Whatevr's Success Story - With Timeline


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...yet Finasteride rarely regrows hair.

I guess we have to loose the concept that the same medication that stops hairloss regrows hair. (E in this case.) As Swoop pointed out at some point: Once enough cells are senescent, the local inflammation and immune reaction will kill the follicle all by itself.
Even transgender regimes stop hairloss 95% of the time, but rarely cause massive regrowth.

Stopping the cell death in hair follicles is a completely different mechanism to inducing cell proliferation (I think).

Actually now that I think about it: As far as I understood, dht causes the stem cells in the follicle to induce cell death (senescence) and to spread inflammation markers so they are removed by mast cells. The inflammation however induces senescence in more cells and so forth. Would be nice to know if alpicort is stopping that secondary inflammation.


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"For example, one patient who initially noticed a subjective improvement after 3 months' regular use of the estrogen spirit discontinued treatment on the advise of his general practitioner, who did not consider the therapy meaningful..."

P: Hey Doctor, I just regrew back 2 Norwood with this estrogen lotion that they were testing in this study. Should I continue using it?
D: Nah, it's not meaningful.
P: k lol



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Yes I do have a lot of the symptoms mentioned, I booked an appointment with my family doctor.

Sounds like you fit the bill. If they decide to put you on treatment, they are probably going to put you on T4 only. This works under the assumption that the body will adequately convert T4 to T3 as needed which doesn't happen very often. A combination therapy of T4 + T3 is usually far more successful. I didn't start feeling like my old self until I insisted they put me on T3 as well. T3 is to thyroid hormone what DHT is to testosterone, a far more potent form that is crucial for energy production inside every single cell.


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I guess we have to loose the concept that the same medication that stops hairloss regrows hair. (E in this case.) As Swoop pointed out at some point: Once enough cells are senescent, the local inflammation and immune reaction will kill the follicle all by itself.
Even transgender regimes stop hairloss 95% of the time, but rarely cause massive regrowth.

Stopping the cell death in hair follicles is a completely different mechanism to inducing cell proliferation (I think).

Actually now that I think about it: As far as I understood, dht causes the stem cells in the follicle to induce cell death (senescence) and to spread inflammation markers so they are removed by mast cells. The inflammation however induces senescence in more cells and so forth. Would be nice to know if alpicort is stopping that secondary inflammation.

I regrowth with finasteride but it was on the first year and I was much more youmg. Trouught the years it helps to maintenance but the hairloss continues slowly.

And about the Arpicoll F lotion use ...any precaution with the topical corticosteroid? I'm worry about it.


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I took a 7 day break from Alpicort to return my hormone levels to baseline and today I got a blood test, here are the results:


Going to try letrozole. Hopefully it will raise my Testosterone levels without affecting my hair, I am not comfortable with 552 ng/dL at 24 years old.
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I guess we have to loose the concept that the same medication that stops hairloss regrows hair. (E in this case.) As Swoop pointed out at some point: Once enough cells are senescent, the local inflammation and immune reaction will kill the follicle all by itself.
Even transgender regimes stop hairloss 95% of the time, but rarely cause massive regrowth.

I totally agree, I don't see why prevention and remedy would necessarily be linked at all. Stopping a process of continued loss is certainly distinct from regrowing what was lost. Then again something might cure both at once.

All this senescence stuff is pretty scary, but it does make sense. Although I do think that senescence probably does take quite a long time to happen considering that some people can get limited regrowth years after the initial loss. I have heard that mast cells explain the shape of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Weird thing is I have heard that pregnancy can momentarily reverse Androgenetic Alopecia in women, one would think a similar thing happens to transsexuals.

The lotion does have two anti-inflammatories in it. I was more interested in what this guy on another forum about how Estradiol could upregulate Pax1 and WNT10A to regrow hair, but he thought you needed other elements to make it work. He seemed to think you needed a particular type of inflammation in order to regrow cells. I also remember them saying that something was happening with the glucocorticoid receptors. Which is funny because I've been using glucocorticoids to heal my inflammation!


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I took a 7 day break from Alpicort to return my hormone levels to baseline and today I got a blood test, here are the results:


Going to try letrozole. Hopefully it will raise my Testosterone levels without affecting my hair, I am not comfortable with 552 ng/dL at 24 years old.

So is it unsafe to be using the Alpicort if your Estradiol is high? Or will you just use it less frequently?

Schitz Popinov

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I took a 7 day break from Alpicort to return my hormone levels to baseline and today I got a blood test, here are the results:


Going to try letrozole. Hopefully it will raise my Testosterone levels without affecting my hair, I am not comfortable with 552 ng/dL at 24 years old.

See, I'm curious what your levels were like before the blood test. I know you said you were off Alpicort for a week prior - but is that enough time to normalize?

I guess if you're not seeing any feminine side effects, then no harm no foul.

Schitz Popinov

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I'm still wondering if Rosemary oil is the better way to go instead of minoxidil. Everything I'm reading shows the exact same efficacy, but without any of the sides.


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So is it unsafe to be using the Alpicort if your Estradiol is high? Or will you just use it less frequently?

I'm going to use it 3x a week as before, but I'm going to try an aromatase inhibitor.

See, I'm curious what your levels were like before the blood test. I know you said you were off Alpicort for a week prior - but is that enough time to normalize?

I guess if you're not seeing any feminine side effects, then no harm no foul.

It should be enough time according to studies. I am almost certain my estrogen has been high for years - I have quite a few issues that would point to that. One of the most noticeable ones was that I always had a feminine fat deposition on my body. When I gain weight, it mostly goes to my hips, thighs, ***. Then, my libido is kinda low, and I have bad, acne prone skin on my face. Also quite anxious and prone to panic attacks. Been this way since 2012 at least. I also got puffy nipples from Propecia very quickly indicating that I already had a high estrogen level when I started taking it in 2015.

Now I want to see if I can lower my systemic estrogen with an aromatase inhibitor to help with some health problems, while still keeping the benefits of Alpicort F topically.


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Now I want to see if I can lower my systemic estrogen with an aromatase inhibitor to help with some health problems, while still keeping the benefits of Alpicort F topically.

sh*t, that's a good idea.

I'm actually getting pretty interested in all this hormone stuff considering that if a tiny bit of Estradiol goes systematic it can clear up acne and make your skin age slower.

But gyno and infertility are pretty scary. But then there's aromatase inhibitors, but then they have their own side effects. Gah, there's just so much stuff!


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sh*t, that's a good idea.

I'm actually getting pretty interested in all this hormone stuff considering that if a tiny bit of Estradiol goes systematic it can clear up acne and make your skin age slower.

But gyno and infertility are pretty scary. But then there's aromatase inhibitors, but then they have their own side effects. Gah, there's just so much stuff!

Yes, it's very interesting and very complicated. Finding a way to keep/restore your hair without messing up the rest of your body is a mild form of rocket science.

the oestrogen effect might help acne

I don't know, I have high E and my face doesn't look that great. I have lots of tiny subcutaneous acne and large pores.

michel sapin

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i have a perfect skin ( i have done an accutane course in the past) , and ketrel helped to maintain


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Estrogen can clear up the skin. Men have rougher and thicker skin, especially epidermis. Superficial marks might be erased first through the shedding of skin, creating a more smooth appearance. There'll also be changes in the dermis and fat which will also cause a better complexion. Taking estrogen one can notice some skin changes within a week, and it continues for months (depending on your baseline or levels of E/T). If you check out some mtf before and after you'll usually see they look a lot younger after E.

For some persistent red marks and other problems though, IPL is quite effective at removing this, but costs a bit! $


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Yes, it's very interesting and very complicated. Finding a way to keep/restore your hair without messing up the rest of your body is a mild form of rocket science.

I don't know, I have high E and my face doesn't look that great. I have lots of tiny subcutaneous acne and large pores.
Whatever, whats the difference between Alpicort F & E??


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Whatever, whats the difference between Alpicort F & E??

Alpicot F is a lotion that has Estradiol and other stuff in it. Estradiol (E) is a female hormone. If you're going to use Alipcort F you should monitor your blood levels of Estradiol unless you want to become infertile or a woman or grow breasts or whatever.