What is worse? Nw5, or Norwood 2.5 with lots of gas?


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CCS said:
I'm sold on the cron diet. You don't starve yourself. You eat when you are hungry. You just eat as little as necessary so your metabolism slows down. You still workout, but you workout 15-40 minutes a day. You don't do crazy 2 hour workouts unless it is a fun hike. Your goal is to get your caloric intake down to like 1500 or so per day. Makes mice live twice as long. Tests on monkeys have not yet completed, but so far the monkeys have much less age related cronic disease. Cron diet is cheap and reduces my gas. Eating less means I can eat higher quality for the same price. Not to mention I'll never get fat. My brother is doing it. He says he is not getting hungry. He reduces his calories by 5% per month. No faster.

If you are so sold on CRON why are you not following it?

Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition.

By the way intermittent fasting gives the same benefit, without any weight loss.

uncomfortable man

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I'm glad you solved your flatulence problem, trivial in the light of the full nw5 you can't deny.