What you will do the day you get a full head of hair?


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No way, a tall bald guy will stomp any short NW1 guy chances with any woman out there. Tom Cruise gets a lot of flack for his height, he uses platform shoes and other tricks to make him appear of the same height as the other actors on the set. Once the looks go a short guy doesn't have any appeal when it comes to body image. I'm diffusing in a NW7 pattern, buzzed my hair to check the damage the other day and was shocked to see how bald I'm going to be.

NW7 extreme version like me?


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NW7 extreme version like me?

Well I'm 30 so I still got to enjoy it for a little longer but I feel the itch in all the NW7 areas and there's clearly thinning all over. It finally makes sense why I have thinning on the nape area behind the ears, it's like those drawings where you have to connect the dots, you may wonder "what an odd thinning patch, I probably don't have male pattern baldness it must be something else" but then other thinning patches comes along and now you have the traditional pattern all connected.

Been shedding tons of hairs hence why I buzzed because I wanted to check how bad it's gotten. Going to start minoxidil liquid soon but I'm not very optimistic.


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Whatever your position is, imagine yourself getting a full head of hair , at any time duration from now, from whatever future hypothetical treatment.

Once your hair is back, what will you do differently? How your life would be? Have you guys thought about it?

It's a awesome if I have full of hair, I can mingle with hot girls.


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Well I'm 30 so I still got to enjoy it for a little longer but I feel the itch in all the NW7 areas and there's clearly thinning all over. It finally makes sense why I have thinning on the nape area behind the ears, it's like those drawings where you have to connect the dots, you may wonder "what an odd thinning patch, I probably don't have male pattern baldness it must be something else" but then other thinning patches comes along and now you have the traditional pattern all connected.

Been shedding tons of hairs hence why I buzzed because I wanted to check how bad it's gotten. Going to start minoxidil liquid soon but I'm not very optimistic.

What's your current regimen?


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What's your current regimen?

Nothing, will start minoxidil soon and hope that it slows down the shedding for a year, if I'm lucky for 2 years with thickening of existing hairs. Best scenario it would last me long enough until CB is out.


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nope, stuck in an awful relationship I cant (literally cant) leave. I just had a fire at my rental and in the middle of TOTALLY gutting and rebuilding another apt, im overworked, i hate my job (line of work) i spent 4 years of full time work and college (at the same time) to get, i have not had a social life in years, im losing my hair and whats left is so grey people think im in my 40's, while my brother who is 2 years younger looks in his 20s.
Even if i do walk away from all the money and this relationship its not like Im good looking anymore so who the f**k will I get anyway. I dream of the liberation of alcoholism and a timely death. Im so depressed lately I have no desire to even work out.
I tried the shaven head for a couple years but it wasnt me. I was told so by multiple people. I just had an FUE and Im the one in a million who get a bad reaction. I get sides to finasteride and minoxidil does squat.
I REALLY REALLY wish I had the balls to just finish the job.
I rapidly feel the nastiness growing in me. Im awful to my woman now, because Im so fed up with my entire situation. I have told her multiple times I want out and we need to sell the house but she wont do it. She is the type of person who wants the facade of having a younger man even though I WONT hae sex with her. I can not find her attractive, she has gained SO much weight and age has shown on her face. Yet shes so jealous still that I cant even get out to find anyone else. Ive even offered to have an open relationship. I dont even care if she has sex with other people.
There is NO aspect of my life I am currently content with at all. My brother has been helping me with my rental and all he does is show me pics of the girls he fools around with. I havent had that since I was 25. I WASTED those last good years of being adequate looking with this woman. Ill never know that, nor woudl I EVER be able to pull it with my hair now.
Me and him were out last year while I had my shaved head and a girl openly said "no I think hes hotter, he has nice hair".
I want to hire a hit on myself just so I dont have to pull the trigger and truly say I gave up.

Mate I feel for you. Why don't you try hair replacement considering you have tried literally everything else? Whether you go down this route or not the best thing you can do is make money and force yourself to exercise. Being productive does help trust me. Work out and rotate with cardio and do overtime or start a business. Make money and when the cure comes you will have a nice big fat stack of money to get the cure but at the time time you will have already enriched so many more areas of your life.


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Make money and when the cure comes.....


uncomfortable man

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I wish this site had an e-strangle feature. For when neg reps aren't enough.


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I will take a long shower then do my hair without all the concealer crap, and I'll go outside for the first time in very long, without feeling afraid and disgusted with myself.

Yes, I think about it every day, sometimes several times a day. I create this world in my head where I still have hair and what I'm doing then,

which is going out, meeting people, feeling good, not being scared and depressed and angry.

Then reality snaps back, and I realize I'll never have that, in fact every minute I spend worrying is also a minute my hair spends getting worse.

And I am closer to nothingness with each moment.


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This topic has no sense. Guys, you are delusional.
That day you are talking about is not going to come.
Men's hair on their heads only get thinner with age, even in those not affected by male pattern baldness, a 50 year old will never have as much hair as he had at 20.
Please stop this obsession and go do something useful for your life.

SOmetimes i think you are just masochistic, dudes! Why on earth would yu open such topics and entertain such discussions which makes you feel only worse? I don't get it.
Threads and sites like this should be immediately closed for the sake of the mental sanity of the users!!
I just think other times that guys like you living in US, you just have a very easy and care-free life that permits you to obsess that much on something like hairloss...
I see your only goal in life is to date and fvck hot girls, this is the main idea in all this forum, you feel that miserable about hair loss just because of this ONLY reason.

Did you think that maybe you are over-superficial and maybe baldness is some kind of divine-punishment brought to you by that reason??Well, i was kidding...

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So, we're not going to have a full head of hair* again, ever, in this life! Get used to it!
The sooner you realise and accept this, the better!

*full head of hair=hairline and thickness from 18 years of age.


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This topic has no sense. Guys, you are delusional.
That day you are talking about is not going to come.
Men's hair on their heads only get thinner with age, even in those not affected by male pattern baldness, a 50 year old will never have as much hair as he had at 20.
Please stop this obsession and go do something useful for your life.

SOmetimes i think you are just masochistic, dudes! Why on earth would yu open such topics and entertain such discussions which makes you feel only worse? I don't get it.
Threads and sites like this should be immediately closed for the sake of the mental sanity of the users!!
I just think other times that guys like you living in US, you just have a very easy and care-free life that permits you to obsess that much on something like hairloss...
I see your only goal in life is to date and fvck hot girls, this is the main idea in all this forum, you feel that miserable about hair loss just because of this ONLY reason.

Did you think that maybe you are over-superficial and maybe baldness is some kind of divine-punishment brought to you by that reason??Well, i was kidding...

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So, we're not going to have a full head of hair* again, ever, in this life! Get used to it!
The sooner you realise and accept this, the better!

*full head of hair=hairline and thickness from 18 years of age.

How hypocritical is that, coming from someone who already got a hair transplant and who takes propecia every day. You certainly wouldn't spend thousands of dollars and be causing irreversible damage to your body if having hair wasn't a big deal.

Or maybe you are just having a day of denial? If that's the case, good for you, helps keep sanity. Especially on a Saturday.


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How hypocritical is that, coming from someone who already got a hair transplant and who takes propecia every day. You certainly wouldn't spend thousands of dollars and be causing irreversible damage to your body if having hair wasn't a big deal.

Or maybe you are just having a day of denial? If that's the case, good for you, helps keep sanity. Especially on a Saturday.

Dude...Yes i had a hair transplant and yes i take finasteride(which doesn't cause any "irreversible damage" you're talking about). Do you think that by these measures i got back all the hair i had at 16?? Not at all...
What i want to say: those guys who are Nw3+ but want ALL their hair and their density back simply want something impossible. Have you heard them? No, they aren't satisfied with "some" of their hair back, they want it ALL, which is something that is never going to happen. It only drives them crazy.
But, no, some of them don't want transplants, 'cause transplants don't bring back ALL the hair. Others don't want finasteride, 'cause they are too scared of the sides(which are rare).
So, while they're doing almost nothing to stop the hair loss, their hair may get worse, but instead they're fantasizing about "they day having full head of hair again"...How delusional is that?
I am not hypocritical, i'm just realistic.
Yes, i tale finasteride because that halts my hair loss.
Yes, i got a transplant only to LOOK BETTER, i don't want PERFECT HAIR again, that just isn't possible.
They, instead, don't take finasteride because they're scared of libido sides, even thought they themselves admit that they are out of the "Dating game", so , high libido good for what?
No, they don't do transplants, because transplanted hair is too thin for their requests.
Instead they wait for "THE CURE", something that may never come in our lives, or it will come too late, when we will won't give a **** about hair anymore...
Yes, if there is something i can do to improve more or less my hair situation, i've already did it, but i'm not desiring perfect hair because i know that's not possible.
Got it?
YEs, if a curw will come, i'd be more than happy to go for it, but since then, i use the available options and not desperately waiting for a cure, blaming society, scientist, FDA and whoever for its lack.

Unfortunately. i'm only rational and realistic. With hair loss, you can first do anything you can to partially solve the problem(treatments, hair transplant's, etc) and after that, you simplu MUST accept the situation and GET OVER IT!
YEs, my hair transplant of only 1500 graft helped me very much, i don't have 2 big uneven and unsymmetric holes in my temples anymore, but guess what, the hair is not as thick as the original one was. But having an improvement after years of nasty hairline really is something i'm thankful for, and now i can get over hairloss and go on with my life. I don't have perfect hair, i don't want perfect hair anymore. A couple of years ago i was like this, wanted ALL my hair back, but in the meantime realised it isn't possible and i can pretty accept it.

But topics like the ones in this area "Hair loss impact" really have no sense to me.. IT is like "turning ther knife in the wound"...They don't help at all. Why in the world would you fantasize about a "happy" day that has 0,01% chances to ever come?

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Wtf is with this dude, is he having a stroke or what?


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Dude...Yes i had a hair transplant and yes i take finasteride(which doesn't cause any "irreversible damage" you're talking about). Do you think that by these measures i got back all the hair i had at 16?? Not at all...
What i want to say: those guys who are Nw3+ but want ALL their hair and their density back simply want something impossible. Have you heard them? No, they aren't satisfied with "some" of their hair back, they want it ALL, which is something that is never going to happen. It only drives them crazy.
But, no, some of them don't want transplants, 'cause transplants don't bring back ALL the hair. Others don't want finasteride, 'cause they are too scared of the sides(which are rare).
So, while they're doing almost nothing to stop the hair loss, their hair may get worse, but instead they're fantasizing about "they day having full head of hair again"...How delusional is that?
I am not hypocritical, i'm just realistic.
Yes, i tale finasteride because that halts my hair loss.
Yes, i got a transplant only to LOOK BETTER, i don't want PERFECT HAIR again, that just isn't possible.
They, instead, don't take finasteride because they're scared of libido sides, even thought they themselves admit that they are out of the "Dating game", so , high libido good for what?
No, they don't do transplants, because transplanted hair is too thin for their requests.
Instead they wait for "THE CURE", something that may never come in our lives, or it will come too late, when we will won't give a **** about hair anymore...
Yes, if there is something i can do to improve more or less my hair situation, i've already did it, but i'm not desiring perfect hair because i know that's not possible.
Got it?
YEs, if a curw will come, i'd be more than happy to go for it, but since then, i use the available options and not desperately waiting for a cure, blaming society, scientist, FDA and whoever for its lack.

Unfortunately. i'm only rational and realistic. With hair loss, you can first do anything you can to partially solve the problem(treatments, hair transplant's, etc) and after that, you simplu MUST accept the situation and GET OVER IT!
YEs, my hair transplant of only 1500 graft helped me very much, i don't have 2 big uneven and unsymmetric holes in my temples anymore, but guess what, the hair is not as thick as the original one was. But having an improvement after years of nasty hairline really is something i'm thankful for, and now i can get over hairloss and go on with my life. I don't have perfect hair, i don't want perfect hair anymore. A couple of years ago i was like this, wanted ALL my hair back, but in the meantime realised it isn't possible and i can pretty accept it.

But topics like the ones in this area "Hair loss impact" really have no sense to me.. IT is like "turning ther knife in the wound"...They don't help at all. Why in the world would you fantasize about a "happy" day that has 0,01% chances to ever come?

There you go. Of course they don't make sense to you, when you refer to people NW3 as 'them'. You are NW2 with a transplant in your temples, so you are basically NW1 with just a bit less density? You really have no moral authority to try to lecture those here who are NW5+ in their mid 20s.


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No , i was Nw3 before the transplant. Now i am, let's say, some Nw2.5+ .
Anyway, i would not have been that bothered living with Nw3 if my hairline wasn't totally ugly, because the receding on right /left was not equal.
And, my density is not very strong all-over the top, and i have thinning in the crown, but quite coverable with the surrounding hair when it grows, or concealers, if the hair is short.

Oh, and yes, i would be a NW5+ myself today if i wouldn't have acted on time and got on treatments like 4-5 years ago.
Could have done better, because i delayed finasteride for 2 years, if i would have started it in early times, maybe the transplant wouldn't have been necessary.

Of course, i admit, i can't speak about NW5 , even if , just before starting solid treatment, my hair was in a very very bad condition.

But i adressed it in my posts above, first of all, you can halt hairloss with finasteride, no need to let it become NW4+.
And, again, if you're NW5, dreaming about the day with full head of hair again can be even more painful than for me, that's why i blame topics like this.
Good luck!


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No , i was Nw3 before the transplant. Now i am, let's say, some Nw2.5+ .
Anyway, i would not have been that bothered living with Nw3 if my hairline wasn't totally ugly, because the receding on right /left was not equal.
And, my density is not very strong all-over the top, and i have thinning in the crown, but quite coverable with the surrounding hair when it grows, or concealers, if the hair is short.

Oh, and yes, i would be a NW5+ myself today if i wouldn't have acted on time and got on treatments like 4-5 years ago.
Could have done better, because i delayed finasteride for 2 years, if i would have started it in early times, maybe the transplant wouldn't have been necessary.

Of course, i admit, i can't speak about NW5 , even if , just before starting solid treatment, my hair was in a very very bad condition.

But i adressed it in my posts above, first of all, you can halt hairloss with finasteride, no need to let it become NW4+.
And, again, if you're NW5, dreaming about the day with full head of hair again can be even more painful than for me, that's why i blame topics like this.
Good luck!

If you didn't mind being a nw3 why did you took a hair transplant. Some people like me can't take a hair transplant because of thin donor. Also finasteride didn't do the trick for me so who are you to tell me that it is not all that bad?


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If you didn't mind being a nw3 why did you took a hair transplant. Some people like me can't take a hair transplant because of thin donor. Also finasteride didn't do the trick for me so who are you to tell me that it is not all that bad?

Dude, can't you read or what? My right temple was way more receded than left one, some 2 cm more.
If i would have receded symetrically, it wouldn't have bothered me that much.

Ok, i admit, it's BAD.
And? How is gonna' dreaming about full head of hair help in any way?
How are the cynical threads in this area going to help in any way???
Can you explain me, please?


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No I didn't read your post where you explained that and no this kind of threads aren't helping but at least it gets the frustration of your chest. In most of your posts you are Just really giving the impression that baldness isn't bad at all and that women don't care and sh**.But I would also like to say that your mindset is good, however please keep in mind that you are one of the people that when you caught your hair loss early finasteride did his job and that you could fix your hairline not everyone is so lucky.

uncomfortable man

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Merlin, why why couldn't you take your own advice and just "not care" about your asymetrical hairline and compensate for it somehow instead of getting an hair transplant? Your hair transplant negates everything else you say to us. You are a hypocrite so please stop dispensing your advice/opinions on hair loss or whatever because they hold no weight now. Do the respectful thing by signing off this site and never come back.


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Merlin, why why couldn't you take your own advice and just "not care" about your asymetrical hairline and compensate for it somehow instead of getting an hair transplant? Your hair transplant negates everything else you say to us. You are a hypocrite so please stop dispensing your advice/opinions on hair loss or whatever because they hold no weight now. Do the respectful thing by signing off this site and never come back.

First of all, how childish and pathetic about you giving negative reputation. and also the other immature guy @hellouser.
Second, you don't get it and that's all.
I did my hair transplant to fix my asymetric hairline because I COULD! What's the problem???
I take finasteride to maintain my overall existing hair because i CAN and i am not scared i won't get the "morning wood" or crap like this.
Do you think that hair transplant with only 1500 grafts restored me a FULL HEAD OF HAIR??
That's what is this thread about, yeah? Getting a full head of hair!!
Why do you derail me?
I SAID CLEARLY, with hairloss, you FIRST must do anything you can to prevent further hair, or a hair transplant for some PARTIAL fix, and then you must accept it.
I DO NOT have a full head of hair, understand? And i don't want one.
I find this topic useless.
And it's more useless and cynical and makes you fell more miserable the more Norwood you have.

Ok, now i will leave you alone, if that's what you want to do, activate in cynical threads like this, ok.
Anyway, @hellouser is the weirdest guy i ever met here, dude, you have a totally strange "way" of reasoning.
And @uncomfortable man, dude, can you read a message? My hair transplant doesn't negate anything!
I said TWO things:
1) Take action and do whatever you can to improve your hair,
2)Accept that 1) can only SLIGHTLY IMPROVE your hair situation, but not get you a FULL HEAD OF HAIR AGAIN, and get over it

Where is the problem? Can you tell me what i wrote that negates this??
Some dudes here like @hellouser haven't done step 1) neither step 2).
They refuse finasteride, they refuse hair transplant, so their hair gets only worse.
And, ironically, the worse their hair gets, the more they want ALL their hair back.
ALL! Not even 90%, but ALL, which is delusional, and insane.

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But I would also like to say that your mindset is good, however please keep in mind that you are one of the people that when you caught your hair loss early finasteride did his job and that you could fix your hairline not everyone is so lucky.

Really? Take this aggresive @hellouser.
He doesn't want to take finasteride. (better said didn't want when it was the time for it). He doesn't want to do a hair transplant ehich may improve his hairline. HE wants ALL his hair back. ALL!!! So he hates society, hates FDA, etc, hates everyone . And dreams about SF like hair multiplication...

You say topics like this "get the frustration off your chest"???
Well. I'm not of the same opinion. How in the world would dreaming about something you know has 0,00...% chances to ever happen make you feel better? For me, it would make the frustration even bigger.
Yes, i am not that bad, not NW5, and even like this, i don't like to think about "the day when i will have a full head of hair again", but what about a NW7? I assume it's even more painful...
And if here are a bunch of strange masochistic dudes who feel better by talking in this cynical thread, think about it: maybe for other more normal people, seeing a thread like this can only make them more miserable.

I never said that if a hair transplant can improve your hair situation, to not have it done!!
Anything that can improve your hair, DO IT, i encourage! But be realistic and don;t expect PERFECTION, don't expect full head of hair again.

The thing with acceptance is THE LAST ONE.
Only at the point where you can do NO MORE to further improve your hair, then comes the acceptance. And it's common-sense: a guy who doesn't accept a situation that cannot be changed, is not helping himself in any way. This only denotes immaturity.

Yeah? Got it? Or do i need to draw it to you?
Where is the hypocrisy, @ hellouser?? There is no hypocrisy...

And i'm very very sory, but if guys like @uncomfortable man have a "reputation" like that, this says all about the forum... This is not a forum for HELPING people with hairloss, this is only for making them more miserable...