I get a great deal of satisfaction in watching good-looking pricks losing their beauty and their hair and living some of my same misery. Because they deserve it.
Sometimes I wonder where I'd be if I didn't treat my hair loss. I'm still not completely sure where the initial impulse came from, though it likely was related to my displeasure at how bad I looked buzzed and sly. I had also by this point seen several examples of people who were sure they were in the know, that I initially believed due to their confidence, but could later tell had a fundamentally incorrect perception of the world in one way or another.
At the time I called a relative who's a medical doctor. I told her about my hair loss troubles and how I had considered trying finasteride. I gave a brief explanation of how the drug worked. She literally screamed out loud – "are you serious?!" – to me over the phone. Her reaction scared me and made me wary of starting treatment.
She then proceeded to tell me how the bald guys at her hospital were the coolest guys around, and how I sounded like her female friends when they complained about getting fat. I asked how she could possibly know what the effects of baldness would be for me, and her response was that she was a very smart person and had seen a lot of bald guys that did well with women.
At the time I pretended to agree with her, I don't think she ever caught wind that I went ahead anyway.
It's striking how many people that feed this kind of BS to balding guys, on- and offline. It's more or less the default thing they're told. To start treatment and assume the risks/hassle that come with it you kind of have to make an initial leap of faith: that you are correct and that all these other people, some of which may be in a position of authority, are wrong. It's not surprising to me that most men give up treatment or simply don't start at all, even when they are presented with their options. The pushback from the outside world is too strong and they don't have the will to follow their own intuition.
So to those who are doing treatments, where did your decision to start treatment/reject the blue pill viewpoint come from? Did you have any notable episodes like I had with my relative? It would be interesting to know what made people pull the trigger.
iIn spite of being unattractive and not taking great care of myself, I didn't relate that to my problems from age 5-25 as I also had personality problems. I didn't get along with people. I was less religious than the people around me. I had anger issues. I got into a lot of fights. I aid the wrong thing. I was often disparaging, plus since I had an ultra-sheltered childhood I missed a lot of hints related to both social and professional cues. From most of the first jobs I had, I was fired, fired from many jobs in the service sector serving ice cream, bagels, etc. I was almost kicked out of my graduate program too.
Why were you fired from jobs? And grad school?
That everyone has a personality. There is nothing mutually exclusive about anyones personality. Those that read; travel, involve themselves in activities and have money have everything they need to be competent for being interesting to a women. I mean how much more could you possibly contribute you to your experiences to make yourself more interesting the you actually are. Anyone with a healthy mind set who doesn't live like a recluse will have a semi-interesting life.
That everyone has a personality. There is nothing mutually exclusive about anyones personality. Those that read; travel, involve themselves in activities and have money have everything they need to be competent for being interesting to a women. I mean how much more could you possibly contribute you to your...
Preemptively disqualifying yourself for women that you cannot get.I'm sorry, but this entire post is textbook "bro bible" bullshit. You could sum up this entire post by saying, "I have no interest in the companionship of women unless it involves sex, because that is all that women really mean to me." This, despite your claim that you have no problems being friends with women; you literally just finished saying that without sex, their friendship is useless.
I'm friends with several hot women who I will never sleep with, mostly because most of them are married or in long-term relationships already. It doesn't bother me because I know that there are quite literally millions more hot women out there in the world. I also met most of them through work or other friends.
I don't mean to sound like I'm hating on you, but my observation of your rhetoric, hobbies and beliefs is that you would probably fit the "bro" stereotype quite easily. You definitely seem to share their interests of weight lifting and your primary concern, socially, is how much you "pull"; friendship with women is not possible because the only reason for men and women to be together is sex -- It's not so much redpill as it is juvenile.
The fact is, this line of thinking simply isn't true for most social interactions among adults. The majority of the time, even for single people, they are not constantly in quest for ***. When I was at college a few years ago, girls outnumbered guys 3:1; I've never been surrounded by so many hot girls in my life. Some of them I specifically was looking to get with, and often did; others, I simply started talking to and never had any intention of dating or banging them. I remain good friends with many of them. We have gone to concerts, movies, and gave the other person a lift when they broke down on the side of the highway -- I continue to benefit from platonic friendships with women even in my mid 20s.
Women (even the hot ones) are people. If there is nothing to be gained from platonic friendships with women unless you're f*****g them, then there is nothing to be gained from platonic friendships with men unless you're f*****g them too.
HiI do wonder if too many of my friends are women and if it's a problem for me. Most of my friends that are worth mentioning as friends are women. This includes women friends from school/work, and also separately, beyond.
It may be due to my being somewhat of a soft man, and may be due to my being repressed sexually. Or both.
I need a really good f*** with a woman, soon. And separately, I also need some additional , good, male friends.
@That Guy , your dislike of weightlifting comes off as an insecurity. The biggest difference between weightlifting and other activities like swimming, yoga, running, etc is that weightlifting is demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt to be extremely effective and efficient in improving health, fitness, and aesthetic.