Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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I really don't see much improvement, very small maybe, you have maintained at least. If you value your hair it's time to try a more radical regimen, a year is long enough.
Thanks, if I am maintaining and can keep my hair indefinitely, then I would be happy. But of course I would like to regain some hair if possible. However, I don't see what could be a "more radical regime".

I am already nuking my hairloss with the strongest and well supported treatments as indicated by the scientific literature (finas, minoxidil, ketoconazole, and presumably needling). I believe everything else beyond that is either weakly supported by evidence (all the spooky oils people talk about here and there) or their effect is just too mild compared to the above mentioning methods. So what else could I add? I am open to suggestions
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Have you thought about low dose oral minoxidil and switching to dutasteride? maybe there is no need to switch to dutasteride since you seem to maintaining well with just finasteride but you never know, could help. I have been taking oral minoxidil since last october but i don't think im a good responder to it, but i have seen amazing results from other people that have used it, something to think about, it can be used in addition to your topical.


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This is some very obvious improvement. If those close up pictures are of the same spot on your scalp, its even more obvious.
Im glad you managed to regrow some hair on your scalp. I remember when you posted back in august and said you were getting zero gains there.
Did you keep up the daily needling on your hairline? Anything happened there? I remember you had some very sudden regrowth happening there
Yes, I have been needling daily over all of my upper scalp, in all the area that is succeptible to Androgenetic Alopecia, even where I still have good hair, just for prevention.
Because my hairline and temples are still not bad, I haven't been paying much attention there so I don't really know if something else has happened (didn't take further magnified pics there).

I'll keep this up for some more time and update you guys every three months, always comparing against the baseline pic. Will try everyday needling for at least a year. Don't have my hopes up, but I have nothin to lose. A worsening pattern will just be the sign for shaving my head and moving on :)


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@ToLGuy a transplant can fill your crown up easily, you don't need a lot of grafts so the price will be quite reasonable too.

Yes that's also an option, my crown is diffuse thinning so sadly i can't get a transplant but your crown could be filled up nicely for not a lot of money.


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Thanks, if I am maintaining and can keep my hair indefinitely, then I would be happy. But of course I would like to regain some hair if possible. However, I don't see what could be a "more radical regime".

I am already nuking my hairloss with the strongest and well supported treatments as indicated by the scientific literature (finas, minoxidil, ketoconazole, and presumably needling). I believe everything else beyond that is either weakly supported by evidence (all the spooky oils people talk about here and there) or their effect is just too mild compared to the above mentioning methods. So what else could I add? I am open to suggestions
what you need is a kitchen sink approach. the sad fact is that most people are unable to pop a pill and regrow hair. alot of people who get results always nuke their hairloss with different treatments. Thats not saying that your approach was miniscule by any degree. It wasnt. But theres alot of things that can be added. And while some of them might not be significant, they might just do the magic for you if combined together.

-topical miconazol
-hydrocortisone 0.5% everyday
-oral castor oil


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what you need is a kitchen sink approach. the sad fact is that most people are unable to pop a pill and regrow hair. alot of people who get results always nuke their hairloss with different treatments. Thats not saying that your approach was miniscule by any degree. It wasnt. But theres alot of things that can be added. And while some of them might not be significant, they might just do the magic for you if combined together.

-topical miconazol
-hydrocortisone 0.5% everyday
-oral castor oil
What is the benefits micanozal and hydrocortisone? I have a hydrocortisone cream but my derm prescripted it for my ears dandruff. Also i have m-furo lotion contains cortisone, its same thing micanozal?


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Yes that's also an option, my crown is diffuse thinning so sadly i can't get a transplant but your crown could be filled up nicely for not a lot of money.
I once made a thread in this forum looking for advices regarding a transplant for my crown. In most of the replies they said that the pattern of my bald spot, in which there is still a lot of thick hair, is not suitable for a transplant because that nearly surrounding thick hair might end up being lost by shock loss. They ultimately said that my bald spot isnt large enough to go for the transplant route and that I may end up worse.
So yeah, I have considered a transplant but people here got me to think it twice.


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What is the benefits micanozal and hydrocortisone? I have a hydrocortisone cream but my derm prescripted it for my ears dandruff. Also i have m-furo lotion contains cortisone, its same thing micanozal?
miconazole is PGE1. A good growth agonist.
Hydrocortisone... no freakin idea. But like clobetasol it seems to be quite magic when it comes to growing hair, but doesnt have the side effects of clobetasol because its not as strong. Hair growth is literally listed as a side effect of hydrocortisone.
cortisone has nothing to do with miconazol.

heres my cocktail i'll be using. Almost all my ingredients have arrived. Note this is made for me personally. You can use minoxidil and finasteride as you like.

-copper solution topically: (topical AA)
-zinc sulfate heptahydrate 10-20mg per day (topical AA)
-b6 solution topically: (3-8mg per day) (topical AA)

-pantostin topically 3ml per day (topical AA)

- oral castor oil (PGE2 metabolyte agonist)

- stemoxydine 3ml per day fructis&qid=1574354570&sr=8-13 (activates progenitor cells, hypoxia for VEMF and WNT)

- RU58841 topically if possible (topical AA)

- topical finasteride (crushed up finasteride tabs in a solution) (topical 5-ar inhibitor (AA))

- oral finasteride if sides are tolerable

- topical ketoconazoel. either shampoo or dilluting the creme in a solution (topical AA, potential growth agonist)

- topical miconazol (full PGE1 agonist)

- hydrocortisone topically, not more than 5mg every 2 days (mechanism unknown, extreme growth agonist)

- panthenol (vitamin b5?) solution (very good carrier)

- azelaic acid/sacylic (optional) acid

- topical minoxidil


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I once made a thread in this forum looking for advices regarding a transplant for my crown. In most of the replies they said that the pattern of my bald spot, in which there is still a lot of thick hair, is not suitable for a transplant because that nearly surrounding thick hair might end up being lost by shock loss. They ultimately said that my bald spot isnt large enough to go for the transplant route and that I may end up worse.
So yeah, I have considered a transplant but people here got me to think it twice.
You shouldn’t be afraid of shock loss. It is not gone forever. Whenever transplanting into areas where there is native hair, you will get SOME shockloss. The follicles shed the hair and go into a temporary dormant pause. But then, for the most part, that hair grows back as the grafts grow in. Wouldn’t worry about it.


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I once made a thread in this forum looking for advices regarding a transplant for my crown. In most of the replies they said that the pattern of my bald spot, in which there is still a lot of thick hair, is not suitable for a transplant because that nearly surrounding thick hair might end up being lost by shock loss. They ultimately said that my bald spot isnt large enough to go for the transplant route and that I may end up worse.
So yeah, I have considered a transplant but people here got me to think it twice.

Your hair looks fine, a small bald spot on the crown is nothing. If you can maintain on your treatments with no sides why change anything?


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Can retinol be combined with 0.3 dermaroller? I heard not to combine these 2 drugs because you can do more harm.


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Guys, it's finally time for an update.

You people probably dont remember my story so I will give you a brief summary:

-I´ve been on Finasteride (1mg eod) and minoxidil (twice a day) for 3.5 years. More or less mantained, I am not sure if I am slightly better or slightly worse than baseline

-Startled microneedling in November 2018 (a year and a month ago). In August of this year, I saw no apparent progress by comparing pics in my crown (my worst hit area, temples and hairline are relatively well), so I said f*** it, I will test another regime.

-After that, i decided to test needling EVERYDAY in a mild manner with 1mm, while keeping the intense sessions at 2mm once a week, applying minoxidil right after. This everyday approach has been adopted by a few members here, including @chen , who is one of the best cases of hair gains in this thread. As such, I am showing you progress pic between my pre-needling state to my current state (1.1years apart) AND a focused pic taken with a magnifying glass of my pre-everyday needling state and my current state (3 months apart). This pic was taken in my WORST spot, that is, the one which has the least amount of hair, in my crown.

So with these pics, I want your opinion on whether there is improvement between the 1.1 time window, and between the 3 month period in which I increased the needling frequency to everyday.

I really don´t know what to conclude. I don´t really know if there's a difference even with the detailed, close up pics I took with a magnifying glass.
Please let me know what do you think, and try to be as objective as possible, avoiding the usual optimistic bias and seeing what you want to see to support microneedling. Keep in mind that I tried to keep the variables in those pics as similar as possible: styling my hair the same in the worst possible way so the bald spots are exposed, under the same natural lighting, and in the same angle. However, given that my hair is relatively long (about 2 inches), replicating the exact same styling is difficult.

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@kiwi666 @chen @Pigeon @Moosey

First of all thanks for the update,

Secondly I think its neither positive nor negative if that can make any sense at all, negative because you've not had a turn around and had anything cosmetically different however that amount of time should lead to some noticeable decrease if the balding is continuing where as in your case it has some slight improvement. Are you still on finasteride? this could also account for that

3rdly I have been needling about the same amount of time as you , my hair loss looks very similar to your pattern and have only within the last month seen a real increase and a very noticeable amount of regrowth for the first time since starting to battle hairloss, It is however worth noting that my minoxidil use has been rather on and off and so perhaps I was constantly shedding and that made the situation look worse until now where I have been more consistent with it but what I do know is that now a year later it finally looks a lot better.

Other things to note with me

I needle very hard, and my frequency isn't that much I give my scalp weeks to recover sometimes I will do small light sessions inbetween but When I do a proper session I go hard.

I apply my min straight after and a lot of it

I am also using sandalore mixed with my minoxidil ( this could be a big factor we still dont know at this point)

I started using alpacin max shampoo ( could be coincidence but it actually started improving when I first started using)

I more frequently use keto shampoo

I massage my head now a lot

If you dont already it may be worth trying this method instead and you could have more success.


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Can someone who's been with this thread for awhile tell me if this is generally considered a reputable route to take? I really don't wanna comb through 100+ pages...


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Can someone who's been with this thread for awhile tell me if this is generally considered a reputable route to take? I really don't wanna comb through 100+ pages...

I'd say it is a must have these days, you have nothing to lose, a dermaroller costs practically nothing, try it for yourself and see how you fare. Some of the best results came from needling at relatively low depths daily, chen has amazing results and he uses 1mm daily.


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Can someone who's been with this thread for awhile tell me if this is generally considered a reputable route to take? I really don't wanna comb through 100+ pages...

Yes, it's been shown to work in studies
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One thing I noticed about needling (dermapen AND rolling) is that it cuts a lot of the hair on my head to where it makes my scalp more diffuse than it actually is. I just needled and I have zix on my scalp (yellow globs) but here are a few pictures that show this. Nearly half of the hairs on my head look like this up close so if I get a buzz cut and then grow my hair out for a few weeks without needling then I will know what state my hair is actually in.


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Maybe you should use the pen like stamp rather than circling or dragging motion.

MyThinningConfidence posted impressive result on reddit 3 days ago. 21 months microneedling plus 15 months finasteride. Me being a new member cant post link.


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miconazole is PGE1. A good growth agonist.
Hydrocortisone... no freakin idea. But like clobetasol it seems to be quite magic when it comes to growing hair, but doesnt have the side effects of clobetasol because its not as strong. Hair growth is literally listed as a side effect of hydrocortisone.
cortisone has nothing to do with miconazol.

heres my cocktail i'll be using. Almost all my ingredients have arrived. Note this is made for me personally. You can use minoxidil and finasteride as you like.

-copper solution topically: (topical AA)
-zinc sulfate heptahydrate 10-20mg per day (topical AA)
-b6 solution topically: (3-8mg per day) (topical AA)

-pantostin topically 3ml per day (topical AA)

- oral castor oil (PGE2 metabolyte agonist)

- stemoxydine 3ml per day fructis&qid=1574354570&sr=8-13 (activates progenitor cells, hypoxia for VEMF and WNT)

- RU58841 topically if possible (topical AA)

- topical finasteride (crushed up finasteride tabs in a solution) (topical 5-ar inhibitor (AA))

- oral finasteride if sides are tolerable

- topical ketoconazoel. either shampoo or dilluting the creme in a solution (topical AA, potential growth agonist)

- topical miconazol (full PGE1 agonist)

- hydrocortisone topically, not more than 5mg every 2 days (mechanism unknown, extreme growth agonist)

- panthenol (vitamin b5?) solution (very good carrier)

- azelaic acid/sacylic (optional) acid

- topical minoxidil

miconazol is not pge1.


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When I roll I also roll non hairloss zones partially just to get a feel for the whole thing. The weird thing is that after the rolling the non hairloss zone itches like crazy while the hairloss zone doesn't really feel like anything. A bit burnish to the touch but nothing else. What does this hint towards?