Where Does Your Rejection Of The Blue Pill Viewpoint Come From?


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It will be quite a shock for Nolan when he will realize that love cannot even transcend a NW4.

They could've landed one of the Lazarus missions on my f*****g forehead though


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Stars cannot shine without darkness

Wolf I like your sig.- a true optimist.
Haha I am less of one (maybe to a fault). Mine for example might read as follows:
Stars cannot shine without darkness,
but blindness might ensue
were you to peer at the sun for a prolonged period. :cool:


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Remember the Swiss protocol. Sun burns promotes hair growth ;) Better to go into ultra aggressive eunuch mode lol.

I enjoy thinking about your bright outlook on life in general.

As for 'Swiss' Protocul',
For a brief time it used to sit in exile beside 'Mein Kampf,'
locked in the secret enclave of my basement study.
That was only until a brighter idea guided me to the proper conclusion
that both would serve a more useful purpose as make-shift-kindling for the outdoor burn pile.:rolleyes:
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That Guy

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well that guy i agree with you but given the choice with those hot women you are friends with, wouldn't you have sex with them? i mean you said the only reason you weren't was because they were already in relationships

that feeling of wanting to have sex with them makes it different dont you think? i agree with your ideology but i'm with shook in that i can't be around girls and not think of sex.

i'm trying to get more like you though, its just so different talking to girls but i know thats my own issues. if i go to school in real life and socialize i will have to talk to women normally. got to remember they are just people too

Like I said, it doesn't bother me because (especially when I was at college) I've always had the mentality of "plenty of fish in the sea". If given the choice to no-pants dance with some of these women I'm friends with, sure, I won't lie (sexual attraction is all about looks) and say that'd I'd say "no"; however, I honestly don't think about it much at all, because I'm always after some other girl I'm not friends with anyway. I chalk a lot of this up to my experiences with pretty girls when I was younger. I used to work in the nightlife, where I met a lot of attractive waitresses, barmaids, dealers, strippers, dancers, etc. No joke, some of these girls were legit models and a lot of them wound up dating and/or hanging out with us guys. Actually, I don't remember one pool game, bar crawl, or video game marathon where several of these girls weren't invited; they eventually became just a part of the circle of friends.

When you live like that, a pretty face and nice body are just that; there will be another one just a stone's throw away. You of course want any potential mate to have these features, but in terms of friends, whether she's good looking or not becomes irrelevant; some people are attractive and some are not. If you can't keep your hormones in check and prevent them from getting in the way of healthy, platonic relationships with the opposite sex, then some self reflection is needed.


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Sexual chemistry is either instantaneous, or it will never be.
The golden question lol.
It will be quite a shock for Nolan when he will realize that love cannot even transcend a NW4.
Like I said, it doesn't bother me because (especially when I was at college) I've always had the mentality of "plenty of fish in the sea". If given the choice to no-pants dance with some of these women I'm friends with, sure, I won't lie (sexual attraction is all about looks) and say that'd I'd say "no"; however, I honestly don't think about it much at all, because I'm always after some other girl I'm not friends with anyway. I chalk a lot of this up to my experiences with pretty girls when I was younger. I used to work in the nightlife, where I met a lot of attractive waitresses, barmaids, dealers, strippers, dancers, etc. No joke, some of these girls were legit models and a lot of them wound up dating and/or hanging out with us guys. Actually, I don't remember one pool game, bar crawl, or video game marathon where several of these girls weren't invited; they eventually became just a part of the circle of friends.

When you live like that, a pretty face and nice body are just that; there will be another one just a stone's throw away. You of course want any potential mate to have these features, but in terms of friends, whether she's good looking or not becomes irrelevant; some people are attractive and some are not. If you can't keep your hormones in check and prevent them from getting in the way of healthy, platonic relationships with the opposite sex, then some self reflection is needed.
I agree with this, however I do not work in those type of environments where plenty of fish float round. None the less, if I had been I can see where you are coming from, seeing as you won't be getting laid witb every girl you work with. I mean I have had plenty of friendships with women at work, but I never bring it any further. They are simply colleagues and nothing more. I am attracted to them but can leave it at that.

Of corse you cannot fuc everything that moves. Still doesn't take away from your true instincts and intentions if the moment was right. They are simply unavailable due to circumstances which are out of your control.

Even when I worked at a restaurant as a teenager, I was always around women and eventually we hooked up. I remember this one bakery in particular I worked at. I ended up getting together with half the girls, all of which knew each other. Everyone had me on there Facebook and sh*t just happened between us. There is no denying the effects of attraction between people. I just capetalize on the opportunities then being a sissy on the sidelines

But I have met dudes who were bartenders who had flocks of women because of how easy it is to meet people. To the point where you keep your experiences in the circle but seldomely f*** each other. But then again your aesthetics dictate everything

That Guy

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Some people seem to have a lax definition of the word 'friendship'.

These hot women are most likely not your friends.

Answer me this: could you plan a small trip with one of them right now? Just the two of you? If the answer is no, your definition of friendship is too large.

Anyway, I agree with shook, there is no real friendship possible between a man and a woman. This is just a timeless truth.

I was watching a French movie from the 1930's the other day, and even in that time you have a character stating that male-female friendship is just fantasy.

Yes, have done.

Research shows that friendships between heterosexual men and women are commonplace. It's just that men have a difficult time being "just friends" and often overestimate the level of attraction their female friends have towards them; however, women tend to underestimate the level of attraction their male peers have for them.

If male-female friendships were pure fantasy, absolutely no marriage ever would last.

That Guy

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There's a huge difference between friendship and sexual attraction.

Romantic relationships only differ from platonic ones in that one involves sexual relations.

That Guy

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Anyway, to actually answer the OP question:

My rejection of the blue-pill philosophy comes from just having experienced the realities of appearances. I hate to tell stories ad nauseum, but like I've said before, when I started giving a sh*t about my appearance and trying to fit into social norms a little more, my life changed drastically; literally not one bad thing happened as a result. I never lost at a job interview, I was far more successful with women, made friends very easily, and liking how I looked in the mirror made me so much more outgoing and charismatic.

I just got tired of literally hearing people say how much looks don't matter, don't worry about baldness, etc. and in the next breath, they'd say or do something that ran completely contrary to what they just claimed to believe in.


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i'm obviously late to this topic, but i don't care. I f*****g hated that line in the movie. HATED IT. Indeed, f*** Anne Hathaway and whatever hormonal c*** of a writer cajoled that line into the script.
i was so f*****g pissed....

/end rant

I'm thinking that watching this highly anticipated film may not be such a good idea after all.


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Anyway, to actually answer the OP question:

My rejection of the blue-pill philosophy comes from just having experienced the realities of appearances. I hate to tell stories ad nauseum, but like I've said before, when I started giving a sh*t about my appearance and trying to fit into social norms a little more, my life changed drastically; literally not one bad thing happened as a result. I never lost at a job interview, I was far more successful with women, made friends very easily, and liking how I looked in the mirror made me so much more outgoing and charismatic.

I just got tired of literally hearing people say how much looks don't matter, don't worry about baldness, etc. and in the next breath, they'd say or do something that ran completely contrary to what they just claimed to believe in.
"Looks don't matter" they will tell you as they style their hair in front of the mirror.


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I'm thinking that watching this highly anticipated film may not be such a good idea after all.
I did not like Interstellar because, although it was visually beautiful, I found some lines cheesy.

I had seen McConaughey in True Detective where he had the most disenchanted role, so the contrast was too stark.


My Regimen
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"Looks don't matter" they will tell you as they style their hair in front of the mirror.
Or: while they publish a picture in their Facebook profile (except if they are one of the bald) expecting that 59 people comment on how beautiful the person in the picture is.


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I just got tired of literally hearing people say how much looks don't matter, don't worry about baldness, etc. and in the next breath, they'd say or do something that ran completely contrary to what they just claimed to believe in.

Really. Like the people who say that baldness does not matter yet they've never gone out with a bald man, and probably never would. It reminds me of this rocker chick's quote on her facebook page. It read something like "beautiful: it's not who you are on the outside, but instead who you are as a person and how you make others feel about themselves". Yet she was queen of airbrushed lingerie photos and had a whole ton of them up on her page. Never listen to the bullsh*t that people say, always watch what they do instead.


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uncomfortable man

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Zircon, I would say my rejection of the blue pill comes from whitnessing firsthand the indiscrepancies between what people say and what people do.

Were not in on the joke. We are the joke. But they love to perpetuate the humurous conspiracy by way of denial, projection and lilly white lies.


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I may be unfair, but I sometimes still question the depth of emotional
attachment my family had for me when I initially opened up to them about my own hair loss concerns.

I've always had a hard time generally divulging commentary which relates to my personal experience(s);
Incidentally many of you may not be aware that my own male pattern baldness began in my late teens and more dramatically I was until recently, the only family member exhibiting tell-tale signs of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Their responses were largely generic platitudes - pretty much flaky derivations rooted in lazy ambivalence.
Many of you relate to them in your own personal histories kindly shared here,
eg: "It's not what you look like that matters", or "Look at 'So And So', it hasn't hurt his popularity any"!

As absurd as it sounds today, maybe in their heads they believed their lame answers were good enough for me. My repeated failures to implement their dubious assuages into practice, succeeded only in making me feel lamer and more ashamed. Sometimes I think my hair raising concerns irritated
them also, however in many households we find that denial is a long standing family tradition.
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