I.D. WALKER, I can only encourage you to read up on the causes of Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness. It should explain to you why this whole thread consists of nothing but bullsh*t.
I know that it is impossible to persuade Youcandoit. One of his "explanations" in this thread was this:
string theory is about the life force powering the atoms, giving life to it and then it branches from there. Wether you believe it or not, everything that exists is God including you. It's all the same force vibrating at infinite speeds which can appear in all places at once.
This makes me wonder if he ever even attended school. It could've come straight from a fairytale.
Now the problem is not that Youcandoit cannot be persuaded. The problem is that he spreads his bullsh*t and people actually believe it.
A couple of months ago discussion was driven by reading up scientific papers. Some of the most active users got their hands on the papers, dissected them, and tried to interpret the results. When something was unclear or seemingly in contradiction to previous findings, other users would find papers again to disprove it. We figured out on our own what needle lengths can potentially be used, how different kinds of oils might help in the creation of subcutaneous fat (and later found out that the loss of subcutaneous fat was not a precursor to hairloss, but a consequence), and so on and so forth. We had posts like
this, and princessRambo who did a lot of great work by actually working with
scientific papers provided us with a well-founded (though expensive) regimen and rigidly well documenting photos that proved his success.
Now compare posts like the one I linked above with Youcandoit's "you just have to believe it works, then it will work, because mind and body are one and we are all affected by the vibrations of the universe" nonsense. I guess you will notice the "slight" difference. Please don't help in spreading this bullsh*t. It is getting harder and harder to actually have any fruitful discussions and new insights on these forums because more and more people spread made-up nonsense stemming from a complete inability to understand basic causalities.
If we want to have even the slightest chance at figuring out treatments ourselves, we have to be rigorous in correcting each other. If we don't filter out wrong information by other users we cannot distinguish potentially viable treatments to try from quackery. And this thread is the most perfect example of quackery. If we blindly follow such nonsense because "everybody's believes have to be respected" we will not achieve any advances at all.