Whatevr's Success Story - With Timeline


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Just got blood results from 2 days ago, my TSH is 5.03... Should I ask my doctor for meds ?
Also FT3 - 5.2
and FT4 - 14.1

Your TSH is already above even the widest top range at that value which means it is too high. I would get on medication at this point, it's only likely to get worse otherwise. Doctors like to have a big leeway for the TSH so they don't treat you until it's above 4 point something but really, in healthy people the TSH should not go below 0.3 or higher than 1.5. Most people who have TSH's of 3, 4 and above are already hypothyroid. Do you have any symptoms? Tired? Low energy? Low libido? Skin issues? Etc.

On an old abandoned forum guys like Swoop and InBeforeTheCure used to talk about what genes might be involved in Androgenetic Alopecia. Another guy called TheKingOfFighters theorised based on this article that hair could be regrown by Estradiol, but it needed something else that went with it. For all we know, you may have found the other ingredients that you need to regrow hair. Estradiol likely isn't enough for hair regrowth since when 5a-reductase is blocked more Testosterone gets turned into Estradiol, yet Finasteride rarely regrows hair. I wish it was true that it was just Estradiol by itself, then you could just get on Finasteride, do weightlifting and other Testosterone inducing activities and grow all your hair back!

The prednisolone and salicylic acid in Alpicort are anti-inflammatory. Those might play a part.


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I bought it on brandmedicines.com and pay by paypal . No problem by the moment.

I´ll give it a try but Im worry about if it would increase the androgen receptors sensibility in the long time use .
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I bought it on brandmedicines.com and pay by paypal . No problem by the moment.

I´ll give it a try but Im worry about if it would increase the androgen receptors sensibility in the long time use .

Thats weird. Mine still says pending approval and won't let me buy. Did you already have a membership? Also what country are you in?


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Thats weird. Mine still says pending approval and won't let me buy. Did you already have a membership? Also what country are you in?
your not from canada are you? "Attention Canadian customers, due to the recent frequent Customs problems, we no longer take new registrations from Canada!". Thats what it says on their website. Im thinking of ordering from here but still not sure of their legitimacy.


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your not from canada are you? "Attention Canadian customers, due to the recent frequent Customs problems, we no longer take new registrations from Canada!". Thats what it says on their website. Im thinking of ordering from here but still not sure of their legitimacy.

I am from the US. It has now been 12 days since I signed up.


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Thats weird. Mine still says pending approval and won't let me buy. Did you already have a membership? Also what country are you in?
Im from Spain.
They say "Paypal. Long term, regular customers only!" on the web, but Im new customer and choise paypal and they send me a paypal link for the pay. I Hope not have problem, by the moment the status order is proccesing.


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Ok so I managed to get hold of unlimited supply of Alpicot F .I know a dermatologist in US and Europe . I might have a few spair ,so if you want some pm me . ONLY US please

Make sure to follow my thread (peapoddy) me and my friend are trying this in a few weeks .He has very similar loss to whatevr and he's never been on finasteride or minoxidil .


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Ok so I managed to get hold of unlimited supply of Alpicot F .I know a dermatologist in US and Europe . I might have a few spair ,so if you want some pm me . ONLY US please

Make sure to follow my thread (peapoddy) me and my friend are trying this in a few weeks .He has very similar loss to whatevr and he's never been on finasteride or minoxidil .

Good luck to both of you, keep us posted!


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Good luck to both of you, keep us posted!
Whatever, do you have any photos of your progress (specifically when your hairline was growing back)

I see the timeline you posted on the first page....but its kinda like:




I'd like to see the in-between stage...you had some bald-*** temples & i wanna see what your temples looked like when the hairs were sprouting back up


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Anastrozole (Arimidex)
Letrozole (Femara)

Letro is probably safer long term, although very very strong, I'd start with a quarter or half a pill, probably more cost-effective that way than Anastrozole as well.

Just a heads up with Letrozole, there's the risk of estrogen rebound with letro after stopping to use it (although it is safer than arimidex for long-term use and is easier on your liver). I have letro ready (2.5mg/ml, will take 1.25mg eod or e3d and use a moderate dose of estro) and am gonna try topical estrogel, but I'm going to replace letro with exemestane for the last couple weeks of estro usage.

I guess you could also use a serm to control any rebound too, but this seems simpler to me


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Whatever, do you have any photos of your progress (specifically when your hairline was growing back)

I see the timeline you posted on the first page....but its kinda like:




I'd like to see the in-between stage...you had some bald-*** temples & i wanna see what your temples looked like when the hairs were sprouting back up

Due to the fact that I was buzzing my head from September to February I don't really have any better pictures that would illustrate the temple growth in particular. The hair on my NW2 areas only started to come back when I started Minoxidil, and to get an idea of those results you need to compare the picture from November to the one in February. This is made a bit harder by the different hair lengths, but I think you can get the idea.

It's quite hard to show the state of hair as it is due to varying lighting, angles, whether you washed your hair that day or not, styling, and a lot of factors. I think some people get the idea that I regrew all my temples or that I am NW1. This isn't the reality. I am still a NW2, except that I have a lot more stronger and healthy hairs in the NW2 area, and can fake a NW1 if need be. I still don't have a straight hairline and there are no terminal hairs on the very edges of my hairline up to probably around 1 cm in. Those are still thin vellus, as well as the fact that my density is only at 60-70% of what it used to be in my teen years, due to diffuse thinning.


One other thing that I would like to bring up is that throughout this entire thread I have only been crediting my success to the estradiol content of Alpicort F.

The past few days I've had some conversations with people over on the German hair loss forum and they've commented on my situation. Due to some of their input I can no longer with 100% certainty say that estradiol on its own is responsible for these results. I am pretty sure by now that the prednisolone and salicylic acid are at least as important. After all, those are anti-inflammatory ingredients which are there for a reason, and I believe they all work in synergy.

The estradiol fights against androgens and lengthens the anagen phase. The prednisolone and salicylic acid help to lower the inflammation in and around the hair follicle, giving it a breath of fresh air and enabling the growth factors to finally take over and produce a healthy terminal hair. I wish this situation was as simple as just saying "it's estrogen", but I bet that if you remove any of these 3 ingredients from the mix, the results are probably not going to be anywhere near as great. That is one of the problems with additive effects, where 1+1+1 is not 3 but 13.
Right now I am off the Alpicort for a week until Monday to let my hormones reset because I am taking a bloodtest. After that I will start an aromatase inhibitor for some other issues. Hope that the results will still continue, and of course I will also continue experimenting and researching about how this lotion helps and if we can improve on it and minimize the side effects.
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Due to some of their input I can no longer with 100% certainty say that estradiol on its own is responsible for these results. I am pretty sure by now that the prednisolone and salicylic acid are at least as important

I'll try to pass that onto InBeforeTheCure, he might know what genes they are interacting with.


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at another forum antoher user had this to say:

"In the light of this favourable effect of estrogen on senile skin, the obvious supposition is that these steroids also have a similarly favourable effect on hair follicles. Estrogens prolong the growth period of hair (Taubert 1976, Winkler 1969) and, in addition, inhibit mitosis (Stuuttgen and Schaefer 1977). Some investigations point, that systemic estrogens increase the proliferation rate, slow down differentiation and, thus, postpone fallout of telogen hairs (Moretti et al. 1977).

"Orentreich (1969) observed a decrease in daily hair fall-out during therapy with systemic doses of estrogen...Lubowe saw good results in androgenetic alopecia by means of the conjugated estrogen Presomen (Lubowe 1972). It can be assumed that the semi-synthetic estrogens, like mestranol and ethinylestradiol, have a stronger effect on hair growth than conjugated estrogens.

"In the treatment of hair diseases, there have been few reports on systemic estrogen. But some authors have been using estrogens for topical treatment of hair diseases for many years (e.g. Funk as long ago as 1951).

"Androgenetic Alopecia, which in many cases causes great suffering, is of particular significance for topical use of estrogens... Topical estrogen treatment can be considered particularly in those cases in which systemic antiandrogen therapy...is not possible.

"According to Zondek, topical use of estrogen solutions is almost as effective as systemic administration of this hormone. Wendker et al. (1976) have demonstrated the good penetration of estradiol solutions right into the cutis. However, no reports of concentration in the subcutis and, thus, at the hair follicle are available.

"Estrogen solutions exist in West Germany as commercial products, but they can also be made up as a prescription. The commercial products are: Alpicort F, Crinohermal-fem and Ell-Cranell. [...]

"We carried out investigations into the effect of estradiol benzoate, incorporated in isopropyl alcohol, on androgenetic alopecia... We selected 35...patients with androgenetic alopecia in whom typical androgenetic alopecia was also present on the basis of history and clinical findings. We treated these patients for at least 6 months with the above-mentioned estrogen solution, in some cases for a year, and in some cases for even longer. Every day a few drops of the prescribed solution were applied to the scalp...

"Trichogram investigations according to the standardized method of Meiers (1975) were carried out on the 5th day after the last hair wash and after withdrawal of all topical therapeutic agents; this was done prior to therapy and 6 to 8 months later during therapy. During the treatment, the patients were only allowed to use a mild shampoo to wash their hair.

"The therapeutic results were evaluated on the basis of the trichogram findings, corresponding to the change in the telogen rate (TR). A decrease in the telogen rate of more than 20% was rated as improvement, values of +/-20% as no improvement, and an increase in the telogen rate of more than 20% as deterioration. The results are summarized in the Table 1.

1. A decrease in the telogen rate of more than 10% was seen in a total of 22 patients = 63%


Evaluation ..... Telogen rate (TR) ...... No. of patients (35 = 100%)


improvement ..... >20% decrease ......... 18 = 51.5%
no improvement +/-20% ...................... 12 = 34.2%
deterioration ...... >20% increase ........... 5 = 14.3%


"Here you can see two particularly good examples of therapeutic success in a woman and a man: a 51-year-old woman patient, telogen rate in the frontal area prior to treatment 42.9%, after treatment 18.0%; a 33-year-old man, telogen rate in the frontal area prior to treament 46.6%, after treatment 20.0%.

"The deterioration of androgenetic alopecia in five patients had to be attributed partly to very irregular use of, and partly to premature withdrawal of, the estrogen tincture. For example, one patient who initially noticed a subjective improvement after 3 months' regular use of the estrogen spirit discontinued treatment on the advise of his general practitioner, who did not consider the therapy meaningful...

"Our results have confirmed the studies by Wustner and Orfanos (1974), who saw an improvement, that is, a decrease of the telogen-rate in 52% of androgenetic alopecia treated with Alpicort-F and Crinohermal-fem. These authors did not find side effects when their preparations were used.

"Our patients too did not report any side effects. [...] Hence, we can say topical use of estrogen is a suitable therapy for androgenetic alopecia. We cannot say whether the hair follicles become accustomed to estrogen application after 10 or more years because the observation period was not longer than 2 years."


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I am from the US. It has now been 12 days since I signed up.

This sh*t is getting on my nerves as I all want is to order some Alpicort F peacefully.
Brandmedicine site keeps showing me awaiting approval, I never got any confirmation email after i signed up.
Amexmedicine has not sent me any paypal invoice like they promised on their site, nor did they respond to my email asking for a paypal invoice.
Medicine-online accept both moneygram and a wiretransfer.
I think that now my only option is to physically go and checkout moneygram near where I live.

Now the question is do I buy from amexmedicine or medicine-online ? At first I wanted amexmedicine, but it seems like they dont respond to theit emails so im inclined to go with medicine-online at this moment.


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so what is this study trying to say?...Estrodioal works topically or no?

Yes it does. But the study sounds like it's all over the place. Some people just straight up quit because their doctor told them to, some did it for six months others did it for 2 years. They all used it once a day, apparently without side effects, but some were women.


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Yes it does. But the study sounds like it's all over the place. Some people just straight up quit because their doctor told them to, some did it for six months others did it for 2 years. They all used it once a day, apparently without side effects, but some were women.
interesting....im still thinking about using Estro topically....as of now its just a matter of should i use 'Alpicort F' or 'Estro Gel'


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interesting....im still thinking about using Estro topically....as of now its just a matter of should i use 'Alpicort F' or 'Estro Gel'
Probably Alpicort F, start a success story thread, take pics and enjoy all your likes.


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Probably Alpicort F, start a success story thread, take pics and enjoy all your likes.
lol, I'd much rather start a success story & actually gain progress in terms of hair growth.
I hate being bald Beowulf....i hate it


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Your TSH is already above even the widest top range at that value which means it is too high. I would get on medication at this point, it's only likely to get worse otherwise. Doctors like to have a big leeway for the TSH so they don't treat you until it's above 4 point something but really, in healthy people the TSH should not go below 0.3 or higher than 1.5. Most people who have TSH's of 3, 4 and above are already hypothyroid. Do you have any symptoms? Tired? Low energy? Low libido? Skin issues? Etc.
Yes I do have a lot of the symptoms mentioned, I booked an appointment with my family doctor.

Tired? All the god damn time. This is probably even worse than actual hair loss. I never feel awake unless I manage to get 11-12 hours of sleep, and even then the energized feel usually lasts for a few hours before it wears off. I don't particularly want to sleep all day but I feel like a zombie in the twilight zone where I can't fall asleep yet I'm just too tired to function, and if I force myself to function it feels like I'm using every resource in my body.

Low energy? This probably goes in hand with tiredness. I have day a where I tell myself 'okay today I'm gonna do this and that' and it seems like I end up just laying on the couch not able to get up and even once I'm up I feel like a zombie. I try to save all my energy left for the gym, some days I'm in the gym with extreme mental and physical fatigue and I try my best to pull through. I've recently discovered 'modafinil', the first batch I got worked like a godsend to me, I felt like I could finally get my life straight using it, I didn't have many pills in first place and my second batch I ordered seemed fake or not potent as it had absolutely no effect on me. But basically I have to rely on substances to get my energy up.

Low libido? Not really. Quite a horn dog I am. Although my erection quality went down and I attest this to finasteride. It seems like I can't maintain a rock hard erection l used to, even after being on no fap for quite a while. I never realised how finasteride affected my erections until I got off it and all of the sudden I noticed I would get these rock hard erections and stay that away for a long time, especially while being on no fap. I have no idea if the thyroid function has anything to do with this.

I'll see what my family doctor has to say. If he doesn't want to treat me I will change family Doctor, I'm not sure if I should self medicate regarding thyroid.