
What Do You Think Is The Cause Of Testicular Pain After Taking Finasteride? Please Help Me If You Ha


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Hello friends
I have been taking finasteride for several weeks and in this time masturbated for many times, Although I didn't need sex at all.
And now I feel pain in my testicles. What do you think is the cause?
By the way, I had been taking finasteride for 8 months in the past, and I had no problems and I started taking the medicine again.


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Placebo, obviously. Finasteride is 100% safe.


Absolute nobody claims finasteride is 100% safe, just that sides are rare and even if you do get them usually minor, it is definitely possible for some people to get severe sides from it, but like i said, it's rare and shouldn't stop you from trying the drug to halt baldness imo.

As for the OP i have heard of inital ball pain when first starting to take it and it usually goes away, i have never had any sort of pain from finasteride or dutasteride, maybe someone who had similar symptoms can chime in. Good luck


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Placebo, obviously. Finasteride is 100% safe.

check 2020 papers on finasteride and duta on liver damage, steatosis, diabetes, dry eye and so on...besides libido, depression....


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i never had it but a friend said he did. It went away around 6 weeks. Hes fine has healthy kids etc.


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check 2020 papers on finasteride and duta on liver damage, steatosis, diabetes, dry eye and so on...besides libido, depression....

I didn't think I would have to point it out, but I was being sarcastic.


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Hello friends
I have been taking finasteride for several weeks and in this time masturbated for many times, Although I didn't need sex at all.
And now I feel pain in my testicles. What do you think is the cause?
By the way, I had been taking finasteride for 8 months in the past, and I had no problems and I started taking the medicine again.

Your balls are adjusting to your new hormonal homeostasis by adjusting their own androgen production.


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Hello friends
I have been taking finasteride for several weeks and in this time masturbated for many times, Although I didn't need sex at all.
And now I feel pain in my testicles. What do you think is the cause?
By the way, I had been taking finasteride for 8 months in the past, and I had no problems and I started taking the medicine again.

Well if you would search google for how a prostate shrinking drug works you would find your answers...


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Stop lying, sides are not rare at all.

More than 50%+ on this forum had sides. And we know Merck lied about the numbers.

And OP, I had the infamous ball ache too, the first months I took it but it went away for most of the time but other side effects slowly creeped up. Be warned.

Did GSK also lie then about dutasteride? i take it and have weak orgasms so i know it can cause sexual sides, but the side effect profile between merks finasteride studies and GSK studies on dutasteride are very similar in terms of sexual sides.


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check 2020 papers on finasteride and duta on liver damage, steatosis, diabetes, dry eye and so on...besides libido, depression....
Just lol at ur rat studies where they overdose rats on finasteride.


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The Dark Side of 5α-Reductase Inhibitors' Therapy: Sexual Dysfunction, High Gleason Grade Prostate Cancer and Depression

Adverse Event Reporting in Clinical Trials of Finasteride for Androgenic Alopecia: A Meta-analysis.


Of 34 clinical trials, none had adequate safety reporting, 19 were partially adequate, 12 were inadequate, and 3 reported no adverse events. Funnel plots were asymmetric with a bias toward lower odds ratio for sexual adverse effects, suggesting systematic underdetection. No reports assessed adequacy of blinding, 18 (53%) disclosed conflicts of interest, and 19 (56%) received funding from the manufacturer. Duration of drug safety evaluation was 1 year or less for 26 of 34 trials (76%). Of 5704 men in the clinical data repository who were treated for Androgenetic Alopecia with finasteride, 1.25 mg/d or less, for Androgenetic Alopecia, only 31% met inclusion criteria for the pivotal trials referenced in the manufacturer's full prescribing information and 33% took finasteride for more than 1 year.

Court let Merck hide secrets about a popular drug’s risks

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Do you guys know what sucks more than hairloss and any other condition you could have? Being dumb and ignorant and letting it control your life and making you take retarded decisions like castrating yourself for example, besides the many other actions people take.


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Haven't seen that study but it all depends on how they tested, how long, etc. Biggest problem is long term usage of these drugs, in the short term, I'm sure most men won't have any serious side effects.

And GSK aren't much better than Merck.

"GSK has faced allegations of unethical and unsafe business practices. Some of its former employees were criminally prosecuted on two different continents."

"infamous for a bribing scandal in China" "A Chinese court ordered GlaxoSmithKline to pay $492 million in 2014. The fine resolved charges of bribing doctors in China to use GSK products."

"By July 2010, GSK had settled approximately 800 Paxil birth defect lawsuits at a cost of $1.14 billion, with an average payout of $1.2 million to families of affected children."

Yeah most of big pharma is corrupt, but there are currently no other options other than finasteride and dutasteride sadly, if there was without any sides i'd take it in a heartbeat, pick your poison i guess.


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Yeah most of big pharma is corrupt, but there are currently no other options other than finasteride and dutasteride sadly, if there was without any sides i'd take it in a heartbeat, pick your poison i guess.

That's not an excuse, it's like if castration was the only way in doing it i'm sure a lot of you would find "excuses" for that also, and i'm saying it with " " because in the end it's your life, if you are insane enough to end your lives because of hair loss better castrate yourself, nobody deserves to die or struggle with it, and that's valid for the people who "change gender" also, if it makes them feel better and keeps them from ending their lives that's what really matters, because as i said, nobody deserves to die or suffer because of these things, and many other...

But don't come after and play it like it's "normal" because it's not, don't play it like if it worked for you it will work for the rest also or trying to downplay or ignore on purpose everything that does not suit your mindsets, if it's worth the risk for you then very good, for some of you it's worth dying than living with hair loss, some even committed suicide because of it and before that they felt the need to spread their mindset and disease all over so they could indoctrinate others in their illness and mindset.

Keep it truthful and sincere, we are all in the same boat, regarding our conditions, the only problem is that there are a lot here that have mental illnesses that need treatment, and this forum is not one of those treatments and without knowing or some even on purpose are spreading and poisoning others mindsets, especially young, fragile, uninformed ones with their frustration, insecurities, "life" experiences and so...


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That's not an excuse, it's like if castration was the only way in doing it i'm sure a lot of you would find "excuses" for that also, and i'm saying it with " " because in the end it's your life, if you are insane enough to end your lives because of hair loss better castrate yourself, nobody deserves to die or struggle with it, and that's valid for the people who "change gender" also, if it makes them feel better and keeps them from ending their lives that's what really matters, because as i said, nobody deserves to die or suffer because of these things, and many other...

But don't come after and play it like it's "normal" because it's not, don't play it like if it worked for you it will work for the rest also or trying to downplay or ignore on purpose everything that does not suit your mindsets, if it's worth the risk for you then very good, for some of you it's worth dying than living with hair loss, some even committed suicide because of it and before that they felt the need to spread their mindset and disease all over so they could indoctrinate others in their illness and mindset.

Keep it truthful and sincere, we are all in the same boat, regarding our conditions, the only problem is that there are a lot here that have mental illnesses that need treatment, and this forum is not one of those treatments and without knowing or some even on purpose are spreading and poisoning others mindsets, especially young, fragile, uninformed ones with their frustration, insecurities, "life" experiences and so...
what we cant do is blame every sympton on drug just because its a possible side effect. I have depression/bi polar in my family. So i have to believe because i get depressed etc its probably more to do with that than taking finasteride forever.

In regards to PFSyndrome . I monitored a discussion forum. and what most people fail to discuss is the mania that caused them to start finasteride. They were clearly depressed, suffering mentally prior, yet blame the same feelings when they stop finasteride.

If you go to a doctor and get yearly check ups it should be fine. Losing hair is traumatic to some. There are far worse chemicals you could be putting into your body. mental health is equally as destructive as physical. If losing your hair keeps you in a daily malaise thats a problem. mood altering drugs are way worse than dutasteride/finasteride. IMO.
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