Their behavior is what draws men to become awakened to the red pill in the first place. Do you think guys just wake up one day and randomly start to read about red pill for the f*** of it? Experience is what drove guys like me to actually learn about hypergamy and female sexual strategy and before said experiences, I was blissfully ignorant.
Sorry (not really) if reality is harsh but when it comes down to it, we really are just primates. Your old lady (if you have one) has probably fucked other guys and you will never know. Ignorance is bliss.
Men that become 'awakened to the red pill' (God, I have to cringe by just writing it on a keyboard) think they finally see reality but they don't. They see an alternative reality created by the echo chamber of the many online communities of buthurt men that are not happy with their with life regarding to women.
Sure, there are some truths to the potential dangers of being a 'nice guy', being too available for women and that stuff but like with all movements that come from a place of pain and fear: at some point things simply starts to polarize.
You are still ignorant, you just decided to look into a different direction, a direction that shows you a reality (or a pill) that is much easier to swallow for your ego ("I don't have issues, it's all the fault of women!!"). It is that way of ego protection that has a huge mass appeal and that is the reason why red pill thinking is so popular at the moment for young men.I am sure that when these guys become older and adopt more heatlhy belief systems they will see that they maybe, just maybe, were a bit too harsh on women and instead should have put more energy into some objective self-introspection. THAT is the (not so harsh) reality.
You will probably call me a whatever color-pilled beta cuck but then I look at what my current mindset has brought me. In the last 3 years I have dated 2 absolute 9's that also had amazing personalities. I did not achieve this by hating women, not by fearing them, but also definitely not by putting them on a pedastal. Like attracts like. If you think that women are all terrible cheaters or whatever, these will be the exact women that you will attract, and this way the red pill mentality is a self-feeding (rather self-toxifying) belief system.
I only read the last part of your message when I had already written the rest of my post, if I would have read that earlier I would not have taken the time to respond to you because if you think my girlfriend has cheated on me without even knowing her, just because she is a woman, you kind of disqualify yourself from having any serious objective discussion on this topic. But if you really think all women f*** other guys while they are in a relationship I have that will be what you think about the next time your mother or sister gives you a kiss on the cheek.