each session based on your description of how they look after.

My cartridge has 10mm of fleshy plasma bloody stuff all up the inner walls of the cylinder f*** cleaning that new fresh one for sure which is nice and sharp too. my scalp was tight and crusty to touch and hurt like hell trying to apply min this morning more the massaging it in than a sting similar to poking a bruise


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Any one considered trying a topical sarm for its binding affinity to compete with androgens at the scalp?


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Per Oumere's article:
"We hear from a lot of customers that dermarolling caused severe damage to their skin, even after one use. The damage includes redness, scarring, inflammation, swollen skin, bumpy/rough skin, acne, extreme oil production, thinning skin and wrinkles. We have advised the following routine and have had excellent feedback from those who have followed it:

If you have used a dermaroller, the first step to healing your skin is to stop using it.

Give your skin a one week break and then follow this anti-inflammatory skin care regimen.

I suggest just using the UV-R serum for a couple days because its high concentration of anti-inflammatory extracts will calm you skin down and reverse the inflammatory damage caused by the vitamin C serums. After your skin looks like it has improved, follow the following routine:"

That is BS!! First of all, who are her customers that are complaining that after ONE use, their skin is damaged??? A lot of us who have been dermarolling, i haven't read one of us complain that after one use our skin is dying. Second, look how she conveniently pushes her product line as a way to heal you! use the UV-R serum. Her article is BS and used as a vehicle to sell her product.

Per her reference from Dvorak:
"Much remains to be learned, however, and it is certain that future studies of tumor stroma generation will increase our understanding of wound healing, just as, conversely, studies of wound healing will enhance our knowledge of tumor biology. Studies of both are important because there are large gaps in our knowledge that could, if filled, lead to new therapeutic approaches that prevent tumor stroma generation and so interfere with tumor growth"

So, Oumere based her article on references that say they don't even know as well. yet she made her own claims with absolute certainty... YES, you get cancer, OH, and use my product!!

1) that's one of her references, there are several
2) if the paper is discussing tumor generation and wound healing, then there's presumably SOME evidence for it, tho not conclusive, otherwise why are they discussing it?