Violet Ray Device Ancient Hair Loss Studies

Armando Jose

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Among many of his other well documented and respected accomplishments Doctor Einstein is also the beloved author of one of my favorite and most comforting modern day quotes," the imagination is a preview of life's coming attractions." We needs more scientific minded philosophers like him. His inane sense of humanity both inwardly and outwardly positively touched this world.



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I've said my peace. I'll leave you guys to argue over wording and what you believe is fact and fiction. Just keep and open mind because as much as you would like to believe it, science has not found the cause of male pattern baldness. I won't respond to any other posts here.

Armando Jose

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I've said my peace. I'll leave you guys to argue over wording and what you believe is fact and fiction. Just keep and open mind because as much as you would like to believe it, science has not found the cause of male pattern baldness. I won't respond to any other posts here.



I don’t see a huge difference, at least in the idea.
Who was first? Chamans or medical doctors?

Who of us think that our body is an electro-magnetic-circulatory issue?


Guest with your baldness and your imaginary superior'll need that strength to be able to look into the mirror everyday at a bald head...each lonely day you'll live with the peace of mind that you THINK you're intelligent and poor soul..

done with you...good luck to you

EDITED because i felt i should not stoop down to the level of some people here.


EDITED - Again due to the reason mentioned in the above post. Some people here are in the business of provocation but i should not get provoked.


you know guys i will tell you a story : several parents in northern nigeria and pakistan refused to have their children to be vaccinated by polio vaccines because they thought it was a conspiracy. Thousands of children were left crippled. You think : what kind of a person subjects his children to pain due to his ideological extremism? Umm, you know the answer.

And NO, please do not rile these people up by asking for proof that does not exist. Their ideology works on a lack of proof , not on the basis of it. BTW , i have a theory on how violet ray works. I think our hair follicles are damaged due to the engineered environment (you guessed it , the govt and the corporations and the evil scientists did it) around us. So, you see that the electric and the magnetic field between the follicles need to be restored , which is done by VR. Also, if you want to test this, put a small magnet on top of your scalp. Does it stay? BINGO, theory proved. Do not lie down when you put the magnet LOL.

That is all i gotta say. Outta here


This can go on forever. Now it has become comical . Back to the 'topic'.


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This can go on forever. Now it has become comical . Back to the 'topic'.

comical?? How about you editing your last 3 posts where you blocked me and "blah-blah-blah I can't read what you wrote, I'm sure it's blah-blah-blah, I'm outta here, blah-blah-blah", just like a little child who covers his you're still posting here, carrying on...jeezus dude, you're an embarrassment...why are you still on this thread??? We all know how you feel...good for you...what else do you want to contribute...what is "back to topic" for you??? ...more belittling???

...I'm not gonna change what you think...You're not gonna change what I, or the others who are experimenting beyond "the scientific method", think...

.so what the hell else do you want to say?? uh?? ...


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there's something mentally wrong with these guys...a guy creates a thread saying he believes he's seeing results with this VR and DR' what?? There's a ton of stuff being tried, being consumed, etc, etc...yet these clowns feel the need to come on here and insult people who are just trying to find something that MIGHT give something more...male pattern baldness is an unsolved mystery..anything goes...
As it doesnt help replying to your full posts, I'll just do it sentence by sentence now so you get the meaning and dont cherry-pick what you want to reply to.

I have stated in this thread five times by now that I dont have any problems with people trying out new stuff. I have encouraged you to buy this VR - as you said yourself that you would do that before you chickened out.

This is the research sections of these forums. We are discussing research here, i.e. things based on viable theories. Not an idea some "psychic" who claims that our souls are wandering remote planets before they are put into our bodies at birth (yes, the "inventor" of the VR, Edgar Cayce, actually believes this) came up with in a state of delirium through his "psychic readings".

All the theories in this thread that tried to explain why the VR works are disproven or based on "psychic readings". Thus, according to what we know, the VR is as effective as rubbing grass onto your scalp - there could be something to it which we don't know yet. It is as badly supported by science as any other random treatment. And that is the point about basing new treatments on scientific findings: It gives potential treatments a direction in which to try, instead of just doing random things.

I've said it before: I encourage you to try it out. I encourage everyone to try out new things that have some scientifically confirmed theory as their backing. But if we just try out everything some psychics say will heal us even though all theories behind their devices are disproven, we will be trying random things till the end of time.


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Now this is the tone I've been looking for here. I commend you and everyone for choosing to take the high road. Stay on it. For the most part we all delight in following or engaging in passionate exchanges. Our convictions indelibly define who we are and who we are becoming .I draw a line through the dirt only when the mutual respect between the actors is lost and forsaken. Today I see promising evidence it is not. Thanx for sharing and all the best.

Armando Jose

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male pattern baldness is an unsolved mystery.
I agree.....
Anyone can think anything, but the honesty is a key, and I don't think that Mr. Cayce is dishonest, ...., and he, with his idea conserved moreless well his hair, but it is posible that rubing the head with oil also helped.
BTW, was Cayce the inventor of this device VR? I thought was Tesla


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Cayce was a madman. He did not base his statements on anything that can be empirically proven or actually witnessed. His statements are as valid as the statements of a random drug addict who has revelations in delirium.
What makes the statements of Edgar Cayce in any way more believable than those of any guy in a mental hospital or of a person in drug-induced delirium?

Cayce was the idiot who claimed that VRs can be used for all kinds of treatment. That was not a claim by Tesla, who indeed invented the construction underlying the VR (not the VR itself!), but for completely different purposes, mostly on a "hey, let's see what this does" basis, i.e. not for hairloss treatment.


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44 we go again...

...there is a madman poising to invade a country at the the root of it, this is a man who believes in what he THINK'S is right with ABSOLUTION... I said...

...Mod Admin, please move this to the Alternatives section so these troll's can leave this thread alone


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Sparx4444, I'll make this very easy for you. Answer the following question:
benjt said:
What makes the statements of Edgar Cayce in any way more believable than those of any guy in a mental hospital or of a person in drug-induced delirium?

And yes, he was the guy who claimed to know things with ABSOLUTION without giving any proof. He just claimed they were right.


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...just google [h=1]
Anita Moorjani
...then someone give me a scientific explanation of what happened here...

...yeah, that's right...stick this up your royal arse bent-wad...

...there are countless stories about mind healing the body...we do not understand this yet, because we are too immature a species to, at the, except for bent-dick because he is the almighty intellect...but I digress...

I also think there is something much more powerful at work with our mind. I personally beleive that our thoughts are not bound to time and space, we can go into the future and back, JMO. Maybe there is such a thing as quantum consciousness.


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I also think there is something much more powerful at work with our mind. I personally beleive that our thoughts are not bound to time and space, we can go into the future and back, JMO. Maybe there is such a thing as quantum consciousness.'s not just pie-in-the-sky...there are unexplained, fully observed phenomenon to indicate this ...

- - - Updated - - -

Sparx4444, I'll make this very easy for you. Answer the following question:

And yes, he was the guy who claimed to know things with ABSOLUTION without giving any proof. He just claimed they were right.

LMAO..I wasn't referring to Edgar Cayce, nor have I ever referenced him in this thread, ever...I'm just saying someone has an inflated, superiority complex problem -- the root of the issue is absolution in one's ego and judgements-- much like Hitler and Putin...just saying someone on this thread as bit of that at the root of their personality...not saying who, just saying..


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Yeah, it might indeed be the one going all aggressive, calling other people Nazis, comparing them to Hitler and Putin, telling them to suck c*** etc.

But it's great you're seeing that - self-awareness is the first step to becoming a better, less aggressive and less insulting person. Keep it up!


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Right, I intend to get this thread back, it is so stupid that everyone is arguing all the time, jesus grow up!

SO I bought a huse violet ray, simply because I had heard about people getting great results from it, like a rational forum member said previously in this post, anything that gets oxygen circulating up there is good. my device is pretty strong, I used it for about 5mins a few weeks back and my scalp was itching crazy for days, so this time I'm going to take it slowly, I'm doing 2 treatments for 1minute morning and evening. This is my first full day and obviously nothing to report. fortunately my scalp is not itching but that is also due to the cold shower therapy I use, it has really helped cool down my scalp.

I will keep people updated on my progress.

P.S I am only here to share my experiences and not get into arguements with people who I believe are connected to propecia and are being deliberately disruptive so I shall ignore all hate messages and only focus on those people who are genuinely interested

gr8, keep us informed :)