What? Interstellar isn't a remake of 2001.
Officially no, I'm being slightly hyperbolic.
But it follows a lot of the same beats, and it has the same structure.
2001 begins with the beginning of human evolution on Earth, Interstellar begins with the end of human evolution on Earth.
2001 continues with discussions on a lunar base, Interstellar continues with discussions at NASA.
2001 then goes to space, as does Interstellar. They both have an awesome robot.
A lot of the set designs are deliberately identical.
They both go through a worm hole. Interstellar's is around Saturn, as is the case in the novelization of 2001.
[small change]
After entering the worm hole in 2001, the main character goes through a disco light show. After entering Gargantua in Interstellar, Cooper goes through the tesseract, basically a disco light show. Both disco shows are about the same theme, it's trying to imagine how awesome human evolution will be in the infinite future. It's my understanding that the tesseract in Interstellar was built in the future, by the descendants of Cooper and Brand.
Afer this in 2001, there's a scene with some old people in a beautiful room and we see the Galaxy being who is the future of evolution. In Interstellar, Cooper sees his now elderly daughter, but then he goes to pursue Brand, where they procreate, and it's implied their descendents get mastery of gravity.
So, you see, a lot of similarities.
Some changes though. The best scene in Interstellar is when Cooper sees his daughter age by 23 years on the intercom. That scene is not really from 2001, it's really Christopher Nolan talking about himself. He's worried that if he spends too much time on his passion (filmmaking), where 23 years can feel like 1 hour because time flies when you're having fun, he will miss out on hid daughter growing up. Daughters have also shown up in some of his other movies: The Prestige, Inception.