was in a good mood

Wolf Pack

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Those are some old pictures and they are comedians. Show me some leading actors in French movies. English history traditionally is very cultured and rich too. Now everything is more westernised. I recently read something on identifying where Prince William's balding gene comes from, which foreign royal family first had it, as they used to all marry each other before.

Think about it, girls date guys so will research things to do with them or ask on forums. Don't we research things on girls? A quick search on google will tell you girls do ask these questions as baldness is a big thing. You can't expect them to research something random like kidney infection unless they know someone has it but hair loss isn't random in my experience.

If girls are clued up on a guys clothes, body, interests, what they like, definitely hair on the head will be something they know a little about!

Once a guy tried it on with my girlfriend many years ago randomly on the street and kept persisting so she remembers it more. She goes he was annoying and it was all canned material. Why would she know that?

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French actors, don't look so different to Hollywood. This one is like in his 40s


One from old French movies, even he has full hair, no surprises


I got to get going. I will finish by saying this. I think you're right that maybe baldness is more mocked in the anglo nations. That will happen in other countries too over time maybe.

However, a full head of hair is seen as more attractive in literally every corner of the globe since humans have been around, nothing to do with the media. It is natural. It's like saying does a guy with one leg look better than one with two legs.


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If Chris Evans posted his hairline on this forum, a lot of guys would tell him to get on medication instantly because he clearly has hair loss. I think > 99% of his women fan haven't thought for a second he might have an issue with his hair. His hairline seems a little receded here though.


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I honestly think the media here is in leagues with the government to simply dumb down America until we are so self involved and selfish and will let them walk all over us and we'll be to busy whining about it on facebook to do anything.

Fred you seem to have done a 180 on most of your views lately. You used to preach how a woman wouldnt touch a bald guy, now its the complete reversal.


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I still believe a lot of women wouldn't touch a bald guy, but not because they're repulsed by him, only because there is a strong narrative that bald men don't deserve any attention or affection.

And a lot of Western women bought into that narrative.

I'm the living example of that, because I can even sleep with women (so they must have been attracted to me, right?) and only after, they decided they didn't want me because of my baldness.

again maybe they didnt want to appear shallow. Eventually they DID leave. Who are they with now?

Wolf Pack

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If Chris Evans posted his hairline on this forum, a lot of guys would tell him to get on medication instantly because he clearly has hair loss. I think > 99% of his women fan haven't thought for a second he might have an issue with his hair. His hairline seems a little receded here though.
View attachment 33030

As mentioned many times on the forum by me, Norwood 1-3 with thick hair is not seen as genuinely bald by women. He has thick hair, he has a cool hairstyle, it won't be an issue.

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Fred you seem to have done a 180 on most of your views lately. You used to preach how a woman wouldnt touch a bald guy, now its the complete reversal.

I've unfortunately noticed that and hope he is okay. Not a relapse or something. Kubler-Ross model of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Acceptance of reality is the best.

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What I'm saying is this: most women are still attracted to bald men. But they're trained to think they deserve better.

As hellouser put it so well in only one word: entitlement. Most of them are with perfect NW1's now.

So wrong. They are not attracted and it's no more an entitlement than a man wanting a woman with long hair.


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Sure, they didn't want to appear shallow so they had sex with me? Just because they wanted to be polite? Please.

If they didn't want to appear shallow, they wouldn't have explicitly mentioned my baldness when they dumped me.

What I'm saying is this: most women are still attracted to bald men. But they're trained to think they deserve better.

As hellouser put it so well in only one word: entitlement. Most of them are with perfect NW1's now.

No Fred, women can have that "maybe Ill learn to love him" attitude. Has nothing to do with polite, its just they themselves thought they could "look past" it but realized even after sex they couldnt. Maybe she liked another aspect of you for a while but the baldness was just to much to outweigh.
Its not entitlement its the fact bald is ugly and viewed as not prime for reproduction. A young girl does NOT want to risk getting pregnant by a YOUNG bald guy. Those are genes they dont want to possibly pass on


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It is entitlement! Look, I prefer long hair on women, yet my girlfriend had very short hair when I met her, because of a stupid modelling gig where they asked her to cut her hair short.

To be honest, I didn't like it at all, but I gave her a chance (and asked her to let it grow). Why? Because I'm not an entitled prick who think he deserves a woman with long hair.

There's no scientific evidence that balding signals genetic inferiority to women, and that is a fact. And no I'm not going mad or denying reality.

Let's say that there are two schools of thought on this forum: those believing that hatred (or disgust?) for baldness in innate, and those who say it is a learned trait.

I gave arguments based on my personal experience that support the second theory, but you haven't really proven to me that baldness is a deal-breaker when it comes to raw attraction.

You've only said things like "Yeah women told me this or this, so it must be true."

It doesn't mean anything, watch what they do, and yes women do have sex with bald men, more than you think.

I've slept with a woman who said she had never had sex with a man with short hair (she was a metal girl)!

And I was bald. It was discussed with her and I even told her I would have a hair transplant.

She said: "But you're cute! even if you have no hair!" Wasn't the baldness supposed to be a deal-breaker? Especially with a girl with such dating history?

It was a one-night-stand by the way. She knew she wouldn't see me again, so there could not be a "maybe I'll learn to love him".

There are studies that prove it. Studies show on average bald men are perceived as less attractive, less trustworthy, weaker, etc etc. These are not all people controlled by the media. Its a fact bald is seen as less desirable because hair is seen as a form of youth and vigor. Its simple instinct to want to reproduce with the best possible healthy mate.
Yes women sleep with bald men, but bald men will not "on average" attract as attractive of a woman.
Its not a matter of "hate", I have always said that women dont "hate" bald men. Not wanting to have sex with something doesnt mean you hate them, its just they dont find you attractive.
Blaming the media for actual human instinct is a scape goat. You want to put something/one to blame for our shortcomings. I KEEP saying if bald guys started getting portrayed in chich flicks as the love interest they would not all of a sudden be the hot commodity. The attraction to bald men is still a niche thing. Im speaking in terms of women maybe 34 and under. After that if still single they will pretty much take what they can get.
Even before film/television heroes were ALWAYS portrayed as full thick heads of hair and the villians as decrepit bald monsters. Look at all depictions of gods and goddesses. Not many bald ones are there?
Look at ancient rome where men did everything to cover their balding. This is something that has always been, not just since the 21rst century. The difference is our media is so instantaneous now.

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Originally Posted by swingline747

Fred you seem to have done a 180 on most of your views lately. You used to preach how a woman wouldnt touch a bald guy, now its the complete reversal.
I've unfortunately noticed that and hope he is okay. Not a relapse or something. Kubler-Ross model of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Acceptance of reality is the best.

hopefully someone from slybaldguys didnt kill fred and steal his account info, we should get in the case!


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Maybe Fred was able to pull off the bald look and it is possible that other features like height helped him. Plus baldness isn't really mocked here.

What I am trying to say is that for some losing there hair can really mess with how there face looks. No offense but swingeline is an example of that, if I get this right he says he is handsome with hair but not so without.

Other can still get away with it but that percentage is not very high. I think it is more like a he isn't attractive because he is bald than a he is bald therefore not attractive.

uncomfortable man

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Responding to swings comment about women not hating bald guys, just not being attracted to them. Heres the thing though, women are programmed to look at every guy in the context of "would I fvck him?" And all the ones she wouldnt she litterally despises and rejects. So yes, there is hate there and plenty of it. How could you read insulting comment after comment about bald guys from women and still believe they are objectively indifferent?and baldness may have always not been considered attractive but has never been as stigmatized and as loaded with default neggative connotations as it is right now! I dont care if the chicken or egg came first or why... the media is hurting us through obvious slander.

Wolf Pack

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You manipulated that study Fred. There is no mention of baldness or women being told to hate it. That study is actually more talking about the differences in attitude of women to sex and how they feel about it. This is no surprise, 100-200 years ago promiscuity was viewed differently, women were viewed by others and saw themselves, differently. Then think about different religions and cultures even currently.

Baldness was never sexy. As Swing has said and me too, English Knights were portrayed with thick flowing hair because the women romanticised that. It goes back to the time of ancient Greeks and Egyptians too.

I do agree though, that even though it is unattractive it is vilified unnecessarily. This mocking must stop like with any other disfigurement. Problem is most bald guys in real life take part in the jokes too.

There is a school of thought that being bald was an evolutionary signal that you will not spread your seed but settle down and commit to a family. That was a big deal for early humans for survival. So you can see even then it probably served a practical purpose rather than being seen as sexy.


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Let's say that it's probably a bit of both.

50%: Baldness lowers you attractiveness to women. And Yes it has been shown by a study that bald men are perceived as less attractive compared to full heads.

And 50%: people are taught to see bald men as inferior. You can't deny there is a cultural component to the hate of bald men.

It's not one or the other, we must consider all the factors.

There is also the lowering of confidence and sense of identity baldness induces.

And the confidence problem is real. When I was bald, I decided for a while to just stop even trying with women.

In the end, I discovered I still had my chances. I wish I had known before my "living in my basement" phase.

Confidence won't convince a woman who doesn't want you to sleep with you of course.

All I say is, just don't stop trying because the points stated above.

Yes baldness will reduce your attractiveness, yes it will reduce your social worth, and yes it will reduce your confidence.

But that doesn't mean you're not good enough anymore. Don't sink in unwarranted self-loathing and idleness because you're bald.

Okay well go 50/50 Im good with that.
But in the end if women beleive what they are told then why bother with you at all in the first place. Either of our argument could have faults. I mean did they think you were attractive until YOU took them to a movie where the long flowing guy was a hero. Did they all of a sudden find TV and go "holy schit FREDS BALD!". They would already have this ingrained in their heads by the media to not like you.
Women can be pressured into some odd situations, NOT THAT YOU were pressuring them. Maybe they were pressuring themselves. Or you guys had mutual friends who said "hey Freds a nice guy you should give him a shot".
I mean we are all pretty much influenced by what we see. Maybe not so much as being told but the media shows us what we like and pushes us towards it. Maybe I never even knew I liked a certain style of pants until I saw it.
What Im saying is a guy with great hair comes off as young verile and action oriented. Bad hair portrays sickness and NO HAIR is a convict rapist. These are not tropes created by the media this is what people believed all along that shaped the media we created. Its a chicken and egg scenario.


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Because it takes only one "He's bald, don't you deserve better?" to plant the seed of doubt into her mind.

And if it's not their friends that will remind them, it's all the cultural programming around them.

Something has to trigger the "waking up" effect I've been talking about.


Even one of the most rated replies on Quora admits it's the reason why a lot of women won't consider dating a bald guy:

Again its a friend naggin at something that is already on their mind, as you put it "a wake up call". Its there, they are just ignoring it until they receive validation its okay to not like this guy cause hes bald. This is a good way for us both to look at it. We are both right.
Its innate in the female mind to not want/like bald men, but the media gives them the "validation" they need to be selective. Its like those social experiments on how fast you can dehumanize someone and treat them like crap with no remorse because its been validated they are not equal. Its an innate feeling in everyone.


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Hair means virilty to most people.

Its funny because hair usually shows more virility than even a great body. Im not talking extremes but even if you took a buff guy whos balding and put him next to an average NW1, women will STILL say the NW1 is more verile and energetic.


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Its funny because hair usually shows more virility than even a great body. Im not talking extremes but even if you took a buff guy whos balding and put him next to an average NW1, women will STILL say the NW1 is more verile and energetic.
This might be true for young guys (under 30 years). After that, NW1s are the minority and probably have other flaws compared to a buff guy.


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lol watch first 15 seconds