Why are you even here then?
Follica is planning a phase 3 later this year.
Brotzu possibly this year. (Don’t even try to tell me it’s a scam we don’t even know yet)
Shiseido later this year
Tisuji 2020
Fevipiprant 2020
Samumed 2020
How old are you?30? A mere infant in my timescale. And from that perspective, I know you will beg for hair until your dying breath.
But, back to the point. By 2020, we will be able to confidently say there will be something coming out in the following five years.
Ok, it's Tsuji 2020. Pretty sure.
Any idea when Follica is supposed to announce Phase III results?Follica is not the treatment that anyone wants, it's just the treatment that we need. They don't claim amazing results. But they are looking cheap, practical, and maybe the closest thing to market right now.
Their core wounding science is definitely capable of causing usable amounts of new hair growth. (This doesn't sound very impressive until you start counting up how many hair multiplication efforts have failed at it over the years - including the well-funded high tech ones.)
DHT resistance - not known. But your original balding hairs got blasted with very high androgen exposure for years while you were a teenager. Do you plan on shooting up with enough steroids to repeat that? Probably not. People who have produced new hairs via wounding (needling, etc) typically find that they last for at least a few years, if not more.
For me Wayne Rooney is only proof for that, that rich people have no more(extra) knownage then we do about hair loss and hair transplant.
CorrectThere’s pretty much two guarantees here:
-For as long as there has been the capability to write there have been “cures” for baldness.
- One day there will be a cure for baldness.
Now the hope is that one of these solutions in the pipeline amounts to the latter or at least something close. Now obviously it seems a bit too much to ask that we will be the generation between the beginning and the end of time that are “saved”. But then every man between the beginning of time and the nineties lost the lead in their pencil and v**** proved the wonder solution. And we live in the most scientifically advanced age ever and tomorrow it will be even more advanced.
The notion that you should give up because nothing has worked before is a fallacy in itself. Nothing worked before because no one knew what caused baldness, scientists now know more about it than they ever had before.
However, v**** was a lucky discovery.
They were testing the drug for something else when they discovered its effects on ED.
As it happened with minoxidil.
I wish the final solution to hair loss does not come from a lucky strike, otherwise we really have no control on the timeline
Sounds like 2020 will roll around and we'll still have the big 3 as our best options.Highly unlikely. There are realistically 3 options that could be available to the public based on their current FDA/trial statuses:
Follica seems to be limping along in terms of progress. I doubt they'll go through phase III trials and release within 1.5 years considering nothing solid has been announced. Who knows how effective Replicel even is, and if it's worth traveling to Japan for. But based on current trial status, they have the most straightforward path to release since they don't need a phase III.
- Follica
- Samumed
- Replicel
The only thing I can see potentially getting released in 2020 would be Samumed since they've explicitly stated they'll enter Phase III this year. And that is likely more like 2021.
Riken/Tsuji might be in trials then but unlikely it will be widely available, if at all, in 2020. There's always the chance of something popping up in a less regulated country (I think an international breakthrough is our best hope at this point), but who knows.