What ticks me off

uncomfortable man

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Or like that dibbs commercial where two dads are standing side by side with their daughters on their backs watching a parade. The bald mans daughter is eating an ice cream cone and dad with the trendy hairstyle's daughter is eating dibbs. The first girls icecream cone falls off and splats on the dads bald head while the cool dad looks over at him with this cocky smirk and pops a dibbs in his mouth. Don't even get me started on the whole bald bashing Snickers campaign! Dudemons right and if you don't see that this is blatant baldism in action then your blind. You don't have to be an NW5 to see that.


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Yes, this is not big news that society links being bald and being a loser, its sad but this is the reality, what can you do? rant? spread hate? its what it is and you have to learn to live with it, like the rest of us.

everyone here hate to be bald/ing, and hate the fact we have to work harder then the next nw0 with girls, first imppresions and all that social dynamic sh*t... but again, NOTHING we can do to stop it...think of ways to go around it.
and btw, you look good in that picture, if it bothers you so much why dont you get a FUE? i can imagine you with a nice buzzed hair-line, like a marines thing.


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^ Basically this.

Everybody knows that, unless you're Vin Diesel, being bald writes you off as inferior to society.

The term I use is unpeople. If you're bald, you're one of the unpeople. You just aren't even in the game.

The conclusion is that you have to do whatever it takes to avoid letting yourself join that group. If that means medication, perfect. If it means doing as Ori said and FUE'ing your head for a buzzcut, do that. UCMan, I think you should really look at options like this because until you do you will be stuck where you are. Whatever it takes man.


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Boondock...you're on a roll today. Had me cracking up in numerous posts...especially your ones about baldness in Asia. I just hope that this is still your semi-parody mode and don't actually take this sh*t too seriously.

But then again...I'm prbly just deluding myself and denying the fact that I'm a lepper to society.


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Maybe you look good bald. I don't know you.

All I'm saying is: if someone's a guy who doesn't look good bald and/or isn't happy with it in themselves, they almost owe it to themselves to do something to fight it.

The common-sense wisdom seems to be "if you're losing it, just shave." Most people see baldness as some sort of inevitability that people just need to accept and deal with. The problem is those same people - often, albeit not all the time - react to bald people in a negative way. One moment they're telling him to man up and shave, the next they're calling him a slaphead and patting themselves on the back about how the chicks are going to them for a change.

My viewpoint is that people should throw everything they have at baldness and not feel in the least guilty about it. If you fail, then shave and get on with life as best as you can. But don't feel like that's a necessity for you.

That's pretty much all I'm saying in the post above.

P.S. The Asian sh*t is true.


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You two (bondock and qball) representing the two ends of the arc, i read some of your posts qball, im not sure if you have any experience with girls, they might tell you they dont care if your bald, but most of them (the ones with some standards) wont rush into anything with a bald man, girls say one thing and mean the other, just as 90% of guys wont go with the next fat/ugly girl..... is there a double standard behind this? hell yeah! but to me, the profound difference lies within the fact that being fat is your own fault, and being bald isnt! nonetheless fighting baldness publicly (wigs/hair transplants/topics) will most likely backfire and will be mocked upon, whilst going on a diet will be taken as an heroic act which gains much support and sympathy. (thus going bald sucks.. not that you need me to tell you this as an HairLossTalk.com member yourself)


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I've said it before qball, I do think you're deluding yourself a little.

I think a positive attitude is a good thing, and I respect it that you have that. I just wonder whether you genuinely have this attitude, or if you have a dark, deep swell of negativity which this over-positivism is just a facade to cover up.

I only think this because you come on here. If you didn't care, you wouldn't.

I don't mind being having relatively poor eyesight. It doesn't really bother me that much. But you don't see me racking up hundreds of posts on eyecare forums lecturing people on how it doesn't matter because it isn't a big deal. If I did, I would probably secretly care about it. Comprende?


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I've never pretended I don't care...I do care...more so because of how young I am. Its extremely uncommon. I don't have an issue with going bald in general...I have an issue with it happening at such a young age. Sometimes I do get all the negative thoughts because I've never had a positive image about my appearance in general.

Thing is...its a matter of extremes. Its not like I'm here arguing that being bald is some amazing thing...I know its not an ideal situation and it can have a negative impact on one's appearance and self esteem...especially at a young age. What I mainly try to argue against are the extremely deluded posters (you can think of the ones I'm referring to) who try to make it seem like baldness has ruined their lives beyond repair and that people are out there laughing at them all day long. I do this because I know that there are many young guys like me who are distraught when they start going bald and they log on to sites like this for help...then they're going to be exposed to reading this type of stuff and it'll drive them insane. I'll admit that was the case with me for a while at first. I wondered if U-man and others like him weren't revealing this hidden truth that bald men were some sort of leppers who people mocked and pitied. Now I know that isn't the case...the truth is, in real life its very likely someone like him would be diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder or something similar....thinking that people are out to make him feel miserable by mocking him...thinking that people out on the street are laughing and grimacing at him...having a general negative outlook on life and a distrust towards people in general...assuming the worst in most scenarios about people and how they perceive you. THAT is clinical paranoia. I've never tried to argue there aren't negative aspects to going bald and that SOME women simply won't date you without hair and that you'll NEVER encounter some mean comments from douchbags on occasion. But thats far different from a reality where people mock you everywhere you go and no woman in the world will ever date you. THAT is what I argue against because its insanity...and young people who are already struggling enough as it is will come on to sites like this and think that the deluded reality of a bald man with extreme psychological problems is the actual reality for bald men everywhere.

Its like the whole propecia thing...guys see websites where a very small sample size of men have experienced side effects and make it seem like the worst drug known to man (just like a small sample of bald men make it seem like its the worst affliction you could ever suffer)....that in turn will lead them to either be scared off from the drug or take the drug and then convince themselves they have all these awful side effects when the reality is that while it does have some affects on the body...the vast majority of men take it without noticeable side effects at all. I just feel like its important to provide perspective for some people because this website doesn't need to only consist of negativity. If anything this section should be about showing men it ISN'T the end of the world even if its far from an ideal situation.

Mens Rea

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I see both sides here

Boondonk i agree with what you say about fighting baldness as well as you can and i for one am trying to do this within reason. I might consider an FUE at some point with donor hair from my body just to maintain a hairline for example. Probably wont ever do that but i can see what some people would opt for it.

male pattern baldness is an absolute plague its on my mind all the time mainly because of its slow and sure progression. Its like a cancer. In a superfical world its definately going to hurt.

I think you certainly go OTT with the "unpeople" thing though. Firstly, its a case by case basis - some people look shocking with a white bald head, others look just okay and the odd person even surprisingly suits it. All i know is, even the people that look bad arent completely dehuman-ed - not even close. ANYONE can still live a normal happy life and they can meet a partner of acceptable attractiveness etc if they try.

The thing is alot of you guys lose perspective and make up excuses as to why one slick average looking guy might still get everything he wants including respect from his peers, while they themselves dont.

Basically a slap head needs to concentrate more on circles in which he is known and less on gaining random people's acceptance because the guy/girl on the street can be brutally superfical but people you work with, family and friends aren't that bad.. You can make up specific stories all you like but thi sis a fact and if you disagree then its not your baldness that is the problem its yourself and the friendships and relationships you have cultivated


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Colin297 said:
I see both sides here

Boondonk i agree with what you say about fighting baldness as well as you can and i for one am trying to do this within reason. I might consider an FUE at some point with donor hair from my body just to maintain a hairline for example. Probably wont ever do that but i can see what some people would opt for it.

male pattern baldness is an absolute plague its on my mind all the time mainly because of its slow and sure progression. Its like a cancer. In a superfical world its definately going to hurt.

I think you certainly go OTT with the "unpeople" thing though. Firstly, its a case by case basis - some people look shocking with a white bald head, others look just okay and the odd person even surprisingly suits it. All i know is, even the people that look bad arent completely dehuman-ed - not even close. ANYONE can still live a normal happy life and they can meet a partner of acceptable attractiveness etc if they try.

The thing is alot of you guys lose perspective and make up excuses as to why one slick average looking guy might still get everything he wants including respect from his peers, while they themselves dont.

Basically a slap head needs to concentrate more on circles in which he is known and less on gaining random people's acceptance because the guy/girl on the street can be brutally superfical but people you work with, family and friends aren't that bad.. You can make up specific stories all you like but thi sis a fact and if you disagree then its not your baldness that is the problem its yourself and the friendships and relationships you have cultivated

Of course the 'unpeople' thing is an exaggeration, but like many exaggerations it contains a grain of truth.

I appreciate that different bald guys get different results. For some, it really isn't an issue. For some, it's a hindrance but nothing major. For me, pretty much everything about the bald look fails. I'm in the 10% who look pretty shocking when they try it, in my opinion.

Of course, it's hard to be objective about yourself, but that's very much the difference I felt when I tried the shaved look. Which I did, for a while. With hair - even with a NW2 - I could at least chat to girls in a club and, even if they weren't interested in me, wouldn't be completely blown out. When I tried the shaved look I felt like I was a stain to be removed from their shoe. Literally, probably as soon as I went out of earshot they were 'WTF'ing' to each other.

I also received negative feedback from trusted friends, whose opinion I value. It just doesn't work for me man.

I can't be the only one out there. There have to be a fair number of people whose looks are ruined by losing their hair. For us, it's the equivalent of having an eye poked out or our teeth smashed in.

So my basic point is: If you're in that situation, you owe it to yourself to do something about it. You don't HAVE to do something, but if you don't you may face a world of pain.

I appreciate that as an ugly baldy you can play different games, try and get women via your social circle and developing contacts yada yada. But you've got to bear in mind that going from a normal guy who can get a fair amount without too much trouble to being a guy who needs to nurture social circles to get even a whiff of poon is a huge setback. It's like telling a guy he can't drive to work, but has to cycle instead: sure, he'll get there, but it'll take ten times as long every single day to do so, and wear him down over time.

That's why I advise people who suffer with the look to do themselves a favour and try and do something about it.


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Boondock said:
sure, he'll get there, but it'll take ten times as long every single day to do so, and wear him down over time.

i can totally relate, hair loss effected my "love life" quite dramatically, girls my age dont give me a second look, and i hate being single yet i cant settle when it comes to attraction, and the girls i attract (if at all) are nothing that i want :/ this really sucks :thumbdown2:


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Seeing posts like this reminds me why people love stories where the beautiful narcissist turns into an ugly creature just to find true happiness in his new form.

Call me if you find a book about a bald guy complaining on the internet that he can't get the hotties :thumbdown2:


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you know, i would agree with that but i think that attraction start with a physical attraction, you cant build a solid structure without solid foundations...

and dont get me wrong, im not saying i want a top 10, but not a 4 aswell...and you can call me shallow as much as you want, your here too :jackit:

somone uk

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bigentries said:
Seeing posts like this reminds me why people love stories where the beautiful narcissist turns into an ugly creature just to find true happiness in his new form.

Call me if you find a book about a bald guy complaining on the internet that he can't get the hotties :thumbdown2:
modern media doesn't allow for an ugly charicter