
What's it really like going bald - the truth



idkwia said:
Andre Agassi (never stuggled for women and married Steffi Graf who probably had the best body ever in women's tennis)

Yeah, maybe good body, but certainly not the best face :mrgreen:



BTW, I seriously wonder how could anyone wear a wig? I would be in constant fear that someone will detect it. Let's say a girl will pull your hair, and rip the wig off of your head. She will be shocked and run away with scream. Or imagine losing your wig in front of many people. I would be fu**in' embarassed and wanted to bury myself deep under the ground. I think it's 1000 times better to just shave it and be bald.


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Um, you don't look at the mantlepiece when you are poking the fire.


Anyway, we're talking about bald men who are considered by women to be very attractive not whether their wife is good looking or not.

Either way, wigs have got to be a no no.


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You shouldn´t have mentioned Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf. :thumbdown2:

I am 29 years old and used to be very interested in Tennis in my childhood, being a somewhat talented player myself.

I remember watching a report about Andre Agassi and they mentioned how so many women w ere lusting after him. That was the time when he had his long, wild hair (or maybe his wig, doesn´t matter in the end.)

At that time he was also dating Brooke Shields, who even decided to stay virgin for him.

A few years later he started shaving his head and showing his full "glory":

Women lost interest in him, Brooke Shields dumped him and he had to settle with Steffi Graf. :(

Coincidence? You are the judge!

Nashville Hairline

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It was Brooke Shields who encouraged him to ditch the hairpieces (it says so in his book "Open") so she's not a total baldie hater, be fair.


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idkwia said:
Um, you don't look at the mantlepiece when you are poking the fire.

Worst phrase ever! :thumbdown2: The excuse used by people who cant get attractive partners.


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idkwia said:
Famous people who are bald but considered very sexy and attractive by women:- Yul Brynner (Hollywood Actor had many lead roles), Andre Agassi (never stuggled for women and married Stffi Graf who probably had the best body ever in women's tennis), Errol (lead singer of Hot Chocolate, had loads of women), Grant Mitchell (was the hearthrob in the UK show Eastenders), James Blake (top 10 tennis player) Patrick Stewart (Star Trek), Bruce Willis (Die Hard), Telly Savalas (Kojak) and of course Jack Nicholson.

And a list of 9??? How big a list of famous people who are attractive with hair could you make?


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is that true what happen to andre agassi, women not being intestreed in him after he ditched his wig and went bald?

anyway the guy is famous im sure a hot women would want him if he wanted, he's probably happy with his current girlfriend, im sure he could easily do better with his fame alone.

but yeah i cant beleive he had women swooning over him, then embraced baldness, then female attenion became zero, hot GF dumped him, ends up with a plain jane at best later on.


anyway all those famous people on that list look crap, except for James Blake, i have no idea how he looks good, the rest are aweful looking in club/bar lighting like bruce willis he look sh*t bald etc.


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I am one of the young guys you are talking about being 19 and a Norwood 2. The idea of baldness isnt a big deal to me, its baldness in my 20s that scares me because baldness = people automatically assuming you are 30+. I want to look young, while I'm young. If I found out today I would have Norwood 3 hair until I'm 30-35 I would breathe a huge sigh of releif.

However I never want to become what some people on this site have become. Letting baldness ruin your life is taking things too far. The only real consiquences of going bald are that you get slightly less attractive and you don't have a chance with 8/10+ young women. While the latter really sucks (especially at my age) I can get passed it. I can still do well in school, stay in shape, get a good job and attract women. Baldness definitley sucks but I think a lot of you take it wayyyy too far sometimes.

Before you say I don't know how it feels to be bald I think the feeling of simply going bald at 19 is comparable to being fully bald in your late 20s/early 30s.


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s.a.f said:
idkwia said:
Famous people who are bald but considered very sexy and attractive by women:- Yul Brynner (Hollywood Actor had many lead roles), Andre Agassi (never stuggled for women and married Stffi Graf who probably had the best body ever in women's tennis), Errol (lead singer of Hot Chocolate, had loads of women), Grant Mitchell (was the hearthrob in the UK show Eastenders), James Blake (top 10 tennis player) Patrick Stewart (Star Trek), Bruce Willis (Die Hard), Telly Savalas (Kojak) and of course Jack Nicholson.

And a list of 9??? How big a list of famous people who are attractive with hair could you make?

Maybe he would mention more if there where anymore bald celebrities :whistle:


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sylent said:
I am one of the young guys you are talking about being 19 and a Norwood 2. The idea of baldness isnt a big deal to me, its baldness in my 20s that scares me because baldness = people automatically assuming you are 30+. I want to look young, while I'm young. If I found out today I would have Norwood 3 hair until I'm 30-35 I would breathe a huge sigh of releif.

However I never want to become what some people on this site have become. Letting baldness ruin your life is taking things too far. The only real consiquences of going bald are that you get slightly less attractive and you don't have a chance with 8/10+ young women. While the latter really sucks (especially at my age) I can get passed it. I can still do well in school, stay in shape, get a good job and attract women. Baldness definitley sucks but I think a lot of you take it wayyyy too far sometimes.

Before you say I don't know how it feels to be bald I think the feeling of simply going bald at 19 is comparable to being fully bald in your late 20s/early 30s.

I feel exactly the same way.

It's always on my mind.


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It is very clear that most of you guys don't need hair, you need to see a shrink!

Just carry on wallowing in your own self pity and agreeing with each other how unlucky you all are because that will make you much happier and more attractive to women............not!

uncomfortable man

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sylent said:
I am one of the young guys you are talking about being 19 and a Norwood 2. The idea of baldness isnt a big deal to me, its baldness in my 20s that scares me because baldness = people automatically assuming you are 30+. I want to look young, while I'm young. If I found out today I would have Norwood 3 hair until I'm 30-35 I would breathe a huge sigh of releif.

However I never want to become what some people on this site have become. Letting baldness ruin your life is taking things too far. The only real consiquences of going bald are that you get slightly less attractive and you don't have a chance with 8/10+ young women. While the latter really sucks (especially at my age) I can get passed it. I can still do well in school, stay in shape, get a good job and attract women. Baldness definitley sucks but I think a lot of you take it wayyyy too far sometimes.

Before you say I don't know how it feels to be bald I think the feeling of simply going bald at 19 is comparable to being fully bald in your late 20s/early 30s.

You don't know what it's like. You are only imagining what it is like from the safety of a full head of hair. Your basically one of those guys with hair that says, "Aww, it can't be all that bad being bald." You don't know what you are talking about.


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it also depends how you look.

some people look like joe satriani bald, others look like david draimen.

so it depends, a good number of caucasian early 20s to late 30s look like the instant freaks o the room bald, other can look somewhat good or normal bald (examples draiman, vin diesel)


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HairPieceMan said:
it also depends how you look.

some people look like joe satriani bald, others look like david draimen.

I dont think he is good looking.


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well he at least looks OK, satch and michael stipe just look wierd and out of place bald (aka freak of the room), the best most bald caucasians can hope for is to look OK like david draiman or billy corgan.

if you start to have aspirations of looking good or sexy bald you have deep problems ,i've almost never seen a bald man looking sexually appealing bald in the streets etc.


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uncomfortable man said:
sylent said:
I am one of the young guys you are talking about being 19 and a Norwood 2. The idea of baldness isnt a big deal to me, its baldness in my 20s that scares me because baldness = people automatically assuming you are 30+. I want to look young, while I'm young. If I found out today I would have Norwood 3 hair until I'm 30-35 I would breathe a huge sigh of releif.

However I never want to become what some people on this site have become. Letting baldness ruin your life is taking things too far. The only real consiquences of going bald are that you get slightly less attractive and you don't have a chance with 8/10+ young women. While the latter really sucks (especially at my age) I can get passed it. I can still do well in school, stay in shape, get a good job and attract women. Baldness definitley sucks but I think a lot of you take it wayyyy too far sometimes.

Before you say I don't know how it feels to be bald I think the feeling of simply going bald at 19 is comparable to being fully bald in your late 20s/early 30s.

You don't know what it's like. You are only imagining what it is like from the safety of a full head of hair. Your basically one of those guys with hair that says, "Aww, it can't be all that bad being bald." You don't know what you are talking about.

I figured I would get a response out of you. Actually I was hoping for it. I know being bald sucks. How do you think I felt when in high school the topic of baldness came up in biology class. Every single person made glances at my head the whole class. Keep in mind this is when I was 17. I would also be told from time to time I looked like I was receeding. Think that felt good? And probably the worst kick in the balls was when I at 19 got a family picture taken with my father who is 47 and I noticed my hairline was higher than his. It really stings.

I can empathise with you just because thats the way I am. I think you are one of the ones who doesnt know just how good he has it. Why? Well, if thats you in that pic, you are actually a handsome guy bro baldness or not. Maybe you would be extremely handsome if you had hair but is that not being a little vain? Maybe young girls reject you in clubs, idk but YOU'RE 34! Its not old but women in their 20s reject almost anyone that age. Baldness has little to do with it.

Even if being bald is as awful as you say it is, why cant you get passed it? You're 34 years old man, being bald is normal at that point. Its something you cant change, accept it and move on. At the end of the day I could probably name 100 things more important than hair. What does baldness even do besides:

- makes you slightly less attractive
- young girls will reject you
- Women who don't like bald men will possibly reject you
- makes you the bald guy

All it effects is social status. Thats it! Do you really want to be a slave to the system? Live your life, f*** those people. I guarentee anyone that gives you sh*t for being have MAJOR insecurities of their own and arent worth the time of day. So get those fuckers out of your mind. If you can do that baldness no longer matters.


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im pretty sure UCMan has been bald since 25.

21 year old women don't reject 35 year old men with NW1 hairlines, they look practically identical to 25 year old men with NW1 hairlines.

honelsty brad pitt looks sh*t bald no matter what his age, if he has hair he's a super star to any 21 year old girl even if brad pitt is 25/30/35/40/45 etc.

so brad pitt bald at 25 = no action

brad pitt NW1 @ 35 = good action.

same with joe satriani and michael stipe before and after hairloss, regardless of age 25/30/35/40.

life doesnt end at 70 as well, check al pachino as example


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HairPieceMan said:
im pretty sure UCMan has been bald since 25.

21 year old women don't reject 35 year old men with NW1 hairlines, they look practically identical to 25 year old men with NW1 hairlines.

honelsty brad pitt looks sh*t bald no matter what his age, if he has hair he's a super star to any 21 year old girl even if brad pitt is 25/30/35/40/45 etc.

so brad pitt bald at 25 = no action

brad pitt NW1 @ 35 = good action.

same with joe satriani and michael stipe before and after hairloss, regardless of age 25/30/35/40.

life doesnt end at 70 as well, check al pachino as example

This is laughable. Yes, 95% of 35 year old men will get rejected by a woman in their early 20s, bald or not. Brad Pitt, who was widley considered to be the most beautiful man in the world up untill his 40s would be an exception to this rule, famous or not. Most guys arent that attractive, thats a fact. Brad Pitt would pull, even if he was bald in his 20s. He was a 10/10 so he would probably drop to an 8-8.5.


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Sylent is absolutely right. At last someone on this site talking some sense (apart from me of course, ha ha). You are also right about Uncomfortable Man, he is a good looking guy, don't know what he is doing on here going on and on and on about being bald.

I know what you are going through Sylent at your age but you are dealing with it with the right attitude and if you keep thinking positively it will work out fine as it did for me.

As for you Hairpiece, I am sorry my friend but I cannot take anyone who wears a wig seriously because anyone who thinks that wearing a wig is ok has clearly lost his marbles and some of the posts that you have made on this thread demonstrate that clearly. If you want to not pull any women, then keep wearing the syrup.