What is the dating life for high norwoods like?


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A more practical example of what is being espoused here is this. I used to put so much time and mental energy into doing my approaches, 'learning game' and all kinds of other things. What I would have been doing in those time slots would have been studying, reading and career related things. So if we took a copy of me who wasn't bald and wouldn't have had any reason to bother with that pickup nonsense, that guy would likely be smarter and more successful. Baldness is a tax and a handicap in all areas of life.
I 100% believe that if you had NW0 you'd be just as crippled by something else.


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By what? Every time somebody suggests something to me such as getting in shape, I already have it covered.
Because there's no evidence in real life to what you're saying, you're using baldness as a cope why you can't do sh*t because it's comfortable for you that way.
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Because there's no evidence in real life to what you're saying, you're using baldness as a cope why you can't do sh*t because it's comfortable for you that way.
People keep saying that but then they say abstract stuff like "put in the effort and things will go well". Every precise thing that has been suggested to me I've tried and it didn't work. The results of baldness are shocking and unexpected, but they are really as I describe them. I believed people like you and pickup gurus that you can make up for baldness with other stuff. It's not true. Baldness is worse than I even thought. I suited the buzz cut so I mistakenly thought that I would be fine bald. But I found that it's the baldness itself, not how you look with it, that ruins your life.


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People keep saying that but then they say abstract stuff like "put in the effort and things will go well". Every precise thing that has been suggested to me I've tried and it didn't work. The results of baldness are shocking and unexpected, but they are really as I describe them. I believed people like you and pickup gurus that you can make up for baldness with other stuff. It's not true. Baldness is worse than I even thought. I suited the buzz cut so I mistakenly thought that I would be fine bald. But I found that it's the baldness itself, not how you look with it, that ruins your life.
They are not the results of baldness and if you are telling the truth, they are results of your baldness individually. No, not everyone who's bald is as miserable as you. I'm still not convinced baldness is the issue with you, since you've been proven wrong many times but you continue to sing the same song over and over, there's literally nothing I could say to change your mind, if it wasn't amusing I wouldn't even be replying.


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They are not the results of baldness and if you are telling the truth, they are results of your baldness individually. No, not everyone who's bald is as miserable as you. I'm still not convinced baldness is the issue with you, since you've been proven wrong many times but you continue to sing the same song over and over, there's literally nothing I could say to change your mind, if it wasn't amusing I wouldn't even be replying.
I'd love to be proven wrong but I haven't been. Being proven wrong would be to have a solution to the problems of baldness that actually works and doesn't involve treatment (nothing wrong with treatments but to prove me wrong you need to show that baldness isn't an issue). And ask guys on here. I'm not the only one. Scores of guys' lives ruined by baldness. I actually believed the positive talk so I personally didn't see it coming.


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People keep saying that but then they say abstract stuff like "put in the effort and things will go well". Every precise thing that has been suggested to me I've tried and it didn't work. The results of baldness are shocking and unexpected, but they are really as I describe them. I believed people like you and pickup gurus that you can make up for baldness with other stuff. It's not true. Baldness is worse than I even thought. I suited the buzz cut so I mistakenly thought that I would be fine bald. But I found that it's the baldness itself, not how you look with it, that ruins your life.

how was your dating life like before you went bald?


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I'd love to be proven wrong but I haven't been. Being proven wrong would be to have a solution to the problems of baldness that actually works and doesn't involve treatment (nothing wrong with treatments but to prove me wrong you need to show that baldness isn't an issue). And ask guys on here. I'm not the only one. Scores of guys' lives ruined by baldness. I actually believed the positive talk so I personally didn't see it coming.

and yet I have been seeing tonnes of bald guys with hot women out and about

Go on the tube, so many slap heads with good looking GFs

similarly my brother got into a relationship with a woman after he went bald

if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been struggling for 5 years to find the right woman and I have hair


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People keep saying that but then they say abstract stuff like "put in the effort and things will go well". Every precise thing that has been suggested to me I've tried and it didn't work. The results of baldness are shocking and unexpected, but they are really as I describe them. I believed people like you and pickup gurus that you can make up for baldness with other stuff. It's not true. Baldness is worse than I even thought. I suited the buzz cut so I mistakenly thought that I would be fine bald. But I found that it's the baldness itself, not how you look with it, that ruins your life.

when people say put in the effort and things will go well, what they actually mean is ‘put yourself out there and meet people’

you simply have two options:

1. don’t put yourself out there at all and continue to complain that you are not getting any action

2. try and meet women , if online dating doesn’t work for you look for other means to meet them and try your luck that way

2. Might not work but you have more of a chance getting laid with 2 than doing nothing at all

dating is just hard even for guys with hair


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A more practical example of what is being espoused here is this. I used to put so much time and mental energy into doing my approaches, 'learning game' and all kinds of other things. What I would have been doing in those time slots would have been studying, reading and career related things. So if we took a copy of me who wasn't bald and wouldn't have had any reason to bother with that pickup nonsense, that guy would likely be smarter and more successful. Baldness is a tax and a handicap in all areas of life.
Went down the same path in my 20s, paid for a dating coach - it’s a con

The game is simple, you just need to meet as many women as possible and be confident

Trulyconfident guys don’t care if they win or lose a girl, they just go for it
If a girl tells them to f*** off, they move on until they find one who is accepting of them

that’s how all my lays have happened, if I talk to 5 women, 4 might reject me but one fancies me

do you have many female friends


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how was your dating life like before you went bald?
Nonexistent because i had no confidence or self belief. I was bullied while young and this feeling only got washed away when people started to treat me well, and that was after I had already started thinning. That's when I thought that I could have done well in dating when somebody advised me to try one of the online services. That led to all of this business ... Pro photoshoots, 'game' lessons, and the rest of it.


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Nonexistent because i had no confidence or self belief. I was bullied while young and this feeling only got washed away when people started to treat me well, and that was after I had already started thinning. That's when I thought that I could have done well in dating when somebody advised me to try one of the online services. That led to all of this business ... Pro photoshoots, 'game' lessons, and the rest of it.

so you started online dating after you started to thin? How bad was the thinning?


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Nonexistent because i had no confidence or self belief. I was bullied while young and this feeling only got washed away when people started to treat me well, and that was after I had already started thinning. That's when I thought that I could have done well in dating when somebody advised me to try one of the online services. That led to all of this business ... Pro photoshoots, 'game' lessons, and the rest of it.
What did people bully you over?


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so you started online dating after you started to thin? How bad was the thinning?
It was after I started buzzing which was after I lost enough hair that I couldn't completely cover up scalp with a comb over. It was roughly a norwood 5. Main difference between then and now is the crown area ; there's the full horseshoe there now. I didnt get any matches or responses for the first 4 weeks or so. What made the big difference for me was a selfie photo that i took in dim lighting after having had a shape up haircut, that made me look like my hairline was more dense than it was. So perhaps my hair was too weak from the day I signed up.


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It was after I started buzzing which was after I lost enough hair that I couldn't completely cover up scalp with a comb over. It was roughly a norwood 5. Main difference between then and now is the crown area ; there's the full horseshoe there now. I didnt get any matches or responses for the first 4 weeks or so. What made the big difference for me was a selfie photo that i took in dim lighting after having had a shape up haircut, that made me look like my hairline was more dense than it was. So perhaps my hair was too weak from the day I signed up.
Do you have photos to share?


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i did get zero dates online, and maybe 5 matches with what essentially boiled down to one conversation on online dating... with hair^^ in ten years^^ so dont take old too serious...

transplant doesnt work? medication doesnt work? system then... if it really makes a difference, you will be glad you did it...


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Certain neurochemicals and hormones get accessed when the humans winner effect is always thriving. Just like in lobsters where the alpha lobster gets a physiological boost which is shown in his posture the same happens in humans. Weak lobsters brains literally melt after being defeated by another competitor for sexual access. You are so incredibly stupid if you actually think any high level successful male in this world doesnt have access to sex even if hes ugly or short or whatever. Sex is essential to a mans life if he wants to excel and keep building on him self. Literal studies showing that bullies have higher testosterone, bullies get more sex, there confidence goes up and they are more successful. Lebron James wouldnt be Lebron James if there was an invisible rule that denied all sexual access and feminine energy from women to him.

Finally somene f*****g understands. FINALLY.
This is what ive been trying to f*****g say

you can nnot function properly witho ut
i have mentally declined ever since my ex left me a couple years ago due to loniliness and lack of sex
i just walked taller when i wa having sex with her frequently and functioned better.