What ticks me off


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Julius Streicher was an early white supremacist Nazi, and he rocked the bald look pretty well. I suppose this supports your theory.



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Boondock said:
Julius Streicher was an early white supremacist Nazi, and he rocked the bald look pretty well. I suppose this supports your theory.


I see a shadow of his hair, THEREFORE its inadmissible as evidence


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barcafan said:
dudemon said:
I'm a NW5, btw, and I can recall going to the grocery store (or any store or public place on any given date) and walk down an aisle, or while standing in line, parents used to grab their children and pull them closer to them, while giving me kind of a "dirty look," as if I was some kind of child molester or something, while other non-bald guys would walk right up to them, and the parents would do nothing.

Totally agree,

Sometimes i even get questioned by the cops, just because. I mean its like im balding so i must have committed some crime, right?


hahahaha, this is some true sh*t. I experience the same thing in my country. Have been stopped by cops several times late at night having done NOTHING. Ofc its cause Im totally bald. They associate it with criminals. Ofc they think I must be a member of a gang or something.

I can sooooo relate to both this and when the parents pull their kids closer to them when I walk by giving me a strange look.


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superfrankie said:
barcafan said:
dudemon said:
I'm a NW5, btw, and I can recall going to the grocery store (or any store or public place on any given date) and walk down an aisle, or while standing in line, parents used to grab their children and pull them closer to them, while giving me kind of a "dirty look," as if I was some kind of child molester or something, while other non-bald guys would walk right up to them, and the parents would do nothing.

Totally agree,

Sometimes i even get questioned by the cops, just because. I mean its like im balding so i must have committed some crime, right?


hahahaha, this is some true sh*t. I experience the same thing in my country. Have been stopped by cops several times late at night having done NOTHING. Ofc its cause Im totally bald. They associate it with criminals. Ofc they think I must be a member of a gang or something.

I can sooooo relate to both this and when the parents pull their kids closer to them when I walk by giving me a strange look.

I'm not gonna disagree with YOU but you may wanna consider whether HE was being serious or sarcastic...


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uncomfortable man said:
I'm getting a wig.

i have a feeling you won't.


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I reckon UC wants an emo style cut


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Well he does act melancholy quite a bit. Maybe he can get the tight pants to go with it as well.


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superfrankie said:
Ofc its cause Im totally bald. They associate it with criminals.
What you seem to fail to acknowledge is that face characteristics play an equal if not more important role than baldness in how the others perceive us. I am stopped or picked up frequently when outside by people (often old ones) who want to ask or need some help in something. And yes, I am not balding anymore but severely bald (in the NW7 range). If baldness = criminal-looking and nothing else matter, would the weak old lady choose the bald guy to ask anything? I think not.

Another time I was in the casualty department of a hospital when a lady in bad condition entered the room. She was really embarrassed as people were staring at her. After some time she slowly moved near me, face to face. Then it was me who was embarrassed since I was again picked up to provide, in this case, some emotional support even if this is through exchanging just a few words or looks.

I have been told that I "inspire confidence" with the first look, whatever this may mean.

Of course baldness is not something desired and of course I wish I could keep my hair, but sometimes I think people here are really over the top with this.

somone uk

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i have been thinking about this, i wouldn't mind a wig if there was a reliable way of securing it to your head (like a haveing a few screw threads transplanted into your head and screwing it on)
but i couldn't live with the knowledge that it could fall off :thumbdown2:


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somone uk said:
i have been thinking about this, i wouldn't mind a wig if there was a reliable way of securing it to your head (like a haveing a few screw threads transplanted into your head and screwing it on)
but i couldn't live with the knowledge that it could fall off :thumbdown2:

In fairness, with medical-grade adhesives it isn't going to come off. Your scalp will come off first. This sh*t can hold on limbs.

uncomfortable man

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If science can create a material that recognizes and adapts to your genetic code like a camelion then they could make pieces out of this material and it will bond and fuse with your own skin. A piece that becomes real hair!


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somone uk said:
like a haveing a few screw threads transplanted into your head and screwing it on

thats an interesting thought... :shock:

if they could mount screws into your scalp and have a full head of hair, would you guys go with that trade-off? ?


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Ori83 said:
somone uk said:
like a haveing a few screw threads transplanted into your head and screwing it on

thats an interesting thought... :shock:

if they could mount screws into your scalp and have a full head of hair, would you guys go with that trade-off? ?

What you guys don't realize is that...people have already tried this.

There used to be a procedure whereby you could get thin metal rods slotted underneath your scalp, which allowed a firm attachement and fast detachement for a hair piece.

The result was horrendous. Many people got infections, their scalps went septic, and when they had the rods removed their heads looked like a stab victim. Even worse than a hair transplant scar, and hence these guys were locked in wigs for life.

somone uk

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Boondock said:
There used to be a procedure whereby you could get thin metal rods slotted underneath your scalp, which allowed a firm attachement and fast detachement for a hair piece.

The result was horrendous. Many people got infections, their scalps went septic, and when they had the rods removed their heads looked like a stab victim. Even worse than a hair transplant scar, and hence these guys were locked in wigs for life.
sounds like it was either improperly done or maintained
thinking about it now it would probably be very high maintenance you would have to disinfect the whole thing every day


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somone uk said:
Boondock said:
There used to be a procedure whereby you could get thin metal rods slotted underneath your scalp, which allowed a firm attachement and fast detachement for a hair piece.

The result was horrendous. Many people got infections, their scalps went septic, and when they had the rods removed their heads looked like a stab victim. Even worse than a hair transplant scar, and hence these guys were locked in wigs for life.
sounds like it was either improperly done or maintained
thinking about it now it would probably be very high maintenance you would have to disinfect the whole thing every day

And even disinfecting it you could run into trouble.

There's just no way to safely run metal rods through your open flesh, and keep them there, without running a risk. Even with antibiotics and anti-septics (which to my knowledge no one took) there is a danger.

Just shows the level of butchery 'tricologists' and other such 'professionals' were willing to do back in the day.


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Vox said:
superfrankie said:
Ofc its cause Im totally bald. They associate it with criminals.
Of course baldness is not something desired and of course I wish I could keep my hair, but sometimes I think people here are really over the top with this.

Some of you take this (loosing your hair that is) way to seriously. You over-think it so much, that you get paranoid, and think that people are avoiding you or mistreating you. Some of it must be in your head..not about your head. Get it ? wordplay :whistle:


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i can imagine a George Constanza type of character they used for that commercial, i dont think they aimed a direct hit on the average bald guy, we cant take this things too seriously, the other day i saw a commercial for a body liquid soap thing, and they showed a bald (nw7) guy showering with it. im not gay but that guy looked great, he had a good lean-healthy body, shaved head, some facial hair, he had something else going too, his posture showed confidence, if he wouldnt work on those things he would be just another regular bald man.

some of us are lucky enough to have good features to fit with a shaved heads, others dont... this is how it works, nothing we can do about it.