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finfighter said:
Cassin said:
Dear world

sorry about finfighter

signed, USA

Cassin is one of the Minority of American Citizens who are against gun ownership. Why don't you guys adopt him?

finasteride? Are you an illegal immigrant?

Old Baldy

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HOLY sh*t. Firearms are a balancing factor? So you mean to say that you and some of your hillbilly friends can fight off the military with your guns should you have to? Or the Holocaust could have been avoided if the Jews only could've kept their weapons? :shakehead: Yeah, they would've fought off the 3rd reich and Gestapo with no problems with a few Ak-47s!
Guns are just plain cool? This thing invented for the sole purpose of killing people is cool? I've never owned a gun, in fact I don't know anyone who isn't a cop who owns one. You know what? Never once have I or anyone I know been in a situation where a gun was necessary. I live in New York, the Bronx...ring a bell? Is that dangerous enough for you? Yet I've never felt the need for a gun. You keep bringing up rapes, most rape victims are women who know and trust the rapists. It's not usually a situation where some stranger wearing a mask jumps out of a dark alley, where if the woman had only had a gun she could've saved herself. I said before I didn't know anyone who had a gun. I just remembered, my friend's father had one, and my friend almost shot his little sister with it when he was 6...You keep saying criminals will find guns so they should be available to everyone. Did you ever stop and think that if less people had guns, it would be less likely that criminals could get their hands on them? Just because people aren't allowed to have guns that makes them sheep? That's just plain rude and ignorant. You're the type of ignorant red neck that voted for Bush and gives all Americans a bad name. :shakehead:

Well, good for you. If you don't want to own a firearm fine, but don't tell me I can't own one. You simply don't have that right or power.

Your liberal anti-gun philosophy is going the way of the dodo bird and rightfully so. Heller (and probably McDonald) have/will forever put your ideology on firearms into the trash heap of liberal wackiness.

I choose to own firearms for self-defense and to guard against tyranny. And YOU don't have the power to forbid me to own them. The SCOTUS agrees with me, they disagree with you.

Man, you should see the Colt Python I just bought. A six shot, .357 magnum CLASSIC. Too bad your liberal, anti-gun politicians forbid you to own one in NYC. (My God, how horrible it must be to live like sheep and how sad that someone like you is HAPPY to live like one. Ridiculous!)

Lock and load baby!! :firing:

Good comeback! XD
How does your gun guard against tyranny? I realize I don't have the power to forbid you to own one...I never claimed I did. You didn't list one good reason why your view on gun control is better than mine. At least finasteride fighters tries to argue his point with logic, however flawed it may be, you just ramble. I think this gun obsession makes guys with little c**** feel like more of a man.

I'm long past the time where I argue with anti-gunners. Read Heller and you'll see where I am coming from. Read the amicus briefs in the McDonald case currently before the SCOTUS, along with Federalist Paper No. 29 relative to militias. This will give you my opinion about the most fundamental right a human being has (i.e., the right to own a firearm for self-defense purposes and to guard against tyranny).

I now relish in the fact that the law of the land, and most likely bolstered by McDonald in the near future, will relegate the outmoded, ridiculous anti-gun movement to the trash heap of history.

This is such an old subject that I just accept the fact that I have totally won and the anti-gunners have totally lost. As it should be.

It boils down to this: If you don't want to own a firearm, so be it. If I want to own firearms, I have that fundamental right and you have no power to stop me if I am a law abiding citizen.

That's the law of the land in the USA. Accept it and move on.

Btw, I have a rather large penis. (Just kidding, lighten up a little youngsters. You anti-gunners lost your legal argument. It's over. :) )

Like I said previously, "lock and load baby"!!

Old Baldy

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finfighter said:
I find all of your responses quite amusing. It's really funny actually because I can imagine all of you sitting there in front of your computer screens infuriated because I happen to own and enjoy firearms.

The best part is you guys can all call me any childish names that you want, and you can wish that Guns were illegal in the US, but at the end of the day my Countries government is on my side they support my right to own firearms and you morons will never be able to change that, so if it makes you feel better throw your childish fits and call me all the names you want, in the end all of you faggots lose, congratulations!

Name calling is what libtards always fall back on when they have lost the argument. The SCOTUS says we are right and McDonald will probably bolster that win in the near future.

We won finfighter, they lost. :)

ETA: Finfighter, I went to a full-auto shoot Saturday at the local gun range where a Class III dealer allowed us to fire full-auto rifles for $20.00 a magazine. Now that's what I'm talkin' about!!

In a couple of days I'll be going to my weekly range session with the guys and will be taking my AR-15 (always have to shoot some semi-auto 5.56 Nato) and my Henry .22 magnum lever action rifle.

(The last time I took the Henry to the range a Border Patrol Agent was there with his squad and fell in love with it. He said he was going right out to the gunshop and order one.)

One of the guys is bringing his 1883 Colt SAA revolver in 44-40 and WWII, Walther P38 his dad got when in the military. (I have to brag a little, I bought a new bolt for the old 1883 Colt revolver and hand fitted it for my friend. It brought "new life" to that old treasure and he loves shooting it.)

We won finfighter, they lost!! Land of the free and the home of the brave buddy! God it's great to have thoroughly destroyed the anti-gun argument put forth by the libtards for roughly 7 decades.

(Same old tired arguments...blah...blah....blah... :thumbdown2: )


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Old Baldy said:
Land of the free and the home of the brave buddy!

Doesn't being able to study at school or go to work without the fear of being massacred by someone with a gun (that came through legal channels) have something to do with freedom?

The idea that we citizens should be able own anything they want isn't about freedom, it's about satisfying the desires of the individual. It's just all about selfishness.

I can jump up and down and insist that it's my right to own a fistful of plutonium and you can't prove that it isn't my right to do so but you can easily argue that the safety of the general public is more important than having my immediate desires met.

One of the tenants of civilized society is supposed to be about realizing that we're all in this together- that personal trade offs might have to be made for the good of people around us.

The only alternative is to adopt an 'I've got mine so f*ck everybody else' world view. Reaganism basically :)

Old Baldy

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They'll never get it finfighter. Don't waste your time.

They are happy living like sheep and they appear to have taken the bait of their rulers hook, line and sinker. And they actually defend what their rulers tell them!? :shock:

Very, very sad IMHO. But I don't care any longer. Let them wallow in their sheepishness.

Just relish the very real possibility that McDonald will go our way and incorporate Heller against the States. We will have totally won when that, most likely, happens.

You see, if we win McDonald, (and that is very likely), people from that time on will be allowed to own firearms. Future generations will not live in areas where the rulers forbid them from owning firearms. This will be a culture changer and will relegate the anti-gun movement to the trash heap of history. Many people will look back and ask "who were these libtard anti gun wackos?" :)

Oral arguments are in early March IIRC and the decision will probably come out in June.


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I almost cried some big patriot tears after watching that video finfighter posted.

I think I need to emmigrate from my sheep enclosure here in Australia. If a lack of government combined with a heavily armed population ensures a paradise for the citizens then Somalia must be where the party is at, no?


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Typical propaganda from the anti-gun crowd. Rather than debate the facts they elect to appeal to emotions trying to invoke some kind of hysteria. Owning a gun is part of our country's heritage. I own several guns and I carry a concealed firearm every time I leave the house. But you know what? My guns must be defective by the standards of the anti-gun crowd because they have not killed anyone yet.

H.R. 17, Citizen’s Self-Defense Act of 2009, introduced by Rep. Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, states that: “Every year more than 2,400,000 people in the United States use a gun to defend themselves against criminals – or more than 6,500 people a day. This means that, each year, firearms are used 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. Of the 2,400,000 self-defense cases, more than 192,000 are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse. Of the 2,400,000 times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, 92 percent merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8 percent of the time, does a citizen kill or wound his or her attacker.â€

When Florida enacted the pioneering “shall issue†right to carry law in 1987 the media predicted wild-west type shootouts in the streets and that the “ordinary†people of the state would not be able to control themselves. Over the next five years Florida’s homicide rate fell by 23 percent.

Just so that you will know, for the average citizen to obtain a concealed carry permit, he or she must: Have no felony convictions; have never been convicted of domestic violence; have no history of mental illness; have passed a background check and have fingerprints on file with the authorities; and have passed mandatory training both in the use of a firearm and the applicable law.

Finally, a 16 year comprehensive study on concealed carry laws by University of Chicago law professor John Lott, with graduate student David Mustard, shows us even more interesting facts. Whenever concealed carry laws went into effect in a county during this 16 year period, murders fell by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, and aggravated assaults by 7%. If, in 1992, all states had enacted "shall issue" laws, murders in the United States would have decreased by 1,570. There would have been 4,177 fewer rapes and over 60,000 fewer aggravated assaults. This unequivocally supports the wisdom of our Founding Fathers who guaranteed that our right to keep and bear arms "shall not be infringed".

To quote Lott: "Our study is the first to provide direct empirical evidence of the Brady Law's effect on crime rates - and we found just the opposite (of the intended) result: The law's implementation is associated with more aggravated assaults and rapes."


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hawkeye638 said:
Owning a gun is part of our country's heritage.

so was slavery

how come you don't post data about shootings from guns that came from legal sources?


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This is just my experience with guns...

The girl I am currently seeing owns a Remington 870 in 20 gauge and a snub-nose revolver that can be chambered in .357 or .38 special. A few months back she came home to the house she lives with two other girls and heard stomping in the upstairs area of the house. She saw that the backdoor window was broken and snuck into her room where she loaded her shotgun and put her revolver in her pocket. It seemed liked perfect timing as the guy was coming down the stairs she popped out of her room with her 20 gauge aimed at him and told him to don't move unless he wanted a hole in his chest. She locked him in the large storage closet and called 911. When the police showed up they got him out of the closet and had found the man robbing her house had prior sexual assault and burglary convictions and was had a large knife as well.

Needless to say, I believe people can be responsible with guns, it just comes down to person handling them.


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aussieavodart said:
hawkeye638 said:
Owning a gun is part of our country's heritage.

so was slavery

how come you don't post data about shootings from guns that came from legal sources?

It is gun ownership that keeps slavery from happening again. Hitler, Marx, they were able to enslave their nations because of gun control.

Here is a legal gun source fact. According to the Violence Poverty Center there have been roughly 30,000 gun related homicides since 2007. Only about 100 of those are from legal concealed carry permit holders.


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hawkeye638 said:
Here is a legal gun source fact. According to the Violence Poverty Center there have been roughly 30,000 gun related homicides since 2007. Only about 100 of those are from legal concealed carry permit holders.

And thats what we're taslking about (before the NRA posse) joined in halfway through.
The original debate was not about banning guns or licensing laws (all that has been covered on here 100's of times before), it was a simple question:
Which is safer a society with (eg the U.S) or without (eg the UK) guns? and the answer is obvious.

somone uk

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the US constitution is fucked up enough to kick out bill Clinton after serving the country with absolute distinction due to some arbitrary clause, could be the worst disservice to America, though i spose he would be more than welcome to be pm over here, deffo could beat a giant douche, a turd sandwich and a man who never wins

i am pretty sure the right to bear arms needs to be sniffed at as well

The Gardener

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somone uk said:
the US constitution is f***ed up enough to kick out bill Clinton after serving the country with absolute distinction...

HUH?? Bill Clinton wasn't "kicked out". He completely finished his full Presidential term.

Old Baldy

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aussieavodart said:
I almost cried some big patriot tears after watching that video finfighter posted.

I think I need to emmigrate from my sheep enclosure here in Australia. If a lack of government combined with a heavily armed population ensures a paradise for the citizens then Somalia must be where the party is at, no?

Oh, you ain't right Aussie!! :)


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When all is said & done and I am not poking a stick at the overly patriotic easy to upset gun crowd....

I am ok with people owning guns...I would just like stiffer laws and harsher penalties for those who break them. Its simply too easy for the wrong people to get a gun.


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hawkeye638 said:
It is gun ownership that keeps slavery from happening again. Hitler, Marx, they were able to enslave their nations because of gun control.

Iraq under Saddam?

If you think your handguns are enough to stop a high tech, nuclear armed military dictatorship from taking over your country then all I can say is good luck to ya.

Didn't work out to well for team-Koresh.

Here is a legal gun source fact. According to the Violence Poverty Center there have been roughly 30,000 gun related homicides since 2007. Only about 100 of those are from legal concealed carry permit holders.

3 seconds of googling-

Illinois and Chicago maintain some stiff gun laws, but recently released federal statistics suggest a lot of guns seized last year by police in Illinois came from a source beyond the reach of those laws: Indiana.

The relationship seems intuitive, said Chicago-based Special Agent Thomas Ahern of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The states share a border, and Chicago contains no gun stores.

Ahern said it would be hard to deny the connection between what the ATF calls "source states" and weaker gun laws. Any gun that ends up pointed at a gas station clerk or tucked into a felon's pants could once be found on a store shelf, Ahern noted.

"All guns throughout the United States start out legal. Somewhere down the road, they become illegal," Ahern said.

http://nwitimes.com/news/local/article_ ... 35f69.html

Based on 2004 data from the Toronto Police Service, about half the handguns used in Toronto crimes are from the U.S., where weak gun laws mean firearms are easily obtained.
http://www.torontoobserver.ca/2008/12/1 ... e-problem/


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Bryan said:
somone uk said:
the US constitution is f***ed up enough to kick out bill Clinton after serving the country with absolute distinction...

HUH?? Bill Clinton wasn't "kicked out". He completely finished his full Presidential term.

He was impeached though.