Greetings again.
Not much of an update, but something for the topic which seems to be a little slow this past month.
Not much improvement in the hair (7+ months now), at least compared to what it was at 3/4 months. Those thinner short buds featured in my previous post(check out profile, easy to find as I don't post in any other topic), are longer, darker, and thicker, but honestly don't make that much of an impact cosmetically. Not really expecting more cosmetic improvement until the 1 or 2 year mark honestly.
I didn't lose my hair in the span of 6 months, so I can't hope to regrow it that quickly either.
Anyway to more interesting things.
I finally jumped into the microneedling pen pool. I ditched the 1.5mm roller and invested in the Dr Pen a7.
Just had my first session and..... I dunno how i feel about it.
It's a pain to use. In that, it takes longer, is way more challenging to cover the entire top, crown, and hairline and frankly, it doesn't feel as rewarding. Perhaps it's because my hair is longer now than it has been in nearly a decade, making it more difficult than it could be when I buzzed my head every 2 weeks with no guard. I also hardly bled at the 1.5mm setting, if that means anything, I don't know.
My head is definitely a bit sore, so I know it did something. Perhaps I need to accept the notion that more damage/more blood, doesnt necessarily mean better results. Perhaps my hard rolling was hindering my results, who knows.
I'll give the Dr Pen one thing tho.... if the 1.5mm roller was a 9 on the scale of pain(remember I only warmed my head with hot water for 5 min, or a 15 min steam sauna, and no numbing cream) then the Dr Pen is about a 2 on the pain scale, so that's a big plus.
Anyway, that's all for now. Will keep microneedling as I know it works for me, just gotta stay consistent and play the long game. Patience and persistence, is key.