What ticks me off


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that you have zero say when it comes to baldness, the helplessness - you cant do anything to get it back, lol its so annoying hehe i mean yeah, you can take the meds, but take me for example, im allergic to most of this , and honestly i believe if its aggressive enough meds wont help *that* much :dunno: ...
this is the hardest part for me, usually if something angers me, either i ignore it or fix it, but with hair loss i cant do either ... its really annoying ... :hmmm:

apologies for ranting, everyone has to take some steam out... :(


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Sometimes you just have to accept the facts of life. For some people severe hair loss is one of them. You have to figure out what you want to do about it. Some people find comfort in shaving off the remaining hair, others look into hair transplants and hair pieces. I am content with a very short buzzcut for now, but I will most likely try a hair piece at some point.


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finasteride doesn't even seem to work for some people.
Check out the "Tell your story" for examples of people on the Big 3 continuing to diffuse badly. (CBF is a good example)

It seems that if you're in your early 20's, and your hair starts to diffuse rapidly, you're fucked either way.


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cuebald said:
finasteride doesn't even seem to work for some people.

The sides are scary too.... i might look into wig soonish, but first ill shave my head to see how it looks like, ill put some pictures.

somone uk

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Ori83 said:
cuebald said:
finasteride doesn't even seem to work for some people.

The sides are scary too.... i might look into wig soonish, but first ill shave my head to see how it looks like, ill put some pictures.
only affect 2% of people, the rest are given sides by the placebo effect, it's best to assume you're not going to get sides first
but i know what you mean about hair loss being helpless :thumbdown2:

uncomfortable man

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For me, the most frustrating aspect to being bald is while it is out of my control, people still hold me accountable for it.


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I don't get what you are so upset about. If they consider so then it must be for a reason. Perhaps balding men are just more likely to be pissed off at life and succumb to their psychopathic tendencies, or something.

uncomfortable man said:
For me, the most frustrating aspect to being bald is while it is out of my control, people still hold me accountable for it.

Perhaps they just don't like you, and then use your baldness to get to you.


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dudemon said:
I was watching this show last night called "The Real Silence of the Lambs" which was about how the FBI started profiling serial killers to gain insight how they think, to try to catch ones that haven't been caught yet. (This was the same thing the movie was was based off of, BTW)

In the show, they interviewed one of the real FBI agents who was a pioneer in profiling real serial killers when they started doing that back in the 1970's. The former FBI agent made a rather startling comment when he was talking about Ted Bundy:

"Ted Bundy (the serial killer) didn't fit the average profile of a serial killer. Normally, serial killers are white, balding, in their 20's to 40's...etc. While Bundy wasn't bald(ing) like your average serial killer, but rather handsome looking, and a law student, etc..."

^^ I just couldn't BELIEVE that the FBI actually considers bald(ing) white men as the serial killer stereotype. Of course that agent is now retired, but I'd bet they still use the same profiling techniques!
Bald or not, the profiling of serial killers has always been a controversial issue.
There's a study out there that denies that white people are overrepresented as serial killers.

I bet in a bed wetting forum they also get angry as being profiled as serial killers


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I checked the Wikipedia list of serial killers. Baldies are a minority, except the Son of Sam, the most famous had full heads of hair (and I don't know how bald the son of sam was when he was caught).

As you said dudemon, probably the guy was just saying that thanks to his own prejudice against bald guys.
I don't think it's fair to compare it to racial profiling. Certain physical features have had criminal implications since the days of frenology


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dudemon said:
theShade said:
I don't get what you are so upset about. If they consider so then it must be for a reason. Perhaps balding men are just more likely to be pissed off at life and succumb to their psychopathic tendencies, or something.

uncomfortable man said:
For me, the most frustrating aspect to being bald is while it is out of my control, people still hold me accountable for it.

Perhaps they just don't like you, and then use your baldness to get to you.

What pisses me off is that it just goes to show how some people in society think of bald white men - like we have something "wrong" with us just because we are bald. And for those on this site that deny that, it just proves how wrong they are about society.

On the other hand, I suppose the FBI actually does have certain demographic statistics that say the majority of serial killers are bald white guys in their 20's to 40's. But back in the 1970's?...When they first began to use "profiling"? This doesn't make much sense, because when it first began, how could they have already collected that much data back then?

Either that, or the FBI agent that said that in the program was one of those people in society that thinks bald men have physical flaws that cause them to become serial killers. So, it makes you wonder how many more law enforcement agents use the same profiling...of bald men?

Why would they think such things unless there were actual statistics to back up there prejudices? But, on the other side of the coin, what if they don't have any such stats?

Then, that would mean that FBI agent they interviewed thinks any serial killer suspect is most likely a bald white guy. I wonder if the whole FBI department and other law enforcement agencies automatiaclly think the same thing?

Let's take a look at some serial killers' hairloss when they were caught:
Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer) - not bald
Charles Manson - not bald
John Wayne Gacy - not bald
Jeffrey Dahmer - not bald
Ted Bundy - not bald
Richard Ramirez (Night Stalker) - not bald (not white either)
Ed Gein - not bald (BTW, this was the guy that inspired the "Buffalo Bill" character in Silence of the Lambs movie)

Again, it's most likely another situation where society has "social prejudice" against bald(ing) white men.

That pisses me off. Now we're f*cken criminals just because we're losing our hair!

"Inspired" doesn't really mean sh*t in the movie world though. The tagline for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre for example was "Inspired by a true story", when nothing even remotely like it ever happened. In reality it too was "inspired" by Ed Gein, who didn't even live in Texas (and only killed two people, neither with a chainsaw). Ed Gein and Buffalo Bill doesn't really have anything in common, except for their interest in human skin.
The whole "inspired by" phrase is only used by the movie studios etc. to create interest and mysticism for their movies. It very rarely has much/anything to do with reality. "Based on" on the other hand is usually more trustworthy, though it too should be taken with a grain of salt. The Coen-brothers Fargo from 1996 for example claimed it was based on a true story, when it was nothing of the sort.
From IMDb:

The film is not actually "Based on a true story". The Coens later admitted that they added that disclaimer so the viewer would be more willing to suspend disbelief in the story.

This doesn't really have anything to do with the thread though, just felt that I had to "correct" you a bit :innocent:


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dudemon said:
^^ I just couldn't BELIEVE that the FBI actually considers bald(ing) white men as the serial killer stereotype. Of course that agent is now retired, but I'd bet they still use the same profiling techniques!

This reminds of the story recently of a boy who lied to his parents about a man trying to abduct him. The description he gave to police was of a man "in his 40s, balding, with a belly". It made me think about the negative stereotypes that even children have about hair loss.

http://www.thisislancashire.co.uk/news/ ... up_attack/

uncomfortable man

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dudemon said:
I can recall going to the grocery store (or any store or public place on any given date) and walk down an aisle, or while standing in line, parents used to grab their children and pull them closer to them, while giving me kind of a "dirty look," as if I was some kind of child molester or something, while other non-bald guys would walk right up to them, and the parents would do nothing.

Been there.


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dudemon said:
I'm a NW5, btw, and I can recall going to the grocery store (or any store or public place on any given date) and walk down an aisle, or while standing in line, parents used to grab their children and pull them closer to them, while giving me kind of a "dirty look," as if I was some kind of child molester or something, while other non-bald guys would walk right up to them, and the parents would do nothing.

Totally agree,

Sometimes i even get questioned by the cops, just because. I mean its like im balding so i must have committed some crime, right?


somone uk

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about the mass murderers:



suspecting balding is really a bad idea

uncomfortable man

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I'm getting a wig.


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uncomfortable man said:
I'm getting a wig.
:gay2: :gay2: :gay2: :gay2: finally!! congratz on being pro-active UM!
i think it will make you feel much better!


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Ori83 said:
uncomfortable man said:
I'm getting a wig.
:gay2: :gay2: :gay2: :gay2: finally!! congratz on being pro-active UM!
i think it will make you feel much better!

i'm not sure if he was serious or not about the wig either way (don't think so), but according to me, 3 things would certainly help ucman feel better, and none of them is a wig. my suggestion would rather be the following:

1/ love
2/ ayahuasca
3/ this picture:


let's call this pic "hello mr (semi) universalis"


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I've always thought UCMan actually looks pretty good bald. His dome doesn't stretch out too far, so it's in proportion with his face.

I do think he should make a big life change, though, because he's clearly stuck in a rut right now. That might be buying a wig, moving elsewhere, changing career, becoming a f**cking buddhist. I don't know what it'll be, but I think the guy could do with a change.


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dudemon said:
theShade said:
I don't get what you are so upset about. If they consider so then it must be for a reason. Perhaps balding men are just more likely to be pissed off at life and succumb to their psychopathic tendencies, or something.

uncomfortable man said:
For me, the most frustrating aspect to being bald is while it is out of my control, people still hold me accountable for it.

Perhaps they just don't like you, and then use your baldness to get to you.

What pisses me off is that it just goes to show how some people in society think of bald white men - like we have something "wrong" with us just because we are bald. And for those on this site that deny that, it just proves how wrong they are about society.

On the other hand, I suppose the FBI actually does have certain demographic statistics that say the majority of serial killers are bald white guys in their 20's to 40's. But back in the 1970's?...When they first began to use "profiling"? This doesn't make much sense, because when it first began, how could they have already collected that much data back then?

Either that, or the FBI agent that said that in the program was one of those people in society that thinks bald men have physical flaws that cause them to become serial killers. So, it makes you wonder how many more law enforcement agents use the same profiling...of bald men?

Why would they think such things unless there were actual statistics to back up there prejudices? But, on the other side of the coin, what if they don't have any such stats?

Then, that would mean that FBI agent they interviewed thinks any serial killer suspect is most likely a bald white guy. I wonder if the whole FBI department and other law enforcement agencies automatiaclly think the same thing?

Let's take a look at some serial killers' hairloss when they were caught:
Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer) - not bald
Charles Manson - not bald
John Wayne Gacy - not bald
Jeffrey Dahmer - not bald
Ted Bundy - not bald
Richard Ramirez (Night Stalker) - not bald (not white either)
Ed Gein - not bald (BTW, this was the guy that inspired the "Buffalo Bill" character in Silence of the Lambs movie)

Again, it's most likely another situation where society has "social prejudice" against bald(ing) white men.

That pisses me off. Now we're f*cken criminals just because we're losing our hair!

You know the FBI are proffesionals, and I believe that they wouldn't be very good at their job if they let their alledged personal preferences interfere at every turn during the course of their work. Therefore if they say that white bald guys in their 20's-40's are more likely to be serial killers - than I would rather take their word for it.

Do you know the exact date that the FBI started collecting statistics? Or indeed how long they have been using statistics or of what sort? For all we know they could have been using government census data long before they started their own dedicated records. Without knowing this sort of information, I don't believe that your critisisms are valid.


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Boondock said:
I've always thought UCMan actually looks pretty good bald. His dome doesn't stretch out too far, so it's in proportion with his face.
Yes. I know is a difficult or him, but he does look good with the shaven head. Doesn't look like your stereotypical white guy shaving because of necessity, if I saw him on the street I would have guessed he shaved by choice.

Bringing a delicate topic. The other day I was watching a documentary about the Aryan Brotherhood, and I was amazed how all of them sported the shaved look so good. Before you say they were NW1s, no, many of them were bald in their arrest pictures, and all of them had clean shaven heads, you couldn't distinguish the young NW1s and the older higher Norwoods.

Could it be that white supremacism attracts people with good skull shapes?
None of them looked like the goofy white guys many people complain about, they actually exuded an aura of both respect and fear.